Alternative Teespring?

7 replies
I have been trying to get back into the T shirt selling business but with the recent hike in TSprings pricing I am finding it will be too difficult to make sales, I personally wouldn't pay nearly $30 for a non branded T shirt.
Anyone used any alternatives?
#alternative #teespring
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Have you looked into pricing at Printful?

    Here is some of their information, from the website.

    Price (Mens T-Shirts
    Starting from $14.95

    Then there are parts of their pricing structure.

    $6.50 / file

    and several others.

    The product price depends on factors like production technique, print placement, product color, size and fulfillment location. You also have to take into account that shipping and taxes are extra.
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  • Profile picture of the author pollytoast
    Thank you, I have had a look and joined Printful, looks much cheaper so will them a go, a basic T including shipping and taxes is £18.65 compared to £29.20 in TeeSpring. I do still need to work out the profit margin on Printful though.
    Kind regards Polly.

    Halloween may be over but you can still check out these awesome Sons Of Anarchy Halloween costumes, these are quality items and not just for Halloween.

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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    If you create an account at, you get to see their suppliers, sort them by country and such.

    Their suppliers have t-shirts in the 5-7 range... well, they did last year, when I last looked.
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  • Profile picture of the author RMRC
    Printify is a great one, they offer some of the lowest prices in the industry.
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    • Profile picture of the author pollytoast
      Originally Posted by RMRC View Post

      Printify is a great one, they offer some of the lowest prices in the industry.
      Thank you, definitely going with them, just figuring it all out I'm a slow learner

      Halloween may be over but you can still check out these awesome Sons Of Anarchy Halloween costumes, these are quality items and not just for Halloween.

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  • Profile picture of the author skepticofall
    Selling tee's is not as profitable as it once was. I don't see the adverts for T selling courses as much as I used to. Now, I won't say his name, but there was a guy who claimed to have made a small fortune selling T's. He even had his own sales platform for selling mugs, T's, and jewelry. I was on his mailing list. He seemed to have disappeared. I recently received an email from him stating that he is now sober.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11750135].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Very broad statement, "not as much as it once was."

      What are you basing it on?

      Originally Posted by skepticofall View Post

      Selling tee's is not as profitable as it once was. I don't see the adverts for T selling courses as much as I used to. Now, I won't say his name, but there was a guy who claimed to have made a small fortune selling T's. He even had his own sales platform for selling mugs, T's, and jewelry. I was on his mailing list. He seemed to have disappeared. I recently received an email from him stating that he is now sober.
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