If Shiny New Things Distract You, Don't Open This Thread

91 replies
I spent a good 4 hours playing with this yesterday.

You'll need to watch a video:

Headway Premium WordPress Theme

Once you get the hang of it, it really does go quite quick.

Positive: You can move stuff all over the place and you have a million options

Negative: You can move stuff all over the place and have a million options

I don't think this is good for people with no design sense what so ever. The majority of sites I saw that were built with this were nice, but there are a few uglys in the mix. Those ones look like a blind man who has dressed himself not knowing someone mixed up all their clothes.

I'm back to playing now.
#distract #open #shiny #things #thread
  • Profile picture of the author Chuck Evans
    Pretty cool with the exception that the buyer cannot remove the footer unless they buy the "bigger" package.


    Chuck Evans - Golf Magazine Top 100 Teacher
    Learn How To Play Your Best Golf

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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by Chuck Evans View Post

      Pretty cool with the exception that the buyer cannot remove the footer unless they buy the "bigger" package.

      True, but with that kind of theme, you may never have to buy another canned theme again. Free upgrades for life too.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Koltai
    Definitely going to be picking the developer version of this up in the near future. This is everything I was hoping FlexxTheme would be and more.

    For anyone looking to get this: If you google "headway coupon code" there are a ton of sites offering discounts if you buy through their link, so you can save a bit of cash.
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    • Profile picture of the author Adam Lok
      Originally Posted by Chris Koltai View Post

      For anyone looking to get this: If you google "headway coupon code" there are a ton of sites offering discounts if you buy through their link, so you can save a bit of cash.
      Just be careful not all affiliates will keep to their word.

      Clay has indicated that his company has nothing to do with affiliates that are offering rebates. Headway do nothing but offer coupons only.

      However, he may start banning affiliates if it gets more reports about bad affiliates not doing what they say they are doing.

      If you have similar bad experiences, do bring it up to Headway Theme/G2WebMedia.
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  • Profile picture of the author Buildingfutures

    There goes my next three days.

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  • Profile picture of the author Louise Green
    WOW This looks great!

    I don't mind coding and messing around with CSS too much but sometimes I groan at the thought. Headway looks like a real time saver, and well, that's the most valuable thing we marketers have.
    IMPORTANT MESSAGE: I'm currently on vacation & will answer all messages when I return - Happy Holidays!!
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  • Profile picture of the author J. Barry Mandel
    Jill, you're hysterical

    Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

    Positive: You can move stuff all over the place and you have a million options

    Negative: You can move stuff all over the place and have a million options
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    • Profile picture of the author Lance K
      Thanks for sharing, Jill. This looks thoroughly bad a$$.
      "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
      ~ Zig Ziglar
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      • Profile picture of the author JeffLam
        I. Am. BLOWN AWAY!

        Oh man, I absolutely LOVE things like this.

        Things that make previous complicated and complex stuff irrelevant anymore.

        Things that gives you the power and control to exercise your creativity in any way you desire.

        Things that...

        Oh man.

        This is quite the awesome thing. Thanks Jill!
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  • Profile picture of the author Aljiro
    Hi Jill!

    Man the Developer Option would be sooo worth it. But there are more important things at the moment... Like paying the internet connection bills.

    P.S. I am on a very slow prepaid wireless broadband internet thingy..
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  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
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  • Profile picture of the author ShaneRQR
    Oh god... I knew I shouldn't have clicked...

    I'm a total junkie for this kind of thing. But I'm not a good enough designer to really make a blog shine with a piece of kit like that.

    Thanks for the link, anyway. Probably something I'll try sometime down the road.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Eee-EEE-Vil Woman... Da-na-na-na-na-na-na.

    How dare you post this and completely wreck the serious all-day work-a-thon I had planned for this rainy, dreary Sat. I'm very upset with you, young lady.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1411498].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by Zeus66 View Post

      Eee-EEE-Vil Woman... Da-na-na-na-na-na-na.

