Another content/context tips article - but what's your best advice?

by Administrator
14 replies
A new article on Search Engine Journal says that social media has changed the way people interact online. We've often been asked how to add more context to our social media content - but, with such a broad range of user interests, products, services, and businesses out there, what are your own tips for accomplishing that?

I don't disagree that adding context is a great way to improve how effective content is, I'm just more interested in how you tackle this yourself. I mean, the whole thing is about context, right? Surely that means what's most effective differs vastly given, well, the specific context concerned.

Over 200 million businesses are using Instagram and Facebook to connect with their customers - and that's a whole lot of different niches, industries, and products, with a plethora of visitor interests, concerns, and desires.

To get noticed, you've got to maximize how engaging your content is - and it almost goes without saying that maximizing context is going to play a huge, huge part in that.

But, despite all the tips articles and advice in the world, getting this right is massively connected to your audience and product.

So, assuming you even think that's the bottom line, what's YOUR audience? And how do you make content as relevant and interesting for that audience as possible?

Do you rely on your own passion for your product or service, analyze content performance, borrow ideas from successful social media posts?

Is it a combination of all that? Or, do you do something entirely different?
#– #advice #article #content or context #tips
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    I believe that content without CONTEXT is a waste of time. Its the context that separates your content from everyone else's.

    Something that I share here is to document your journey... THAT is context... anyone can write a course about lets say how to make money online... but MOST do not have the context of being on that path and through content sharing that journey for everyone to see.

    I have not said it as of late, but I have said many times before if content is king, then context makes that king his female dog
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author Artkantos
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      I believe that content without CONTEXT is a waste of time. Its the context that separates your content from everyone else's.

      Something that I share here is to document your journey... THAT is context... anyone can write a course about lets say how to make money online... but MOST do not have the context of being on that path and through content sharing that journey for everyone to see.

      I have not said it as of late, but I have said many times before if content is king, then context makes that king his female dog
      Useful advice and not cliche like: "content is king" yeah okay, but what that it means? Because the best content in the world will fall on deaf ears if the context is not right.

      In my first business with basic marketing skills and content but the perfect context, I made a killing...In my second business with better marketing skills and content but not so good context, I made...just okay. Crazy, but most people focus on: How do I create better content? How do I improve my marketing skills? ...It's the hard way, exhausting
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      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        I hate the phrase 'content is king.'

        Because content is never in a void, as Savidge pointed out.

        The simplest thing to say against that is: great content that no one sees is king of what?

        But it's more complex.

        I give this example a lot:
        It's Saturday, 11 pm. Your kitchen sink starts leaking like crazy. You put a pot under, you google 'plumber.'

        You come across a website that says:
        24 Hour Plumber in Your City. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx. We'll be there in 30 minutes.

        Nothing else on the page.

        That, given the context, is amazing content, no? Better than the best 3000-word article on plumbing, sprinkled with great images, broken in short paragraphs, perfect grammar.

        I get offers from marketers to provide me content. They always send me articles (except when they are a video-explainer only company).

        The articles always follow the same kind of format... long articles.

        There are people who read - in certain circumstances, so having such an article is good.

        There are people who always skim (nobody's offered me yet an article that's set up for skimmers).

        But even people who read entire articles, sometimes, want something else.

        So, you give them lists, or surveys, or a photo-article (a series of photos with a paragraph below... or a headline (think skimmers) on the photo.

        And you give them a video or two.

        Or an article that is a first-person account of you seeing someone solve a problem or, better yet, you having a problem and, maybe, solving it.

        And you give them an article that's got words and images and a video in it.

        When I'm looking to buy blue shoes made out of pink potatoes, the image of such a pair of shoes, the price, and an add to cart button is great content.

        If I'm looking to buy a course on how to make AdWords work, an image of a book on AdWords, the price, and add to cart buttons don't do it.

        Originally Posted by Artkantos View Post

        Useful advice and not cliche like: "content is king" yeah okay, but what that it means? Because the best content in the world will fall on deaf ears if the context is not right.

        In my first business with basic marketing skills and content but the perfect context, I made a killing...In my second business with better marketing skills and content but not so good context, I made...just okay. Crazy, but most people focus on: How do I create better content? How do I improve my marketing skills? ...It's the hard way, exhausting
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    • Profile picture of the author socialentry
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      I believe that content without CONTEXT is a waste of time. Its the context that separates your content from everyone else's.

      Something that I share here is to document your journey... THAT is context... anyone can write a course about lets say how to make money online... but MOST do not have the context of being on that path and through content sharing that journey for everyone to see.

      I have not said it as of late, but I have said many times before if content is king, then context makes that king his female dog

      Is context the same as narrative in this case?
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  • Profile picture of the author petervirdee
    This is exactly interesting. thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author digiupdates
    This article is very nice.
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  • Profile picture of the author milaa
    Very informative and updated one. worth reading the whole artice. useful for the content writer doing seo.
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    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      So what's your best advice lol

      Originally Posted by milaa View Post

      Very informative and updated one. worth reading the whole artice. useful for the content writer doing seo.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11727754].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        You have to move the words around and delete fillers, but it's there:

        Update your content with very informative and useful worth reading whole artice that content writer seo's.

        See? It's all there!

        Only problem is they did not specify where you get wroth reading whole artices from, or what artices are. Clearly, they can't be articles because we all know content can be more than just that.

        "Very informative and updated one. worth reading the whole artice. useful for the content writer doing seo."

        PS Some days, I just slay myself and, if I ain't slain, you are wrong.

        Originally Posted by WF- Enzo View Post

        So what's your best advice lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Adding personal experiences in your social media content is a great way to add context. Videos of yourself, personal stories, testimonials, and images of you are all ways to adding context to your content. Without such things, your content can be categorized as being non-unique.
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  • De-schwango outta the theery
    & hit em' with Wanna Wanna Unblurry --
    plus also, cutesy animyools furry.

    I cannot zackly say this is what muh granma told me at muh Mothah's knee.

    How it goes, I guess, bein' Royalty.

    note to self: is context mebbe the dream kinda diyet surfboard upon which FFS Magnitoot can spurt till'n it pukes?

    self to note: Hey! I am sleepin' Get the frick outta here!

    to to to: yeah, like I a whistle soundah kinda thing.

    to to to: we gaht a toon gowin'?

    to to to: prolly we do ...

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author noors32
    It seems a nice content,informated and updated.
    keep it up
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  • Profile picture of the author amberhuffman
    When it comes to content, quality is key. Make sure you're providing valuable information that your audience will find helpful. Think about the topics you're addressing, and make sure you're taking the time to do your research.

    When it comes to context, make sure you're targeting your audience correctly. Know their demographics, and craft your messaging accordingly. Always test different approaches to see what works best. And always be prepared to adjust your strategy as needed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Konyagi
    Context is the reason why you only need to work with writers who are experts in their specific fields. Generic, context-less content doesn't cut it no matter how well written it is.
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