It seems INFLATION is becoming a hot topic, is it?

16 replies
I have a very simplistic view of inflation.

Make more money.

Help those you care about to make more money.

Today, Google Trends shows that HOME BUSINESS, along with side hustles, and Internet Marketing are flying high on the search trend-o-meter.

Maybe you have a more sophisticated viewpoint on inflation, this might be a thread to share it in.

Just remember, you, and I and the many, many other Warriors are AT the Warrior Forum, where the whole point of it is to discuss INTERNET MARKETING and making money with your online activities.

I prefer information over any product with weight to it, but many Warriors are doing well with eBay, and eCom where a real product gets sent out.

Inflation doesn't impact costs of creating and selling information, in fact, it is a good time to be selling information on how to beat inflation.

INFLATION. Is it eating your lunch, or not?

#hot #inflation #topic
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    I am going to disagree with you as to inflation does not impact the cost of creating and selling info. It's a bit more nuanced. It does not have a big impact. Your electric bill, your internet bill, all such things go up, so , since you use them when you create and sell your info product, they do have an impact.

    It's such a small impact as to seem like I'm splitting hairs. The way my mind works, it's not. I am aware that for others it does seem so.

    The reason I bring it up at the risk of it being seen as splitting hairs? I can connect it with something from my past that might help people.

    I was in the appraising business when the 2008 mortgage melt-down hit. I saw it coming way ahead of others:

    It used to be that in a given neighborhood you had 90 sales in the previous 3 months and 40 houses for sale. Then, you had 90 sales in the previous 3 months and 50 houses for sale. You passed 80 sold and 40 for sale, 75 sold and 60 for sale, and so on till you got to 30 sold and 72 for sale. Or something like that.

    And I told my clients what I was seeing. Most ignored me. A few did not and either did not start a new project or, if they had one started, they adapted.

    But the darn thing affected people other then my clients. A lot of builders lost a lot. A lot of owners lost a lot. They dropped the price in order to sell fast.

    Some did not. Though they still made less then they had expected. These people started to throw in things that did not cost them a lot... like, they were adding more granite (as in, now the vanities had granite tops). Yes, they parted with more granite, but, quite often, they had enough left over that it cost them little or nothing to do so.

    Smart people are going to do the same, even in the IM world. Whether they're selling on Etsy or Ebay or are affiliates or whatever.

    Prices going up by themselves are going to pose a problem. But if you're increasing your prices while seeming to increase the value of something (by adding something that costs you nothing or next to nothing), you're not going to have that problem.

    You may still have the problem that, with fewer people buying... because some people, even if they can still afford, might not buy out of fear that things can worsen, but inflation might not eat (as much) of your profit.

    The hard part is coming up with something that complements or adds something to the purchase. Some things, I'm sure, have nothing that can help. I think most do.

    For IM, sometimes it's adding an information product to the physical product. Or making people feel extra special, by, say, allowing them to be part of a select club (of buyers of similar stuff).

    Of course, that's just me thinking and I've been known to be wrong.

    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

    I have a very simplistic view of inflation.

    Make more money.

    Help those you care about to make more money.

    Today, Google Trends shows that HOME BUSINESS, along with side hustles, and Internet Marketing are flying high on the search trend-o-meter.

    Maybe you have a more sophisticated viewpoint on inflation, this might be a thread to share it in.

    Just remember, you, and I and the many, many other Warriors are AT the Warrior Forum, where the whole point of it is to discuss INTERNET MARKETING and making money with your online activities.

    I prefer information over any product with weight to it, but many Warriors are doing well with eBay, and eCom where a real product gets sent out.

    Inflation doesn't impact costs of creating and selling information, in fact, it is a good time to be selling information on how to beat inflation.

    INFLATION. Is it eating your lunch, or not?

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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      DABK, you are not splitting hairs, in fact, you are more accurate than I am.

      My take, a SIMPLISTIC one, sans nuance, is that more money overcomes all the costs that inflation may add to your work area, or products, what have you.

      I am not discounting the effect inflation has on so many people, for millions it is life altering.

      savidge4 gave a great answer in another thread, he increases prices, without a drop off of demand for what he offers (I assume no drop off in sales).

      And inflation floats all of our boats to a higher level. Here are a couple of ideas of how we can further examine this trend.

      Make OFFERS (products, services) to those who can afford them.

      Now there is a Facebook group with a promotion hosted at Google Docs (no website) and the two offers are for a $20,000.00 personal coaching deal (and prices to go up to 40 next year, but not due to inflation) and a monthly group coaching deal for 500 dollars a month.