      How dare you post this and completely wreck the serious all-day work-a-thon I had planned for this rainy, dreary Sat. I'm very upset with you, young lady.
      Hey, I gave you fair warning in the thread title.

      I went looking for a theme the day before yesterday and found this, had to sleep on it, had to watch the video again, and finally gave in.

      Like I said, I spent a few hours playing.

      You never realize it - they give you a limited amount of fonts to work with but there are enough to get you going. So, if you don't have a clear picture in your head of what you are going to do with it you will spend time flipping things back and forth, changing colors, moving menus around, etc.

      I finally decided it was best to purchase a banner first (10 bucks in the WSO's) and build the rest of the site colors and themes around it.

      This will save me some additional time and may be the way to go to really speed up what you are doing.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author EndGame
    This looks amazing.

    How does it compare with other similar options like wpremix, which I have always found to be a bit restrictive.


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  • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
    The developer license on this sucks.

    What Can I Do?
    • Use for commercial purposes.
    • Install on unlimited websites that you or your company owns. If you develop client sites on Headway you must pay [or have your client pay you] an additional $40 per add-on license.
    • Remove the footer credit.
    What Can't I Do?
    • Resell the theme.
    • Redistribute in any way, shape, or form.
    • Anything else you think would make us mad
    Sounds to me more like an unlimited personal use license than it does a developer license.

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    • Profile picture of the author garyv
      Originally Posted by John Rogers View Post

      The developer license on this sucks.

      Sounds to me more like an unlimited personal use license than it does a developer license.


      why is "remove footer credit" in both of those? weird
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      • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
        Originally Posted by garyv View Post

        why is "remove footer credit" in both of those? weird
        Something weird happened with the copy and paste.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by John Rogers View Post

      The developer license on this sucks.

      Sounds to me more like an unlimited personal use license than it does a developer license.

      John, there is an option on the back end for $40 to get additional license for your customers. So, if you create a site for someone you can charge them that in your fees. They get lifetime updates as well.

      Also, currently you need to disable plugins to use the drag and drop editor.

      I am planning to use this on a members site, so I inquired the process to work on the theme - you have to copy the mysql database to do it right now.

      This is actually version 2 of the software. When you buy you can get version 1 as well (included)

      They appear to be working on it, so I imagine it's only a matter of time before there is a solution for backing up the theme you create in an easier way.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author 808glass
    nice title for the thread BTW - I had no choice but to click lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel E Taylor
    Just what the doctor ordered.


    Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
    else is an illusion.

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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Great stuff!!! Just missing some demos with different layouts.

    That's a shame.
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
      WTH - I thought a developer license would be a lot less restrictive?

      Oh well....

      It was a nice thought while it lasted.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
        Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

        WTH - I thought a developer license would be a lot less restrictive?

        Oh well....

        It was a nice thought while it lasted.
        Here's the thing. You can remove the footer link if you have a developers license - BUT- in the configurations on the back end you can add your affiliate link to their program and it automatically inserts it into that footer link if you leave it in place.

        Also, they have a completely different SEO solution in the back end. It allows you to decide which posts you want nofollow links on. You can more easily select which pages you don't want indexed (like TOS and login pages)

        And again, if you want to sell a particular theme you've created, all you would need to do is either figure out the best way to save the mysql data base, or just make note on all the configurations you did to create a specific look. Then just charge the client the additional $40 for their license.

        They will get the lifetime upgrades for the one time fee, and they will be able to change the site at any time.

        "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1411676].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
          Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

          Here's the thing. You can remove the footer link if you have a developers license - BUT- in the configurations on the back end you can add your affiliate link to their program and it automatically inserts it into that footer link if you leave it in place.

          Also, they have a completely different SEO solution in the back end. It allows you to decide which posts you want nofollow links on. You can more easily select which pages you don't want indexed (like TOS and login pages)

          And again, if you want to sell a particular theme you've created, all you would need to do is either figure out the best way to save the mysql data base, or just make note on all the configurations you did to create a specific look. Then just charge the client the additional $40 for their license.

