Is Ubot Studio still a thing?

6 replies
Is Ubot Studio still a thing?
I have Win-Automation, but it doesn't work w my new computer. And I wasn't sure what was out there was better?
#studio #thing #ubot
  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    For WinAutomation, try older versions of the other software it needs to run . . .

    I bought WinAutomation in about 2010, and that version works perfectly with my current Windows 10, but only after I found which old version of something else it needs (I forget the name of it, but it will ask you to install it as you install WinAutomation).

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    • Profile picture of the author MizzCindy
      Hi Chris,

      I'm trying to install my copy of WinAutomation (v3.1.6.676) on my Windows 10 machine as well. It's not prompting me to install any other programs, but it does say I have an unhandled exception (jit debugging in

      Does that sound at all like what you encountered?

      Thanks for any help/info you can remember.

      Originally Posted by Chris- View Post

      For WinAutomation, try older versions of the other software it needs to run . . .

      I bought WinAutomation in about 2010, and that version works perfectly with my current Windows 10, but only after I found which old version of something else it needs (I forget the name of it, but it will ask you to install it as you install WinAutomation).

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  • Profile picture of the author ChristopherAndreas
    Yes use java and ubot works and can perform most mundane tasks you assign F/UF. You will see best results with your own coding.
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    • Profile picture of the author MizzCindy
      I'll check out your suggestions. I was able to get WA working so we'll see how it goes. Apparently that jitDebugging exception is pretty common for a lot of apps. Sometimes it breaks them and sometimes not. We'll see. ;-)

      Thanks for taking the time to reply.

      Originally Posted by ChristopherAndreas View Post

      Yes use java and ubot works and can perform most mundane tasks you assign F/UF. You will see best results with your own coding.
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  • Profile picture of the author MizzCindy
    Hey Matt,

    Sorry I hijacked your thread a bit. Hope you find a good solution. If you do, I'd love to hear how it goes.
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  • Profile picture of the author emmawaston79
    UBot Studio is a tool for automating web browsers. It lets users make scripts that do things like data mining, web testing, and social media marketing. I've been using this software for two years. It's the best and easiest, so I think you should use it.
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