      How many Warriors do you think he gets in his group? I'd bet none, not his TARGET market. There were more than a few little boys yelling Wolf Wolf, before 2008 about the housing markets, the bubbles and the derivatives...there were signs and singers of the truth of what was about to happen. And it was devastating as some of those people you knew did business with found out.

      In 1974, inflation was such a problem, congress of US and President tried to get it under control, and it also effected many industries...about the same year Joe Karbo and scores of other information marketers were making huge amounts of money with their little books, like THE LAZY MAN'S WAY TO RICHES.

      As I have harped on for years, and most recently here at WF, often success is determined by the choices made when one goes into a certain business. There are still parts of the supply chain in shortage of the largest convenience store chains, Circle K, is putting up an unprecedented number of their stores for sale...because inflation is killing them. I wouldn't be surprised if many of the big chain convenience stores closed their doors.

      Sure, eCom can be a great business model, so can eBay, or Amazon affiliate...and maybe the prices can go up, shipping, supplies, utilities, etc. and there will still be buyers.
      We will see inflation wipe out some of those third party dependent types. You can't do ebay without USPS. UPS, Fed-Ex, or some way to have your product delivered and as their costs go up, many ebayers will have to raise prices, and for their CATEGORY, margins may shrink to a going out of business low.

      If inflation makes anyone analyze their business model, and they feel that it might be a good time to switch horses, they want to make sure they don't jump out of the fry pan into the fire, right?

      So, one discussion regarding inflation can be about the business models we choose, the markets and niches least and most effected, and alternatives or additional income streams to ride out the storm.

      Simple idea, make more money, and I feel it overcomes a lot of what inflation brings with it.

      One interesting thing, and I'll have to find my research... more huge companies, more millionaires are born out of hard times; recessions, depressions, inflation as opposed to things being good times. People thrive on friction and resourcefulness gets discovered in not so good times. So, I say, let the not so good times roll. I'm gonna rock.


      Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      I am going to disagree with you as to inflation does not impact the cost of creating and selling info. It's a bit more nuanced. It does not have a big impact. Your electric bill, your internet bill, all such things go up, so , since you use them when you create and sell your info product, they do have an impact.

      It's such a small impact as to seem like I'm splitting hairs. The way my mind works, it's not. I am aware that for others it does seem so.

      The reason I bring it up at the risk of it being seen as splitting hairs? I can connect it with something from my past that might help people.

      I was in the appraising business when the 2008 mortgage melt-down hit. I saw it coming way ahead of others:

      It used to be that in a given neighborhood you had 90 sales in the previous 3 months and 40 houses for sale. Then, you had 90 sales in the previous 3 months and 50 houses for sale. You passed 80 sold and 40 for sale, 75 sold and 60 for sale, and so on till you got to 30 sold and 72 for sale. Or something like that.

      And I told my clients what I was seeing. Most ignored me. A few did not and either did not start a new project or, if they had one started, they adapted.

      But the darn thing affected people other then my clients. A lot of builders lost a lot. A lot of owners lost a lot. They dropped the price in order to sell fast.

      Some did not. Though they still made less then they had expected. These people started to throw in things that did not cost them a lot... like, they were adding more granite (as in, now the vanities had granite tops). Yes, they parted with more granite, but, quite often, they had enough left over that it cost them little or nothing to do so.

      Smart people are going to do the same, even in the IM world. Whether they're selling on Etsy or Ebay or are affiliates or whatever.

      Prices going up by themselves are going to pose a problem. But if you're increasing your prices while seeming to increase the value of something (by adding something that costs you nothing or next to nothing), you're not going to have that problem.

      You may still have the problem that, with fewer people buying... because some people, even if they can still afford, might not buy out of fear that things can worsen, but inflation might not eat (as much) of your profit.

      The hard part is coming up with something that complements or adds something to the purchase. Some things, I'm sure, have nothing that can help. I think most do.

      For IM, sometimes it's adding an information product to the physical product. Or making people feel extra special, by, say, allowing them to be part of a select club (of buyers of similar stuff).

      Of course, that's just me thinking and I've been known to be wrong.
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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Just an irrelevant observation : Both you guys have been treasure troves throughout the years here ; undeniably
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      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        When an appraiser, I met many investors. Some should be called "investors," though. They were successful because prices went up. They bought something in June for $200k, knowing they could sell it in December for $250k. Then, in my area, August 2007, everything stopped. They could not sell. Then, they sold for less than $250k by a bit, and those who did not sell in the first 2 months, sold later for less and less. Some went in foreclosure.