          They will get the lifetime upgrades for the one time fee, and they will be able to change the site at any time.
          I understand that....

          and I understand that it is there license and they can word it however they want, but when I see something is a "developers license" I expect it to be a little more "open" for the lack of a better word.

          Hell, increase the price to $297 or something and give people the ability to sell what they create.
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          • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
            Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

            Hell, increase the price to $297 or something and give people the ability to sell what they create.

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          • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
            Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

            I understand that....

            and I understand that it is there license and they can word it however they want, but when I see something is a "developers license" I expect it to be a little more "open" for the lack of a better word.

            Hell, increase the price to $297 or something and give people the ability to sell what they create.
            LOL, I agree, it's nice to have your cake and eat it too.

            As a solution person, I would like to imagine there is some way to copy the source codes after you've created something and plant the necessary elements into a static pre-packaged theme. That theme you could do what ever you wanted to with it.

            Of course, I'm not a programmer or techno genius, but it is just a thought.

            A developer would be in the best position to figure out this type of thing and if he got some kind of technique down to do it, that could most certainly be sold on its own.

            "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author rapidscc
    Yeah..Finallly some drag and drop! Cool!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jobe4212
    The creator of Headway is a solid dude.
    Of the thousands of Wordpress themes or building templates available,
    there are only 2 which I suggest to friends, and this is one of them.

    The other I am a partner (more than affiliate) for because it's outstanding.
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  • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
    Good morning everyone. We appreciate the conversation about Headway and I am one of the co-founders. We are in the process of changing the license of our product and I think you all will be very pleased. If you want to purchase now, consider getting the personal license and be watching for the changes soon. You will not be disappointed with the license changes and the personal license for now will get you what you need.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by Grant Griffiths View Post

      Good morning everyone. We appreciate the conversation about Headway and I am one of the co-founders. We are in the process of changing the license of our product and I think you all will be very pleased. If you want to purchase now, consider getting the personal license and be watching for the changes soon. You will not be disappointed with the license changes and the personal license for now will get you what you need.
      Hi! Welcome to the Warrior Forum!

      (I feel like such a trouble maker)

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Koltai
      Originally Posted by Grant Griffiths View Post

      Good morning everyone. We appreciate the conversation about Headway and I am one of the co-founders. We are in the process of changing the license of our product and I think you all will be very pleased. If you want to purchase now, consider getting the personal license and be watching for the changes soon. You will not be disappointed with the license changes and the personal license for now will get you what you need.
      Hi Grant, welcome to the forum! I'm a niche site kinda guy, so I've got an ever-expanding number of sites. Are you planning on making the personal license cover unlimited sites?
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  • Profile picture of the author goliathseo
    Hey Avenuegirl Thanks but hey! I resemble that! Just messing. Am visually impaired but can see well enough to do IM. Awesome share btw!

    Do you want to make successes or excuses? Success? Alright then... See what's in store for you....
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  • Profile picture of the author Zanti
    Hey Ms. Jill,

    I keep saying to myself, ok, no additional purchases this month, and then you come along and screw it all up.

    Thanks for the Headway, I mean the heads-up.

    Brian Alexzander ~ Irie To The Highest - Respect
    "Irie"...the ultimate positive, powerful, pleasing, all encompassing quality/vibration

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  • Profile picture of the author Tam Chancellor
    What a great theme! Someone told me about this before, but never got around to
    checking it out. I will definitely be forward looking for the changes in the
    developer's license.

    Thanks for the reminder on Headway,
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  • Profile picture of the author tjmiller
    OMG, Jill! This is the theme I have been wanting. I have such a hard time choosing a theme because I always think, what if I change my mind later, or what if it doesn't do what I want it to. Of course, I don't need to be buying anything right now...
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by tjmiller View Post

      OMG, Jill! This is the theme I have been wanting. I have such a hard time choosing a theme because I always think, what if I change my mind later, or what if it doesn't do what I want it to. Of course, I don't need to be buying anything right now...
      LOL, I have the same issue.

