My experience with paid traffic is always the same

39 replies
I have been in business for over 5 years now, using primarily free traffic sources (mainly YouTube).

I know that mastering paid traffic is the only way that I will ever be able to fully take control over my income. However, I can never seem to get it to work. I always just end up wasting money and then quitting.

This last attempt was my longest-running attempt yet. I let my ad run for almost 2 months this time, but still with no success.

Through the help of many people here on this forum, I have optimized my landing page. This landing page is working pretty well with my YouTube traffic, but it still isn't working for paid traffic.

I use the Clickmagick tracking tool every time I try to run paid traffic, so I know exactly what is happening.

Here's what always happens:

- I get my ad up and running
- I get a bunch of people that take me up on my freebie and get on my list
- I'll usually make 1 sale in the very more (this gives me hope)
- I keep spending money, but no more sales and a bunch of dead leads

I usually run a sale every Memorial Day weekend (this weekend), which I let my freebie list know about. I was interested to see if any of the people that took me up on my freebie would take advantage of the sale...but not one single one of them did.

This last attempt, I got about 85 people on my email list...but aside from that 1 lucky sale that I made in the beginning, none of these people purchased.

Facebook considers an opt-in to be a "conversion", but I am looking for sales... Facebook is great at getting these freebie hunters, but since it doesn't differentiate between opt-ins and sales, it isn't producing the results that I am looking for.

I'm wondering what I am doing wrong here.

Thank you!
#experience #paid #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Even though I may upset some for repeating myself again...

    I believe you should look into a referral program. Your current customers are your best ambassadors. Usually, their friends share the same interests. Who better to advertise for you than your current customers? It's such a no-brainer, and yet it's often overlooked. It seems that most businesses eventually learn that the customers they already have are where the money and real advertising potentials are.

    There are so many companies that have grown tremendously using a referral program. It's like free advertising...and people love a recommendation from a friend.

    There are a lot of different types of referral programs and my advice is to look into them.

    Obviously, the choice is yours, but in my opinion, it would be worth you looking into the idea.

    A simple google search will give you tons of info and give you loads of stories about the success of the programs. New customers are always wonderful...but new customers that were referred by friends are always the easiest to acquire.

    No, I do not own any referral software, so I'm not pushing it for my own gain...but I have used it and have worked with companies that have, and it's almost always worth the effort in so many ways
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    • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      Even though I may upset some for repeating myself again...
      Hey thanks for the reminder. I think I may just do this.

      I use Kajabi for my website, and I think that they have an affiliate program that is included with it.

      Maybe I will give that a shot.

      Others have suggested going the Clickbank route too. That seems like a huge learning curve to overcome though, so maybe I'll just start with a simple affiliate program that I offer to my customers.

      Thanks again!
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    When they get on your list, what kind of content are you sending them? Is it promotional content, or tips? How often are you mailing them? Whats the highest number of paid leads you've had on your list before you stopped mailing to them?
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    • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      What budget level are you running at? Feel free to pm me if you don't want to post it publicly.
      Hey thanks for the reply! My budget is only set to $5/day. I figured that if it's not working at that amount, then it most likely wouldn't work at a higher daily budget. I could be wrong though. I'm still not 100% sure how the FB ads algorithm works!

      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      When they get on your list, what kind of content are you sending them? Is it promotional content, or tips? How often are you mailing them? Whats the highest number of paid leads you've had on your list before you stopped mailing to them?
      Well I have never really knew the correct way to go about this. As of now I have it set such that the first 3 emails give a really high quality, free lesson video with a big "upgrade" button right underneath it. Each of these 3 emails is essentially a "landing page" which only gives the option to watch the video or click the upgrade button.

      After these initial 3 emails, then they just get sent an email once per week every Friday which is essentially another free lesson. However these are more of a "hey here's the newest blog post from me" type of vibe. These aren't quite as "salesy", but the emails still include links at the bottom that say "hey if you want to check out some more of my stuff, click these links..."

      The most people I usually get on my list from doing a paid ad run like this is around 100.

      I never really stop mailing anyone since I do the "every Friday" blog post thing. Only once they pay the one-time upgrade fee, then they get moved over to my buyers list.