        On the other hand, the investors, and I talked to some, had more than one exit strategy. They knew, from before they bought, which strategy to apply and when. They switched in the beginning of 2007 to a buy and hold strategy.

        They sold in 2018, if at all. They kept making money (though in 2008 to 2011 not as much as they are making now on the same property. Still, positive cash flow, even if it's 200/month per unit not 400/month per unit, is still money in the bank.

        As regarding offers to those who can afford them, I always thought that was one of the basic tenets of marketing.

        Dan Kennedy wrote once about a hotel for dog that, in the midst of the mortgage meltdown was doing great charging huge prices (because, among other things, they had someone read for half an hour to your pet, and dinner was a $65 steak, and they targeted the dog owners who could afford the high price and felt a certain way about their dog).

        I thought the main thing about your target audience were: able and willing to part with whatever cash you want for your doohickey.

        One of the last properties I appraised was for a man trying to avoid foreclosure. His backyard was almost entirely taken over by a boat. He ended up losing the house but kept the boat. During the foreclosure process, he spent money on updating the boat (put bamboo floor with teal inlays in the cabin).

        He could have sold the boat and saved the house. He was, in other words, for a while, a willing and able customer for boat-related things; willing but unable for other things.

        I'm thinking the demand for making money-online courses are high now and many are willing and able to buy them. The willing part - more than before.

        As to making more money fixing inflation issues, you're quite right. If inflation is at 10% but your net is 12% higher, you're ahead 2%. Most people, though, have incomes that went up 2 to 6%, so, with inflation at 8 to 10%, they're actually losing money.

        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        Make OFFERS (products, services) to those who can afford them.

        Now there is a Facebook group with a promotion hosted at Google Docs (no website) and the two offers are for a $20,000.00 personal coaching deal (and prices to go up to 40 next year, but not due to inflation) and a monthly group coaching deal for 500 dollars a month.

        How many Warriors do you think he gets in his group? I'd bet none, not his TARGET market. There were more than a few little boys yelling Wolf Wolf, before 2008 about the housing markets, the bubbles and the derivatives...there were signs and singers of the truth of what was about to happen. And it was devastating as some of those people you knew did business with found out.

        In 1974, inflation was such a problem, congress of US and President tried to get it under control, and it also effected many industries...about the same year Joe Karbo and scores of other information marketers were making huge amounts of money with their little books, like THE LAZY MAN'S WAY TO RICHES.

        As I have harped on for years, and most recently here at WF, often success is determined by the choices made when one goes into a certain business. There are still parts of the supply chain in shortage of the largest convenience store chains, Circle K, is putting up an unprecedented number of their stores for sale...because inflation is killing them. I wouldn't be surprised if many of the big chain convenience stores closed their doors.

        Sure, eCom can be a great business model, so can eBay, or Amazon affiliate...and maybe the prices can go up, shipping, supplies, utilities, etc. and there will still be buyers.
        We will see inflation wipe out some of those third party dependent types. You can't do ebay without USPS. UPS, Fed-Ex, or some way to have your product delivered and as their costs go up, many ebayers will have to raise prices, and for their CATEGORY, margins may shrink to a going out of business low.

        If inflation makes anyone analyze their business model, and they feel that it might be a good time to switch horses, they want to make sure they don't jump out of the fry pan into the fire, right?

        So, one discussion regarding inflation can be about the business models we choose, the markets and niches least and most effected, and alternatives or additional income streams to ride out the storm.

        Simple idea, make more money, and I feel it overcomes a lot of what inflation brings with it.

        One interesting thing, and I'll have to find my research... more huge companies, more millionaires are born out of hard times; recessions, depressions, inflation as opposed to things being good times. People thrive on friction and resourcefulness gets discovered in not so good times. So, I say, let the not so good times roll. I'm gonna rock.

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        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Your world (or past world as it may be), is full of speculators and amateurs. Speculators are gamblers, and even Kenny Rogers had it to know when to hold em, know when to fold em.

          You bring up an excellent point; BASIC TENETS of marketing.

          It is amazing, and especially here at WF, to see how few bring basic tenets with them or just dive into something without any idea. You are absolutely right about the TARGET market, they are ABLE and WILLING to part with their moolah for what they want.

          And, maybe, and this gets me in hot water with copywriters...maybe, you find the ABLE and WANTING. The difference? Less persuasion, more presentation.