      Fair warning - careful what you ask for.

      Like I said, Negative: You can move stuff all over the place and have a million options

      This is not always a good thing.

      Best to have some ideas in mind before using this theme. Integrate it around some kind of specific idea or you will feel like you are an artist staring at a blank canvas.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author blur
    Can you choose what elements of a page are h1/h2, etc...? After looking at a site it seems the H1 is only on the site slogan for all pages.

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  • Profile picture of the author Laura B
    Oh, boy. New toy. Being the crow that I am, of course I had to click on the thread. Thanks for posting this!

    I'm assuming since they say it's SEO-friendly it must handle the H1 tags properly, unlike most themes? I will have to look into it more.

    There goes tomorrow...
    Free ebook: Affiliate Marketing: Just the FAQs
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  • Profile picture of the author TelegramSam
    How clean is the html source code that is produced?

    In other words, how much code bloat is there?

    Does anyone know?


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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
      Too bad they don't have examples of the different types of sites that can be created.

      It's one thing to say what it can do but another to show it. How about showing a landing page, sales page, or corporate type layout.

      Also, can you drag and drop the video player that they use on their site?

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      • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
        Kevin - There are some examples of sites on the Headway Themes site if you scroll down. Some were done with some custom.css and there are many that were built with just the abilities of Headway.

        Full disclosure - I am one of the co-founders of Headway Themes. Not going to provide a link, you will have to find that on your own.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Koltai
      Originally Posted by TelegramSam View Post

      How clean is the html source code that is produced?

      In other words, how much code bloat is there?

      Does anyone know?


      Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but according to the video it's Valid XHTML / CSS.
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      • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
        Hey Chris --

        In a word, yup. There will still be a personal license and a developers license. The difference will be the level of support.
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        • Profile picture of the author Chris Koltai
          Originally Posted by Grant Griffiths View Post

          Hey Chris --

          In a word, yup. There will still be a personal license and a developers license. The difference will be the level of support.
          Amazing, thank you. I'll definitely be purchasing.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1414138].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DogScout
      Originally Posted by TelegramSam View Post

      How clean is the html source code that is produced?

      In other words, how much code bloat is there?

      Does anyone know?


      Look like Thesis for non-coders. Little more bloat due to that, but doesn't look bad.
      if you are a non-coder, by the time you add a child theme with thesis, that bloats it up too.

      I Like it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Gannon
    This looks like a site flippers dream theme lol! I might buy it but not right now! thanks for bringing it to my attention though, looks really cool!
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  • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
    Does it come with any built in templates along the lines of review site, video display site, news site etc etc, looks like it offers a sexy level of "no geek required" configurability but some one button push "insta-site" would be the icing on the cake.
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  • Profile picture of the author Art Peterson
    Anything drag and drop is perfect for me.
    Time is to valuable to try to make things perfect.
    Thanks for the post.

    Art P

    See How I'm Making Money Arthur Peterson

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  • Profile picture of the author Mr BOLD
    great find Jill... have couple of questions

    1) Is all the customization we do with the drag/drop functionality of this theme stored as a child theme? If not will this break the customization done when upgrading to newer version of Headway?

    2) I guess Headway is the theme framework and doesn't break any of the core functionality of wordpress when upgrading to new version of wordpress. Is that right?
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by Blitzian View Post

      great find Jill... have couple of questions

      1) Is all the customization we do with the drag/drop functionality of this theme stored as a child theme? If not will this break the customization done when upgrading to newer version of Headway?

      2) I guess Headway is the theme framework and doesn't break any of the core functionality of wordpress when upgrading to new version of wordpress. Is that right?
      Honestly, I'm not a techie and just getting familiar with it all. There doesn't appear to be a "child" theme. They just came out with this version very recently. Upgrade notes were provided inside.

      I installed this on the latest version of WP, so I can't say what would happen with upgrades but I do know I can flip back to old style themes.

      It seems to create some of it's own plugins/widgets. You can add containers on the fly and then move them around. If I flip back to an old theme, the ones created using headway go poof - but come back again on reactivation.