      Hopefully that helps to elaborate a bit!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Great question Bkelly301. : ) Is there the option of offering more Products and/or Affiliate Offers to your List?
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
      Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

      Great question Bkelly301. : ) Is there the option of offering more Products and/or Affiliate Offers to your List?
      Sure there's always that, but really my main source of revenue is lifetime memberships to my site. That is THE THING that I represent and stand behind. Affiliate offers and stuff like that aren't really aligned with what people signed up for when they initially grabbed their freebie...

      People love my product as it's exactly what they are looking for. It's just that I seem to have trouble conveying that to paid traffic sources.

      There is something that I'm not doing right. I just need to figure out what that is!
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      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
        Thanks BKelly301. I respect that you have belief in your Membership Site ...

        However I was thinking, could you help your Prospects and Customers more by offering them related Products (etc.)? Similar to what Jason said: With that in place it could help with your PPC.

        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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        • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
          Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

          Thanks BKelly301. I respect that you have belief in your Membership Site ...

          However I was thinking, could you help your Prospects and Customers more by offering them related Products (etc.)? Similar to what Jason said: With that in place it could help with your PPC.

          Well, I definitely don't want to go with affiliate offers right from the start. That would be in direct competition with myself. However, I could always create a small course and sell if for maybe $39 or something. Then, I could offer my site membership as the upsell. That's an option too, which also has that backend potential that Jason was talking about!
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          • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
            If you haven't already Bkelly301, consider asking/surveying your List, Prospects, and Customers asking them what they're having difficulty with and if there's anything they're looking for specifically (besides your product).

            It's a simple tip ... Could make a big difference though.

            "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well i know how its feel that its paintful but how big its your list ? Maybe you need to grow it bigger to see results .Also if you rank your youtube videos and you have a good channel you will grow your list very easy and dont need to pay for traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Hmm so my impression is that $5/day is not sufficient unless you're paying pennies a click and I doubt anyone is ;-) You need a speed of learning that brings you up the curve quick, to know whether the demographic targeting is right or not. I think $5/day will be too slow.

    What you're looking for is the effectiveness of two ratios.

    First, clicks to opt-ins. This tells you how your match of traffic to landing page is doing. Obviously you want as close to 1:1 as possible. It's never going to be that, but that's the direction.

    Now the issue here is that while this ratio could look good, it does not translate into sales!!

    I emphasize this, because I have seen over the years people seem to believe opt-ins lead directly to sales. But this is not the case.

    Of course there is a generalization that the more leads you pump into the system, the more sales you're going to get out the back end. BUT!!!--

    --maybe your targeting is bringing in the freebie-seekers of the field, and not people who will ultimately become buyers.

    This is the weakness of your model not having a back end / upsell. You cannot go into the red when it comes to the cost of customer acquisition on the front end because of your one-sale model. There's no way for you to make that investment back once your traffic investment has gone over the sale price.

    The second ratio is number of opt-ins to sales made.

    Watch carefully. Is this 1:20? 1:100? What can you afford based on your sale price divided by cost per lead? (Can you see how if you had a back end offer you could afford to stick around longer with paid traffic?)

    You want this as close to 1:1 as possible as well, of course. But the key I want you to remember here is that just because your opt-in page may be performing well and you're giving freebies away, that does not translate into buyers. You must watch the quality of the list you are building, and be ready to adjust the targeting when insufficient buyers are attracted.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      Hmm so my impression is that $5/day is not sufficient unless you're paying pennies a click and I doubt anyone is ;-) You need a speed of learning that brings you up the curve quick, to know whether the demographic targeting is right or not. I think $5/day will be too slow.

      What you're looking for is the effectiveness of two ratios.

      First, clicks to opt-ins. This tells you how your match of traffic to landing page is doing. Obviously you want as close to 1:1 as possible. It's never going to be that, but that's the direction.

      Now the issue here is that while this ratio could look good, it does not translate into sales!!

      I emphasize this, because I have seen over the years people seem to believe opt-ins lead directly to sales. But this is not the case.