          Sure 10 to 20 page promotions work in certain markets, the ones that NEED to use persuasion/influence/sales technique, a lot with Make Money Online, supplements, and such.

          This is a choice made at the time of deciding which business or money making opportunity to pursue.

          There are those who start businesses out of necessity, without any sort of a plan, they discover a market which they can easily enter and succeed in. Maybe you are one of those few people who can create a business from scratch like that.

          With IM, and there are so many choices to make, so many different paths one can follow, my argument has always been on a little assessment and planning to be first steps to take...then pick and choose what they want.

          Right after I got my GRI for my Real Estate License, and started with commercial RE, before getting burned out with residential...I had those "investor" dreams, but found out, that I am not a people person, and it is one area where the fake it til you make it thing just doesn't work out. I can't fake liking some people.

          Realizing this and having spent a lot of time and money for the RE education, I sought out a people less business, and mail order was that for me. With mail order, no face to face contact, and most of the early Internet Marketing success stories came out of that Remote Direct Response/Mail Order background.

          And as inflation grows, again you are right on, the WILLINGNESS to buy money making information, anti-inflation info, is going up along with it.

          So, if you are a just starting out Warrior, take the time to see the big Macro picture out there, and consider choosing a niche within a market that is both ABLE and WILLING/WANTING to buy.

          Thanks for the good thoughts, although your RE talk makes me cringe, all the appraisers I knew were pretty likeable and did well with people. I just found RE to have TOO MANY aholes for me, but, they may have thought the same about me.


          Originally Posted by DABK View Post

          When an appraiser, I met many investors. Some should be called "investors," though. They were successful because prices went up. They bought something in June for $200k, knowing they could sell it in December for $250k. Then, in my area, August 2007, everything stopped. They could not sell. Then, they sold for less than $250k by a bit, and those who did not sell in the first 2 months, sold later for less and less. Some went in foreclosure.

          On the other hand, the investors, and I talked to some, had more than one exit strategy. They knew, from before they bought, which strategy to apply and when. They switched in the beginning of 2007 to a buy and hold strategy.

          They sold in 2018, if at all. They kept making money (though in 2008 to 2011 not as much as they are making now on the same property. Still, positive cash flow, even if it's 200/month per unit not 400/month per unit, is still money in the bank.

          As regarding offers to those who can afford them, I always thought that was one of the basic tenets of marketing.

          Dan Kennedy wrote once about a hotel for dog that, in the midst of the mortgage meltdown was doing great charging huge prices (because, among other things, they had someone read for half an hour to your pet, and dinner was a $65 steak, and they targeted the dog owners who could afford the high price and felt a certain way about their dog).

          I thought the main thing about your target audience were: able and willing to part with whatever cash you want for your doohickey.

          One of the last properties I appraised was for a man trying to avoid foreclosure. His backyard was almost entirely taken over by a boat. He ended up losing the house but kept the boat. During the foreclosure process, he spent money on updating the boat (put bamboo floor with teal inlays in the cabin).

          He could have sold the boat and saved the house. He was, in other words, for a while, a willing and able customer for boat-related things; willing but unable for other things.

          I'm thinking the demand for making money-online courses are high now and many are willing and able to buy them. The willing part - more than before.
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          • Profile picture of the author DABK
            From what I have seen on this Warrior Forum, people seem to know they need to do it but not how.

            They seem to cover one or two parts and think they are done.

            By cover, I mean they ask one or two questions not they do a complete job, necessarily.

            More often than not, the covering goes like this:

            What's a good niche? Who knows where I can get good traffic cheap? How do you find clients for...?

            They rarely go into things like: do I have enough funds to...?

            Can I do x and not want to shoot myself in the head next month? If no, how do I compensate? If I cannot compensate, what do I do instead?

            Seems, in IM, like in many other areas, people make a decision, then go looking for ways to support it.

            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            With IM, and there are so many choices to make, so many different paths one can follow, my argument has always been on a little assessment and planning to be first steps to take...then pick and choose what they want.

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    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      Inflation impacts regions and people very differently.

      From where you live it doesn't seem like it affects you.

      From where I am, it stings.

      Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      inflation does not impact the cost of creating and selling info. It's a bit more nuanced. It does not have a big impact. Your electric bill, your internet bill, all such things go up, so , since you use them when you create and sell your info product, they do have an impact.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11739684].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        Actually, it does. It has the least impact on information products since the overhead is low. I am betting it is the same everywhere... low overhead means less impact from inflation.

