Wanna register for a free marketing course?

TikTok is launching a new initiative that will help small businesses learn tips and tricks on maximising their success on the platform.
The free programme is called 'Follow Me', and will include a range of expert tips and insights to help refine and improve your TikTok marketing approach. This will be a six-week, email-based series, and will provide an overview of best practice notes, including how to setup a free Business Account, use TikTok's Creative Centre for content inspiration, and explainers on TikTok's Ads Manager.
TikTok also explains:
"The 6-week program will run from July 11th to August 19th, and provide SMBs with resources on how to get started on TikTok and take their small business to the next level. Follow Me will serve as a guide for SMBs looking to share their stories, build their community on TikTok, and achieve their business goals." |

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