      As I mentioned before, the only drawback I'm seeing right now is that I need to deactivate plugins in order to use the visual editor (which I don't know that I particularly want to do with my membership plugins) - or:

      The changes you make to Headway via the visual editor or anywhere in your browser does not actually change the files in your Headway folder. It's stored to the MySQL database. You'll probably have to import/export the Headway tables whenever you want to transfer changes.
      No guts no glory. For now I'm just going to do my best to arrange the theme the way I want it and run with it.

      I'm taking the easy route of plunking in a banner at the top and will then add some colors to the links, select some complimentary fonts, define the containers a bit, pick some subtle color changes and hopefully that will be that.

      Oh, and the sidebars need to be defined as well.

      I'll probably set up a couple of playgrounds on some subdomains and see how the flipflopping things goes.

      There is a style sheet and a custom css sheet in the back, again, I have not a clue how to use those just yet.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
    Blitzian - You will not have issues upgrading from this version to any future version of Headway. Care has been taken in 1.5 to make sure of this. And upgrading to new versions of WordPress will not be an issue either. Thanks for your questions.

    Full disclosure - I am one of the co-founders of Headway Themes. Not going to provide a link, you will have to find that on your own.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fraserb
    Having spent about 5 / 10 miutes on the site, as a bit of a newbie this look great. Do they do a free trial option? If not am I best starting off with basic version?

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    • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
      Fraserb - There is only one "version" of Headway. Grab the latest version of 1.5 and just start using it. We do not offer a free trial option. The key is to take your time and just play around with all the features and abilities of Headway when you first get it. One thing I would encourage every one to do is to get a good color chart and make sure your colors and fonts look good when you are working on the site you are building with Headway. We have seen some great sites built with Headway and some awful ones too.

      If you have any questions after you purchase, jump on the forums. Clay, the developer of Headway personally spends time on the forums helping out our users.

      Full disclosure - I am one of the co-founders of Headway Themes. Not going to provide a link, you will have to find that on your own.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr BOLD
    Grant - thank you for the clarification.

    Another question that I have is that after customization of the layout with the drag/drop functionality - is it possible to replicate that across multiple sites without having do to the customization again? - Currently I do this with Hybrid/Thematic theme frameworks creating a child theme (basically all modifications go into custom.css, i like your theme offering ability to come up with multiple layouts without having to mess with custom.css)

    And as a few other warriors suggested wouldn't mind paying a higher price as a one time fee to get the developer license (instead of one license for every client) - thank you for considering.
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    • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
      Blitzian - we are making changes very soon in the license and you will get what you want with the developers license. In fact, you can purchase now and rest assured you will have the right to use it on unlimited sites.

      I am not the techie of the two of us and your question about copying the work and putting it on another site would have to be directed to Clay. However, I can tell you that he is already hard at work on v1.6 where he is hammering out the ability to import/export for just that purpose. Included in 1.6 and using the import/export feature will be the ability to build skins or Styles as we like to call them to use on other sites. We are also going to set up a place for people to market Headway specific "skins" Styles. This will be great as it will be a way for people to make money off of the work they are doing with Headway and building styles.

      Headway is fairly new as we launched v1.0 on July 31st. However, I think you can see we have come a long way in a very short time. And we are not going to rest on being happy with versions as we release them. In fact, we have ideas on the whiteboard for the next version before the current one is even done. We try to listen to what our users are telling us and if it can be done without bloating the code, we try to add features and abilities to Headway as we see a need.

      Full disclosure - I am one of the co-founders of Headway Themes. Not going to provide a link, you will have to find that on your own.
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      • Profile picture of the author Matt D
        Originally Posted by Grant Griffiths View Post

        Blitzian - we are making changes very soon in the license and you will get what you want with the developers license. In fact, you can purchase now and rest assured you will have the right to use it on unlimited sites.
        Grant - if you are still watching this thread -- are you saying the current developer's license will also cover future sites built for clients or will there be an upgrade required?