      Of course there is a generalization that the more leads you pump into the system, the more sales you're going to get out the back end. BUT!!!--

      --maybe your targeting is bringing in the freebie-seekers of the field, and not people who will ultimately become buyers.

      This is the weakness of your model not having a back end / upsell. You cannot go into the red when it comes to the cost of customer acquisition on the front end because of your one-sale model. There's no way for you to make that investment back once your traffic investment has gone over the sale price.

      The second ratio is number of opt-ins to sales made.

      Watch carefully. Is this 1:20? 1:100? What can you afford based on your sale price divided by cost per lead? (Can you see how if you had a back end offer you could afford to stick around longer with paid traffic?)

      You want this as close to 1:1 as possible as well, of course. But the key I want you to remember here is that just because your opt-in page may be performing well and you're giving freebies away, that does not translate into buyers. You must watch the quality of the list you are building, and be ready to adjust the targeting when insufficient buyers are attracted.
      Thanks so much for that explanation!! That makes a ton of sense.

      I guess I'm going to have to spend in order to get some real data.

      This paid traffic stuff seems so complicated, but I will get it.

      Much appreciated!!
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      • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
        Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

        Thanks so much for that explanation!! That makes a ton of sense.

        I guess I'm going to have to spend in order to get some real data.

        This paid traffic stuff seems so complicated, but I will get it.

        Much appreciated!!
        Why don't you find an expert and pay them for an hour or two of specific consulting? Tell them what you want to learn & ask them what they can teach you on those topics before you book the call... there are facebook groups (waning in importance, but still active) and discord channels (getting stronger) filled with people who know what they're doing. And some love to help. Are you in Alen Sultanic's Nothing Held Back fb group for example? You could say you're looking for a traffic expert to talk to in there and I'll bet people would help you for free.
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        • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
          Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

          Why don't you find an expert and pay them for an hour or two of specific consulting? Tell them what you want to learn & ask them what they can teach you on those topics before you book the call... there are facebook groups (waning in importance, but still active) and discord channels (getting stronger) filled with people who know what they're doing. And some love to help. Are you in Alen Sultanic's Nothing Held Back fb group for example? You could say you're looking for a traffic expert to talk to in there and I'll bet people would help you for free.
          I will definitely check that FB group out for sure (Discord still confuses the hell out of me). You are absolutely right about paying someone to teach me. I have paid people for this exact thing before, but I haven't yet been able to find "the one".

          You remember when I paid a coach $5K a few years ago. My main reason was for him to teach me about paid traffic. He was very helpful in getting me set up properly, but our time was up before we even got around to paid traffic.

          I also found someone who seemed trustworthy on Reddit. They said that they would do all of the work running ads for me on FB. This person's price was $250 for 10 ads. I figured that was a reasonable deal. However, after 10 days she sent me a bill for $475 because she had created 19 different ads. I didn't want 19 ads though...I wanted actual RESULTS!! I paid her, but needless to say we didn't continue working together.

          I'm absolutely willing to hire someone that could guarantee to get results. The problem is finding this trustworthy person. I will definitely check out that FB group though. Thank you!!
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnSpangler
    one of our fellow warriors just posted this link to why fb ads fail
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  • Profile picture of the author ZephyrIon
    It doesn't sound like paid ads is your issue. You are getting leads.

    Your problem is converting freebie finders to sales. Right?

    Where are the leads going after signing up?

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    • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
      Originally Posted by ZephyrIon View Post

      It doesn't sound like paid ads is your issue. You are getting leads.

      Your problem is converting freebie finders to sales. Right?

      Where are the leads going after signing up?
      I'm not sure where they are going. All I know is that they aren't buying!!
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

        I'm not sure where they are going. All I know is that they aren't buying!!
        Because I have been under the hood of this a bit... let me possibly shed some light on this.

        In another thread I pointed to a video of 10 levels of playing and suggested your program starts off at #5 - People WANT to learn what it is you are teaching, but I would bet 90% are not at the level needed to put your teaching to practice.

        Learning how to play a blues riff or smoke on the water vs actually having the ability to read music and play scales etc is 2 different things.