        If you already have a computer and a printer and whatever software you need, creating an information product now vs 2 years ago costs about the same (just a bit higher) as most of the cost is you coming up with an idea and putting it on paper/ recording it.

        Of course, there are variables... Your biggest overhead part could be leases and you may have locked into a 5-year one 4 years ago, so your lease will not be affected by inflation for a few years.

        Originally Posted by WF- Enzo View Post

        Inflation impacts regions and people very differently.

        From where you live it doesn't seem like it affects you.

        From where I am, it stings.
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  • Inflation means stuff you gaht could vanish, plus also stuff you want is hardah to obtain.

    So there is an oppressive focus here, mostly beyond your control.

    Does this mean supah targeted SPESHL OFFAHS might be more temptin' rn?


    Is INFLATION a pain point you wanna refrence when sqoitin' out your bounties?


    We are always where we are at, an' less'n we no omnipotent gahd nor omnipenileklutz mortal billionaire, likely our touchpoints on the world are minimal far as spin on hoomanity goes.

    Plenty wondrin' to figure 'bout why we here rn (an' it is necessary for this long view thinkin' to rassle with today's turmoil), but for WF poiposes evry offah cast before evry othah soul takes place upon the evah-emergent stage of bein'.

    Covid was frontamind a few years back, now it is inflation, prices outta control.

    It is both yr milieu & yr refrence point for what evrywan thinkin'.

    So speak an' act here till broadah changes happen.

    See how I dun alla that incisive remarkin' without recourse to jokesy stuff 'bout (pause ye for the punchline) inflation?

    Even Mom says I turnin' into an actschwl grown up.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author KillerVirus
    The cost to produce weed has increased but I haven't raised my prices yet.

    I'm a frontline/hero essential business.

    I just care too much about people to gouge them!
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Unlike anytime in modern history...inflation is really a thing... to the point where it is non reversable.

    Look at the little things... say SUGAR... 5 pound bags of sugar... cost more... take a closer look... they are now 4 pound bags.

    OJ... The mini bottles of Simply Orange? Used to come in little 6 packs... now they are 25% more and 4 packs AND they used to be 10oz bottles and now they are 8oz bottles.

    Hostess Donuts... your getting less - less and smaller sized. The BAGS... used to have the little tabs to keep the bag closed... those are gone.

    And then there is the over all selection of items... BUTTER ( as an example ) will be 3 or 4 brands now... there was over 10 that I recall.

    THIS type of "Inflation" will never revert... there is no turning back from this.

    the price of Gas and Deisel can only go up - simple Supply and Demand - Its in absolutely no position to go down - none - not a chance - wont happen.

    Internet Marketing - there is a bit of a buffer from all of this... BUT you are left with the financial ability with the buyer end inall of this. The OFFER needs to damn good OR very well priced.

    I will take 10 sales at $1.00 over 1 sale at $10 - ALL DAY LONG. In todays "Social Environment" 10 people saying they are using your product vs 1 is really really really a no brainer - as long as you play a fairly legit Social game.

    BUT in all of this... the COST of doing business in terms of Internet Marketing... just short of remains the same. Your Rent or Mortgage.. Electric, Gas, Water, Internet service - the cost will remain flat - have employees? that cost will remain flat.

    In times such as we are experiencing... you have to understand how to leverage YOUR NEED - to say make more money... with either sharing how you have filled the need and your audience can do the same... OR Making money by helping your audience SAVE money
    Success is an ACT not an idea
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11739812].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Something is in the air.
      There is a wave in the ether.

      We sense it. Some of us more than others. Inflation is easy to see, eggs at 99 cents a few months ago, now 3 or more dollars a dozen. My fear is savidge4 is too right, this whole thing may be irreversible.

      In the past, from Oil aided inflation of the 70's brief market crash in 87, dot com bubble burst, housing and banks to big to fail...and then covid.

      This feels more like a longer term covid than the economic dips of the past. I hope I am wrong. But it feels the inflation we are talking about is the big ship turning around in the ocean, it is going to take a long time to turn it around, if it can be.

      The biggest threat in USA, hidden in plain sight, is our very fragile grid, where a couple of yahoos shooting powerlines on a small town Saturday night takes out thousands of homes and creates havoc. Homeland security is scared s**tless of these ignorant domestic terrorists.

      Only a very small % lost power last week due to the weather, although it was brutal, our power grid withstood the task.