        Also-- regarding the handling of H1 tags... Does it incorporate h1 tags into the title on the page or like many themes are the h1 tags wasted in the head section with the blog title in <h1> on every page.

        This wordpress seo issue is discussed here in more detail by Scot Hendison:
        My Secret WordPress H1 Hack | Search Commander Blog - Scott Hendison

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        • Profile picture of the author Keith Boisvert
          I spent some time reviewing this today. I am interested in the developers license($164) and have multiple sites that I can use this on.

          I was initially concerned about the ability to "graphically" make it the way I want, but by the examples listed it looks like it can be done. However, I am by far not a css genius, so right now that is my only "sticking" point to purchasing this. I love the flexibility, just have to keep doing more research on the graphic aspect.

          I think it will be a great asset.

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  • Profile picture of the author sashagrey
    Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

    I spent a good 4 hours playing with this yesterday.

    You'll need to watch a video:

    Headway Premium WordPress Theme

    Once you get the hang of it, it really does go quite quick.

    Positive: You can move stuff all over the place and you have a million options

    Negative: You can move stuff all over the place and have a million options

    I don't think this is good for people with no design sense what so ever. The majority of sites I saw that were built with this were nice, but there are a few uglys in the mix. Those ones look like a blind man who has dressed himself not knowing someone mixed up all their clothes.

    I'm back to playing now.
    thanks for the theme suggestion.

    It's very nice but your right, the flexibility can get in the way of finishing a site... just so many options.
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    • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
      sashagrey - One of the great things about Headway is all the stuff you can do with it. One of the disadvantages of Headway is all the stuff you can do with it. I know from my own experience using it, you have to know when to say when. LOL

      Full disclosure - I am one of the co-founders of Headway Themes. Not going to provide a link, you will have to find that on your own.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr BOLD
    Jill - just saw your post, had been typing at the same time.

    Ok the MYSQL thingy makes sense. So long as all the changes made to the visual editor goes into a separate MYSQL table, that should be pretty easy to do the import without messing up other tables.

    you are right disabling plugins like the membership plugins to make changes to the site probably affects your membership users during the downtime.

    May be Grant can chime in if there is some way to overcome that or if something is in development.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr BOLD
    Grant - that is awesome, excellent direction in terms of the skin styles concept. Will pick up my copy.
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    • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
      One of the problem with plugins is plugins. There are so many it is almost impossible to support them all. We are however visiting with Wishlist to make sure Headway is completely compatible with it.

      I have to tell you a story about plugins and how some people get just a little carried away with them. We had a new user who wanted to move their blog from one theme to Headway. They were cussing us and if they could, I think they would have thrown their computer at us. So, Clay offered to help and went into their blog's admin. What he found was a sure fire reason Headway or any other theme for that matter would work for them. They had a total of over 40 active plugins running on their blog. OMG

      Plugins cause problems for all of us who provide a product or theme. And Headway is no exception. If you look at most of our TOS's we state right in the language that we can not support plugins. Again, there is just no way to make sure a "theme" or a framework for that matter will work with all of the zillions of plugins out there. I can assure you we do everything we can if it can be done.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zanti
    Just a couple of quick questions for any of you who have purchased and started working with Headway.

    Well, what do you think?

    How is it for creating Squeeze pages, Sale pages and for membership sites?

    Has anyone used Headway along with a RAP membership site?


    Brian Alexzander ~ Irie To The Highest - Respect
    "Irie"...the ultimate positive, powerful, pleasing, all encompassing quality/vibration

    A Candle Never Loses Any Of Its Own Light... By Lighting Another Candle

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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by Zanti View Post

      Just a couple of quick questions for any of you who have purchased and started working with Headway.

      Well, what do you think?

      How is it for creating Squeeze pages, Sale pages and for membership sites?

      Has anyone used Headway along with a RAP membership site?


      Well, I know nothing about Rap (came very close and chickened out) but I am using a membership plugin right now, adding what should be a protected post and will hopefully have something up by tonight to test.

