It seems INFLATION is becoming a hot topic, is it?
Make more money.
Help those you care about to make more money.
Today, Google Trends shows that HOME BUSINESS, along with side hustles, and Internet Marketing are flying high on the search trend-o-meter.
Maybe you have a more sophisticated viewpoint on inflation, this might be a thread to share it in.
Just remember, you, and I and the many, many other Warriors are AT the Warrior Forum, where the whole point of it is to discuss INTERNET MARKETING and making money with your online activities.
I prefer information over any product with weight to it, but many Warriors are doing well with eBay, and eCom where a real product gets sent out.
Inflation doesn't impact costs of creating and selling information, in fact, it is a good time to be selling information on how to beat inflation.
INFLATION. Is it eating your lunch, or not?
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.