        Targeting your very specific audience I am thinking would not be the easiest thing to do - guitar player vs guitar player that can read music is not something you can target directly.

        I might suggest... and this is going to be a bit of a stretch for you i am sure... but again a suggestion would be to find an affiliate training program for "Beginners" that you could pass by your non buying "free" members. I would think that they were interested enough to click on your offer that you have built an amount of authority... that you could basically say - if my lessons are over your head, try this program, and when you are ready come back.

        Ultimately its a targeting issue - and not one I am sure is easily fixed - ads may not be the best match for you, unless you can figure out a backend offer ( and it doesn't have to be yours ) to attempt at getting something ( $$$ ) out of your traffic efforts.
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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        • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          Targeting your very specific audience I am thinking would not be the easiest thing to do - guitar player vs guitar player that can read music is not something you can target directly.
          Hey I appreciate the reply as always!

          I definitely agree with you about the challenge in targeting the correct audience.

          However what I offer is not exactly what you are thinking. My program is actually for beginner, intermediate and advanced players. It is a complete program...

          It's just that it targets those who actually wish to become guitar players as opposed to those who just want to be spoon fed pre-made licks and riffs.

          Most YouTube videos give pre-made recipes, whereas I teach people to become the chef (no previous experience required).

          Of all my competitors, there's the "beginner niche" and there's the "advanced music theory niche".

          Then there is me...I take the seemingly intimidating and "advanced" stuff and make it understandable for beginners. I teach people to be the chef, and I start from ground zero.

          Many people are looking for exactly what I am offering, even at the beginner phase of their learning journey. I know these people exist because that is the type of person that I have always been ever since I first started playing guitar 30 years ago. I always wanted to be "the chef", and now I teach others to do the same.

          So I don't think the solution is to direct people to some other "beginner program", when in fact my program is ideal for beginners. Rather the solution is to figure out how to perfect my messaging and figure out how to find those people that are interested in what I am offering. They are definitely out there.

          I'm just not exactly sure how to find these people. YouTube works for me because I make videos based on the things that I know people are searching for. How to replicate this same type of specificity on Facebook?? That is the big question...
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          • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
            Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

            Hey I appreciate the reply as always!

            I definitely agree with you about the challenge in targeting the correct audience.

            However what I offer is not exactly what you are thinking. My program is actually for beginner, intermediate and advanced players. It is a complete program...

            It's just that it targets those who actually wish to become guitar players as opposed to those who just want to be spoon fed pre-made licks and riffs.

            Most YouTube videos give pre-made recipes, whereas I teach people to become the chef (no previous experience required).

            Of all my competitors, there's the "beginner niche" and there's the "advanced music theory niche".

            Then there is me...I take the seemingly intimidating and "advanced" stuff and make it understandable for beginners. I teach people to be the chef, and I start from ground zero.

            Many people are looking for exactly what I am offering, even at the beginner phase of their learning journey. I know these people exist because that is the type of person that I have always been ever since I first started playing guitar 30 years ago. I always wanted to be "the chef", and now I teach others to do the same.

            So I don't think the solution is to direct people to some other "beginner program", when in fact my program is ideal for beginners. Rather the solution is to figure out how to perfect my messaging and figure out how to find those people that are interested in what I am offering. They are definitely out there.

            I'm just not exactly sure how to find these people. YouTube works for me because I make videos based on the things that I know people are searching for. How to replicate this same type of specificity on Facebook?? That is the big question...

            ** you are not your customer **

            Why not find another beginner program, afflilate with it, send test traffic after a warm up email or two and after the first time they've seen your offer (remember, the first time they saw it they might have been standing in a grocery store checkout line, bored for 55 seconds and then having to get back to buying the groceries--turning their phone off and forgetting about your page)...

            ...and see what happens?

            You may find your audience has a very different perception of your program than you do.

            We know everything about our businesses and our offers. Our customers even the ones who buy know very little. Your offer may have four main features, but the customer only bought because of one. A different one every time, and you don't know which. So why not test it and see how the prospects behave? You can always put things back to the way they were--in minutes.

