lead magnet pdf rebrander

3 replies
you have any wp plugin pdf rebrander recommendation?
I bought wp affiliate surge few years ago n not working now.
GOogled it, but didn't find something similar.
Maybe you guys have used something & have experience it?
#lead #magnet #pdf #rebrander
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    There is software available that is not too expensive that will convert .pdf to a word document which you can then edit and export as a .pdf. just google "pdf to word converter" This can be done with Microsoft word or open office and probably other free word document processors.


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    I think this is one of the biggest problems online. There used to be a free pdf rebrander online but it stopped working well and now gone. There are some that are monthly or yearly payments and usually you cannot find anything lower cost then about 47.00.

    The problem is its real easy to buy something thats not working.

    There is a huge difference between making a pdf and making a rebrandable pdf i suggest google it. I'm sure you all have seen this one you use it online and the person rebrands right on your site thats my recommendation I think.easyviralpdfbrander
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  • Profile picture of the author dh5114
    If you want proper ebook rebrander then forget free. And forget some self-hosted PHP scripts too...


    Because none of the scripts I've seen so far can actually "rebrand" a PDF, no matter what they say on sales page... What they, in most parts, do is try searching for text inside PDF and replacing it with something else. All fine and dandy, until you hit a brick wall of encrypted and non-standard PDFs. Then some scripts try to mimick the rebranding by replacing text with an image and linking it directly inside PDF code, which while sometimes actually works, will in most cases result in poor looking PDFs and broken links...

    ... which brings me to the biggest issue - looking like a fool in front of your affiliates and/or JV partners explaining why the links in their branded PDF copies don't work and WHY they're losing their commissions...

    How do I know all this? Because I'm running a rebrander myself, since 2009. And judging by everything I had to do to make ebooks properly rebrandable across 1000's of rebrandings so they all compile to proper PDF copies (an checking each link actually works), I can safely say no self-hosted PHP script comes even close!

    And no, I'm not trying to sell you on my rebrander. It's just I've been through all this years ago and had my share of "why I'm loosing my commissions?" questions asked over and over again. And while there are php libs for PDF manipulation, they on the most part expect properly and standard-formatted PDF code - which is a long shot if I put it mildly...

    Coding RebranderPro - the viral PDF rebrander since 2009!

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