Another content/context tips article - but what's your best advice?

I don't disagree that adding context is a great way to improve how effective content is, I'm just more interested in how you tackle this yourself. I mean, the whole thing is about context, right? Surely that means what's most effective differs vastly given, well, the specific context concerned.
Over 200 million businesses are using Instagram and Facebook to connect with their customers - and that's a whole lot of different niches, industries, and products, with a plethora of visitor interests, concerns, and desires.
To get noticed, you've got to maximize how engaging your content is - and it almost goes without saying that maximizing context is going to play a huge, huge part in that.
But, despite all the tips articles and advice in the world, getting this right is massively connected to your audience and product.
So, assuming you even think that's the bottom line, what's YOUR audience? And how do you make content as relevant and interesting for that audience as possible?
Do you rely on your own passion for your product or service, analyze content performance, borrow ideas from successful social media posts?
Is it a combination of all that? Or, do you do something entirely different?
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.