      I mention this because, those costs may join the inflation and when your electric bill goes way up, and uncertainty comes with it, prices may not be the only thing to worry about.

      So, yes, I want to help people make money, SAVE money, and stay prepared. They have to be informed, if they want to be, and that way they can have some plans.

      There is a foundation of commerce built around the most destructive of foods as it relates to our health. Not affording the chips and dip, may actually be personally healthy...but the jobs lost and the economy built on top of this will have a more general impact.

      Do others sense there is something "afoot", rather than conspiracy theories...our futures may have had their fates marked in the not too distant past, but the good news can be, when we help each other and become less me/I focused, that is what gets us through all the hard times we've ever faced.


      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      Unlike anytime in modern history...inflation is really a thing... to the point where it is non reversable.

      Look at the little things... say SUGAR... 5 pound bags of sugar... cost more... take a closer look... they are now 4 pound bags.

      OJ... The mini bottles of Simply Orange? Used to come in little 6 packs... now they are 25% more and 4 packs AND they used to be 10oz bottles and now they are 8oz bottles.

      Hostess Donuts... your getting less - less and smaller sized. The BAGS... used to have the little tabs to keep the bag closed... those are gone.

      And then there is the over all selection of items... BUTTER ( as an example ) will be 3 or 4 brands now... there was over 10 that I recall.

      THIS type of "Inflation" will never revert... there is no turning back from this.

      the price of Gas and Deisel can only go up - simple Supply and Demand - Its in absolutely no position to go down - none - not a chance - wont happen.

      Internet Marketing - there is a bit of a buffer from all of this... BUT you are left with the financial ability with the buyer end inall of this. The OFFER needs to damn good OR very well priced.

      I will take 10 sales at $1.00 over 1 sale at $10 - ALL DAY LONG. In todays "Social Environment" 10 people saying they are using your product vs 1 is really really really a no brainer - as long as you play a fairly legit Social game.

      BUT in all of this... the COST of doing business in terms of Internet Marketing... just short of remains the same. Your Rent or Mortgage.. Electric, Gas, Water, Internet service - the cost will remain flat - have employees? that cost will remain flat.

      In times such as we are experiencing... you have to understand how to leverage YOUR NEED - to say make more money... with either sharing how you have filled the need and your audience can do the same... OR Making money by helping your audience SAVE money
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11739910].message }}
      • Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        Do others sense there is something "afoot", rather than conspiracy theories...our futures may have had their fates marked in the not too distant past, but the good news can be, when we help each other and become less me/I focused, that is what gets us through all the hard times we've ever faced.


        For sures these are Pull Togethah an' Pool Resources kinda times.

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
    I feel is due to people now trying to work for themselves so call " side hustle " to earn additional bucks
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    On average (according to Kiplinger) the U.S. has a recession somewhere around every 3.5 years.

    Of course, right now we're experiencing inflation...but not yet a recession (depending on which pundit you follow).

    Some predict a light recession like the one in 90. Nobody knows for sure.

    We always have market corrections. We seem to also love real estate corrections. I had been saying for a while that the real estate market was too crazy to not correct itself.

    Right now obviously energy is a big factor worldwide.

    During hard times, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.

    Was reading an article today that said during the pandemic...every 30 hours a new billionaire was born.

    It's important to pivot when you need to.

    Also, Gordon, not sure what happened with your Little Debbies but they're no longer sold in Canada as of like a month or so ago. This may alter your future travel plans haha.

    Myself, I'm optimistic about the future...

    but having said that, we never really know for sure.

    Humans always seem to find a way to surprise predictions...

    Have you heard about "The Great Horse Manure Crisis Of 1894"?

    By 1880 there were at a minimum 150,000 horses in New York City.

    Each one on average would relieve themselves of 22 pounds of manure each day...45,000 tons a month city wide.

    By the 1890s the problem was considered a crisis.

    It was predicted by 1930 the city would be covered in 9 feet of manure. Flies would spread untold diseases and a crisis was surely inevitable.

    In 1898 an emergency conference was held to come up with answers for the crisis. It was to last 11 days...after 3 days it was canceled with no answer to the problem that seemed too overwhelming.

    Then, as quickly as the crisis was talked about, it passed...

    the internal-combustion engine took over.

    Whenever I hear predictions about the future, I think about this story.

    The future always surprises everyone.

    By the way, this is a true story that you can google and read more about it.

    Just some ramblings.
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  • Profile picture of the author amitlrajdev
    yes, INFLATION is crazy across the globe.
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