Paying Bee? - has anyone here heard of it?

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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    Hi Joel,

    no i haven't heard of this before, but i took the time to do some research for you, because i've been in this internet marketing industry for many years and bought a lot of junk. fortunately i know better nowadays what is useful and what is not.

    paying bee is in my opinion just another shiny object. the first big red flag is the sales page and the incessant lies in it. it is full of hype, exaggerations and probably 99% fake income screenshots.

    Here is what this software really does, hype aside: it corrects errors in a text document.

    That's about the same thing your spell checker can do in a normal word document.

    other than that, it looks like you get some tutorials on how to find customers.

    my conclusion is, if it seems to be your inner determination to be a "proof reader", but you have no idea how to get started with it, then it might be ok to spend about $15 for it, as they might give you one or two useful tips in one of their tutorials.

    but if you have nothing to do with proof reading and just like the idea of not working and getting $30 for every document you read - as the headline suggests - then my urgent recommendation is: stay away from it! and far away from it.

    Because what they don't tell you is that - surprise, surprise - becoming a professional proof reader means work. Even if you create a new freelance profile as a seller to sell this service, you need several months or with a bit of bad luck even years until you get the first customers. I know what I'm talking about I also sell services on fiverr and that took a long time until I really had many customers.

    and even if you want to find potential blog owners or other people who need a proof reader, that's work and probably takes quite a long time until you can show meaningful success.

    they are doing nothing but playing with people's innermost need to not have to work online for money. so please don't fall for it as often as i did in the past haha.

    long story short, your doubting feelings about this matter were there for a reason and you should listen to them.
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    • Profile picture of the author Joel Young
      Originally Posted by TobiMDD View Post

      Hi Joel,

      ...i've been in this internet marketing industry for many years and bought a lot of junk. fortunately i know better nowadays what is useful and what is not.
      Same here. I've been away for quite a few years, though. Seems nothing has really changed, lol.

      Originally Posted by TobiMDD View Post

      ... if it seems to be your inner determination to be a "proof reader", but you have no idea how to get started with it, then it might be ok to spend about $15 for it, as they might give you one or two useful tips in one of their tutorials.
      I've always felt that I could make money proofreading, but never looked into it very deeply.
      Paying Bee looks like a good way to get into it. but as you pointed out, not so much in the long run.

      Originally Posted by TobiMDD View Post

      ...the first big red flag is the sales page and the incessant lies in it. it is full of hype, exaggerations and probably 99% fake income screenshots.
      Yup, my thoughts exactly. I learned long ago that most sales pages are not to be trusted, especially when they're full of income claims and such.

      Originally Posted by TobiMDD View Post

      but if you ... just like the idea of not working and getting $30 for every document you read...
      Oh I love that idea! LOL ... but like the old saying goes: if it sounds too good to be true....

      Originally Posted by TobiMDD View Post please don't fall for it as often as i did in the past haha.

      long story short, your doubting feelings about this matter were there for a reason and you should listen to them.
      Exactly. I stopped doing any marketing years ago because I ran out of funds due to S.O.S. There were a couple things that started working, until they didn't. But I'm actually looking at doing this again, but with eyes wide open.

      Thanks so much for the response, and the effort you put into researching this for me (and for others).

      See ya 'round!
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      • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
        Originally Posted by Joel Young View Post

        Same here. I've been away for quite a few years, though. Seems nothing has really changed, lol.

        I've always felt that I could make money proofreading, but never looked into it very deeply.
        Paying Bee looks like a good way to get into it. but as you pointed out, not so much in the long run.

        Yup, my thoughts exactly. I learned long ago that most sales pages are not to be trusted, especially when they're full of income claims and such.

        Oh I love that idea! LOL ... but like the old saying goes: if it sounds too good to be true....

        Exactly. I stopped doing any marketing years ago because I ran out of funds due to S.O.S. There were a couple things that started working, until they didn't. But I'm actually looking at doing this again, but with eyes wide open.

        Thanks so much for the response, and the effort you put into researching this for me (and for others).

        See ya 'round!

        you're welcome, and I'm glad if I could help a little.

        and yes that's the slightly evil trick that marketers just know exactly what people want to hear online and mercilessly stab into those inner dreams and desires so to speak....

        but once you have lost a few thousand dollars like my humble self and like you may have experienced, you become a bit more cautious and smarter with time...

        I wish you on your internet marketing new beginning in any case a lot of success, and do not be discouraged by the hype pages. If you look carefully and do not let yourself be blinded so quickly, you can also find really good products, as long as you know that you have to bring a certain discipline and work ethic for online success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Never heard of them before .Can you check the site and find the address ?

    Ask a few other payment systems like apple Pay or pay pal .

    You might also want to ask a few local businesses and friends .
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