            On another note, how many times are you sending them to your sales page via your email sequence now?
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            • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
              Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

              On another note, how many times are you sending them to your sales page via your email sequence now?
              I hear what you are saying. I just never felt right about sending people over to another guitar site when my site has exactly what they need. I could always do a test though, you are absolutely right about that!!

              How many times am I sending them to my sales page?

              Well, that's the part that I'm not sure about...

              When people sign up for the freebie list they get sent an email every 3 days. The first 3 emails are essentially a link to a landing page that has a free video plus a button that sends them to the sales page.

              All subsequent emails are more free lesson videos, but they are sent as "blog post updates" instead which are not quite as salesy. At the bottom of these emails I display my "store" which has links to the site membership, my book and an affiliate piano course that I promote. However, these emails are more of just a reminder to my list that I exist, with a subtle "...and if you're interested, here is what I offer".

              That's basically how I do things as far as my list goes...
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              • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

                I hear what you are saying. I just never felt right about sending people over to another guitar site when my site has exactly what they need. I could always do a test though, you are absolutely right about that!!
                Hi Bkelly301. Your site may "Have exactly what they need" ... (And that's great) However it's likely that you won't be providing everything that your Market/People are interested in.

                Well that's my 2C.
                "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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                • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
                  Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

                  Hi Bkelly301. Your site may "Have exactly what they need" ... (And that's great) However it's likely that you won't be providing everything that your Market/People are interested in.

                  Well that's my 2C.
                  You are 100% right (as well as the others suggesting the same thing).

                  I'll shop around for an affiliate offer. That may be just what I need!

                  Thank you
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                  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                    Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

                    You are 100% right (as well as the others suggesting the same thing).

                    I'll shop around for an affiliate offer. That may be just what I need!
                    Truthfully, maybe it wouldn't work for your Business. However it's something I would consider to test.
                    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

            However what I offer is not exactly what you are thinking. My program is actually for beginner, intermediate and advanced players. It is a complete program...
            As much as I can attest to ( my son follows your videos ) and agree with what you are saying... I can very much so disagree at the same time.

            your IDEAL client can read music - how many people picking up the guitar are learning the 3rd finger 5th string method to playing smoke on the water or blues and dont have a clue what the actual notes are?

            My son at sone point thought he wanted to learn guitar and we went to 2 or 3 "teachers" for lessons. He CAN read music... and yet he was being taught basic finger placement to quick learn a piece of a song or a riff - I would say more so for results than actual learning - he wasnt into it, and either was I. One of his teachers couldnt even read music himself ( let that sink in for a moment )

            So you MAY indeed have a program for beginners.. BUT not a program for beginners that dont have the ability to read music.

            I would suggest your best match alternative course to push as an affiliate would be one that focus' on the exact fundamentals that would be needed to make your course an option - might actually be hard to find
            Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author syntechsupport
    I think you can focus on what's working currently, for your case its youtube.

    ABout the fb ads traffic, if you know what you'r doing, I thnk it'll definitely convert.
    Running paid ad itself is a skill, not everybody can do it properly.

    It also should have its own funnel, different funnel than youtube traffic.

    Also let's not forget about the email marketing part, which should be the standard to do it.

    fb traffic should convert good, if you konw what you're doing. running fb ads is not a simple task, you should have layers of campaign, including fb pixel, etc.

    just the way you put about 'conversion, looking for sales', I think you need to learn a lot more about fb ads before you run it again.
    Or simply hire someone to do it for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    One month ago:

    I posted:

    I've never understood why you can't offer related products - products in the music industry that YOU recommend. Why wouldn't that potentially work as a 'back end'? .
    And you answered:

    To be honest, I haven't really even thought about that. I've always been so fixated on making new sales on my main product, that doing some affiliate marketing never really occurred to me.

    Thanks for the suggestion/reminder!

    Another suggestion was that you review/recommend instruments - perhaps the best buy in various $$$ categories.

    My suggestion: read through your previous threads and make a list of 'things to try or consider' based on various suggestions you've received...chose a couple things from the resulting list and start doing them.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      My suggestion: read through your previous threads and make a list of 'things to try or consider' based on various suggestions you've received...chose a couple things from the resulting list and start doing them.
      I actually did implement that advice immediately. Since your suggestion, I have now been more actively promoting an affiliate piano course that pertains to what I do. It has been a nice addition. Thank you.

