7 replies
Is there any consensus on what is the best local SEO platform?
#local #seo
  • Profile picture of the author timtimshi
    Hello! happy to share with everyone. please use ahrefs tool and google webmaster, iclickseo. And I will send you a file summarizing the data I've worked for 10 years for you to research
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    I don't even know what you mean?

    Local SEO works well if you get citations.

    Originally Posted by wbinst2 View Post

    Is there any consensus on what is the best local SEO platform?
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  • Profile picture of the author Elvlin
    what do you mean local seo platform?
    local seo basically optimize your site for specific city, not worldwide.
    using google map, local news site for backlink is good, but depend on niche
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  • Profile picture of the author Red Planet
    I don't think so if you are adopting the best Local SEO practices for promoting your business locally by listing your business to different local listing sites and doing social media optimization etc .
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  • Profile picture of the author mjcenidoza
    Is there any consensus on what is the best local SEO platform?
    Are we talking about tools? if so, I suggest using semrush or ahrefs.

    Also a well optimised GBP/GMB can help your business to land in local maps

    For more information on Local SEO you can check on the resource links below.

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  • Profile picture of the author rewritingtools
    Local seo means it's not workly the worldwide, It's work only your region & your country
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