      I can already see how quick it will be to make squeeze pages. The pages don't automatically have a sidebar on them so you are running in free open spaces. Just a matter of making the squeeze page the front of the site, and I could add a link for members to just log in.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author Zanti
    Thank you Jill, will you let us know how it goes with your membership site.

    I'm actually getting started with RAP and RAP Press for my membership and other sites.

    Thanks again,


    Brian "Zanti" Alexzander
    Brian Alexzander ~ Irie To The Highest - Respect
    "Irie"...the ultimate positive, powerful, pleasing, all encompassing quality/vibration

    A Candle Never Loses Any Of Its Own Light... By Lighting Another Candle

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    • Profile picture of the author Susan Hope
      Thanks Jill for posting about this theme

      Can anyone using the theme now tell me if we can put out own background image in, or at least pick a color for it?


      Hope you are still monitoring this thread. It is not completely clear, to me at least, the issue of the developers licence. I am starting work with a new client tomorrow and this theme would be ideal, so hoping for an answer on this one.

      If I buy the developer theme as it stands now, are you saying I won't have to worry about this additional $40 thing for my clients? I would like to buy a developers licence where I can take out the footer link, on as many sites as I need and that I do not have to worry about this $40 additional payment per client thing? Is that correct?

      One-to-One WordPress Coaching Service Available at Low Hourly Rate - Let the frustration end now! WordPress Installs, Theme Design, Site Tweaks & other WordPress services available
      Find me on Pinterest: PINTEREST
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      • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
        You won't have to worry about purchasing any other licenses to build client sites if you have the developer's license. Do not worry about the additional $40 as it is listed now. Use it on as many client sites as you want.
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      • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
        Matt - let me check on the H1 question of yours. But I can assure you, a lot of thought and work was put into the SEO features of Headway. We have people using it and clients we have built custom sites on it for who are getting great SEO and search engine placement quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Fox
    Damn you! There goes my evening...

    Wow just watched the video, this theme kicks ass...

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  • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
    Adam- You are exactly correct. If we hear of any of our affiliates offering coupons and not following through with it, they will be shut off as affiliates. We do from time to time offer a discount, such as this weekend for Black Friday.

    If any of you have a bad experience with any of our affiliates, please send me an email grant at g2webmedia dot com
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Sussman
    Hi Grant,

    I just bought the developers License.

    Can I just confirm that your reply to SusanneUK applies to all of us.
    You won't have to worry about purchasing any other licenses to build client sites if you have the developer's license. Do not worry about the additional $40 as it is listed now. Use it on as many client sites as you want.

    "He elicits the same kind of admiration one would feel for a streaker at Queen Victorias funeral."

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  • Profile picture of the author Pat Ordenes
    I have to say..
    i purchased this theme, and was very excited....
    But now I'm just frustrated.
    The visual editor is a GREAT concept, don't get me wrong.
    but as it stands, its is very slow, buggy and not as great as I thought it would be.

    I really though I could use it to develop sites for clients, but I can't say I'm convinced...

    Give it try though... i'm sure the next release might be better... It just feels the 1.5 version was very rushed.
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    • Profile picture of the author Susan Hope
      I have not had much time to assess this yet as I have been working with some clients but I particularly wanted it because I thought I could add in a leaf (or whatever LOL) so that I can add some "Featured content" wherever I might want it but from I saw, I could only get it in the sidebar, I need to be able to get it into the main content area, however, this could be just that I have not found out how to exactly do that having not had much time to look it over - anyone who is using this theme, do you know if you can get a featured area showing the main content area?

      One-to-One WordPress Coaching Service Available at Low Hourly Rate - Let the frustration end now! WordPress Installs, Theme Design, Site Tweaks & other WordPress services available
      Find me on Pinterest: PINTEREST
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    This is a really great theme. This part alone sold me:

    Separate Titles from Blog Post/Page Headlines: There's an HTML tag in every web page called title, and what's in it carries a lot of importance in search's used as the big headline text you click on in search results. Google and Bing look at the words in the title to help decide how to rank a page. Normally in WordPress, the title is automatically generated from your blog post headline, but sometimes we want it to be a little different. WordPress alone won't let you change that, but Headway does.
    This theme is very well made.