      The new suggestion in this thread is to promote an affiliate guitar course that is more heavily geared towards beginners. That is something I have not yet considered.

      However all affiliate suggestions aside, that will always come secondary to my primary goal which is to sell MY product. I put a ton of work into building an amazing product, and I am trying to figure out why paid traffic is not working for me. I do believe that what I am looking to achieve is possible. That is what I am still trying to figure out, hence the point of this thread!
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      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
        Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

        I actually did implement that advice immediately. Since your suggestion, I have now been more actively promoting an affiliate piano course that pertains to what I do. It has been a nice addition. Thank you.!
        Good for you for taking action on good advice, Bkelly301 ... However I'm kind of "confused" .. At one point you expressed that you didn't want to promote other/affiliate Products, yet you're now saying that you do??
        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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        • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
          Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

          Good for you for taking action on good advice, Bkelly301 ... However I'm kind of "confused" .. At one point you expressed that you didn't want to promote other/affiliate Products, yet you're now saying that you do??
          I don't have anything against promoting affiliate products, so long as it aligns with my business.

          I teach guitar, with an emphasis on music theory. Sometimes I use a piano to help elaborate on different concepts...for people that want to get up and running quickly on piano I have a course that I refer them to. An affiliate offer makes sense here.

          That's much different than directing people over to another guitar course, when my primary goal is to sell my own guitar content!
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          • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
            Wow ... Sounds like an amazing project: I wish you all the best with it.
            : )

            Are you certain you can't help your People even more by providing Affiliate Products? (I know I mentioned that before ... However it could be helpful.)
            "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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            • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
              Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

              Are you certain you can't help your People even more by providing Affiliate Products? (I know I mentioned that before ... However it could be helpful.)
              I'm definitely open to the idea. I honestly haven't even considered selling other guitar course related products until this I'm only about 2 days into thinking about this!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Why can't you produce your own beginners course as a second product? Is that possible?

    Get new people started with guitar - promote the instruments as well as accessories at the same time (email list perhaps?)....

    Then they could eventually graduate from the beginner course and buy your other course? Is that a possibility?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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    • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Then they could eventually graduate from the beginner course and buy your other course? Is that a possibility?

      I need to first direct them towards a smaller product, at a lower price point such as $39 or something. Then I can upsell the full membership.

      Thank you!
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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Originally Posted by Bkelly301 View Post

        I need to first direct them towards a smaller product, at a lower price point such as $39 or something. Then I can upsell the full membership.
        Instead of calling it a beginner course, why not create a "primer" product in which you talk about the principles of guitar theory and include a few of your more basic lessons - or maybe record some special ones.

        Tell your story and get them on your wavelength. Bond with those who might feel like you do, then lead naturally into talking about your flagship course. But position this primer for anyone with a genuine interest in or love of the guitar - not as just another beginner course.

        And I'd be inclined to give this away for a sign-up to a newsletter where you can talk about guitars, favorite tunes and artists and drop in the occasional affiliate recommendation. My bet is you'd end up with a stronger list of primed prospects.

        But in any event, wouldn't it be a fun project?

        Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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        • Profile picture of the author Bkelly301
          Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

          And I'd be inclined to give this away for a sign-up to a newsletter where you can talk about guitars, favorite tunes and artists and drop in the occasional affiliate recommendation. My bet is you'd end up with a stronger list of primed prospects.

          But in any event, wouldn't it be a fun project?
          This is a GREAT idea!! Thank you for this!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mabu Map
    Hey bro

    Change the paid traffic source
    You need to know the big picture first, then go into the details

    I meant, you should try some different paid traffic source, test
    See which one of suit you, easier to get sales

    then master it. FB is quite expensive and if you are not carefull
    You will only build a list of freebie seakers

    And FB will keep looking the exact the same type of those people for you
    Any way, no matter where you go, nothing good come easy

    Hope this help
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  • Profile picture of the author ManiPr
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