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  • Profile picture of the author michael_nguyen
    Does anyone know how this compares to Flexsqueeze. I though flexsqueeze was good but this seems on another level.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pat Ordenes
    Hey Sue,
    You need to use a content leaf.
    this can be placed anywhere on the page.
    go to its setting and set in to post, then you can also pick a preferred category.
    Hope that helps.
    If not, PM me.
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  • Profile picture of the author mdunn123
    Good Lord!!!!!

    This is exactly something that I've been looking for!

    Thank You Thank You Thank You....oh and Thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author n00b
    I just have to chime in here and let you all know how in love I am with Headway! I didn't realize it, but I must have gotten started right after they launched because I did a site in the beginning of August using Headway. When I bought it I felt like a Thesis refugee and I was incredibly skeptical about the ease of use. Well, even before the drag and drop editor the whole experience was a breeze. The few times I've had questions (which BTW turned out it was me just being dumb) they were answered incredibly quickly, usually within an hour.

    The developers are also very open to feedback and on the forums they actually want to know what you would like to see changed and from the newer version it's clear they listen.

    My hubby who is very WP illiterate sat down with Headway and made a site within about 45 minutes (it was his first WP site). He even used a hook to add scrolling text to the top of the homepage (very shocked on that one). His site looked good aside from the colors, but Headway can't be held responsible for my husband's lack of any sense of color palettes .

    The only thing it's lacking that would make it perfect is what some have already mentioned, the ability to export the "theme" that you create so it is easily duplicated across multiple sites.

    I really can't imagine anyone being dissatisfied with Headway.
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    • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
      Noob - the import/export function will be in a very near release. Be watching for details on this and how we hope our users take the feature and run with it. For those who build Headway "skins" in the near future, we plan to make it very easy and profitable for you to market your "skins" to the world.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
        Originally Posted by Grant Griffiths View Post

        Noob - the import/export function will be in a very near release. Be watching for details on this and how we hope our users take the feature and run with it. For those who build Headway "skins" in the near future, we plan to make it very easy and profitable for you to market your "skins" to the world.
        Grant, how can I contact you directly?

        I can't pm you unless you have 50 posts or are a war room member.



        "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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        • Profile picture of the author DavidO
          I'm very interested in giving this a try but I agree with the other poster about the sample sites. There's not a single decent site in there. If you're going to offer examples it should be something to get people excited and inspired. In this aspect, themeforest is way better.

          Also, the video's not working.

          Of course, ease of use and functionality are super important. I'll keep an open mind about it until I can try it out but just wanted to comment on first impressions.
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          • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
            David -- Let us see if we can find some of the other great sites on Headway. Also, what video is not working for you. The one on the home page of the Headway site is working fine for me on all browsers.
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          • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
            And I would post some links here, but I am not allowed to yet. Bugger!
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            • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
              Originally Posted by Grant Griffiths View Post

              And I would post some links here, but I am not allowed to yet. Bugger!
              Join the war room for $37 bucks. I have a nice video about it in my signature. Not an affiliate link.

              "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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        • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
          Jill - You can drop me an email grant at g2webmedia dot com
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    • Profile picture of the author Grant Griffiths
      Anonymous Affiliate - The great thing about "decent looking" is we all define it differently. There are 100's of blogs and sites on Headway now. The problem is we have not had a chance to update our examples. In the very near future we will have a Headway gallery for everyone to see. In fact, we hope to provide a quick and easy way for those using Headway to submit their URL's so they can be added to the gallery.
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  • Profile picture of the author catherine ford
    Great theme fantastically easy to use and also good affiliate earnings as well
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  • The concept looks good, but the website sample portfolio they show on their site look all awful. There's no decent looking blog in there.
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