How To Monetize pets niche

17 replies
Hi I have a large community in the pet niche in the spanish market and I am looking for ideas to monetize my audience

Right now I don't have much time to start an ecommerce business..and affiliate programs in this niche pay very little....

Do you know any platform where I can find people who do dropshipping to maybe be able to make an agreement with them? I would benefit from their experience in dropshipping and could possibly get a higher percentage than most affiliate programs offer and they would benefit from my audience...

Is there any platform where I can connect with ecommerce owners to try to make a deal with them?
#monetize #niche #pets
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    In my experience it's easy to attract a large community of people interested in pets....not so easy to develop a community of people who BUY pet products.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Be the reason someone believes there are good people.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by alwaysdreaming View Post

    Hi I have a large community in the pet niche in the spanish market and I am looking for ideas to monetize my audience
    Right now I don't have much time to start an ecommerce business..and affiliate programs in this niche pay very little....
    Do you know any platform where I can find people who do dropshipping to maybe be able to make an agreement with them? I would benefit from their experience in dropshipping and could possibly get a higher percentage than most affiliate programs offer and they would benefit from my audience...
    Is there any platform where I can connect with ecommerce owners to try to make a deal with them?
    Your large community, just PET lovers, of all kinds of pets? You might want to segment them a little; dogs, cats, fish, lizards, birds, whatever. Your lack of time suggests you should zone in, pinpoint a real niche, and see what they are currently buying and if you can find a gap in the supply chain.

    Serving everyone who loves pets, may be serving no one? As for drop shipping, Bing, Google and YouTube are still friendly search engines.

    I think, just my opinion, you might want to secure your product source BEFORE you try to connect with ecom owners and strike a deal.

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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    There are many offers for pet insurance. look into that


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    You could outsource the creation of an informaiton product. If you have large segments of pet interests, you could create a product for each segment, and sell your product to the people in each segment.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elvlin
    selling pet acesoris, contact your country pet store to offer advertisement spot.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
    agmccall does bring out an interesting option, yea pet insurance.

    I do agreed. Beside pet foods, toys.
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  • Dog: So, we jus' gotta stand around lookin' hungry an' proto-feral, right?

    Cat: Plus also sleep, an' tap deep consciousness ishoos.

    Iguana: There any place for us fur-fee an' potentially spooky critters?

    Fish: Tsk! Fshk! You guys gaht more specialist retailahs available than even us feeish. Plus, you gaht easieah access to travel to othah planets simply by virtyoo of yr goddamn lungs. An' we came frickin' foist FFS! Tellya, were it naht for evolootion, you prolly could naht make this ****** up.


    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author GoalKeeper
    Think differently.

    1) Because you are in the "Pet Niche", you have good knowledge about this sector. So stay in this niche but monetize differently bu first opening an account in platforms like Freelancer, Fiverr, Upwork (etc), and offering your skills or gigs.

    2) In the "Pet Niche" you may also have knowledge about "What your customers want". So try to introduce a "Paid Newsletter" and try to monetize your knowledge & your existing assets by creating a Paid Subscription Plan through Buymeacoffee, Substack, Patreon, Mailerlite, Memberful, Ghost (etc).

    3) With your existing assets, make a video or a podcast. Transforming your text assets into audio or video assets will open you other ways through Udemy (by "selling" them as courses) or Youtube/Vimeo (by advertising & sponsor revenues)

    4) Continue with you same website & domain, and in addition to that try other languages with your existing website's subdomains. As you already have all the necessary assets, translate them to 5 other languages and find the affiliate networks in these new languages.

    So think outside of the box.

    Contact me if you want to receive website awards to add value to your website.

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  • Profile picture of the author MaeAee
    One way to make money from a pet niche website is to offer paid subscriptions for access to exclusive content, such as pet product reviews, helpful information for pet owners, and/or access to an online community of pet owners. Additionally,you could use affiliate marketing to generate revenue by promoting pet products and services, or by offering pet-related ecommerce products. Finally, pay-per-click advertising on your website can also be an effective way to monetize your pet niche website.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well if you have an email list you can go to clickbank and you will find many pet offers where you can promote throught email list

    Admin note: Affiliate links are not allowed in paid user sigs

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Look for higher ticket products in your niche.


    Don't tell me that everyone is paying low commissions and you don't want to promote them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Susane888
    What about proximity marketing? It is a tactic that allows to target potential consumers with advertising content based on their current location. Some customers are going to be more trusting, or deeper in need, than others. Perhaps they've just picked up a puppy on the side of the road and getting a dog was completely unplanned. That type of customer might just be looking for the nearest available option. Another type might browse a few different local pet stores to see where they can find the best prices, the best experiences, or the best options. Here I like the idea of addressing pet stores and asking for placing the advertisement (it was mentioned above) both in the store and on their site. Or your potential consumers might just browse those local pet store's websites or social media feeds to see which appeals to them viscerally. So, my advice is to communicate with local pet stores and clinics.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I made money years ago in the dog and cat niches...but the landscape is different now. You are competing with Chewy and with Amazon, and the 'expert advice' online on is many veterinary sites for free.

    If you can find a really good product source for unique products and can operate in a specialized niche (such as agility training and agility equipment) you might get some traction. If you have a large mailing list you might sell some pet products (tracking tags for collars, for example).

    Pets are big business online - to compete you need to have specialized products or new/unique products or expertise in the field to build your own 'community' of potential buyers. Pet insurance is a good product but is being sold online now by major insurance companies so not sure what the profit is in it.

    Then again - if you love the pet niche and aren't looking for big can develop a FB pet group of your own (or a forum but that's more difficult) - where you participate and allow discuss and questions, solutions to common issues, etc and occasional pick up a sponsor or promote an affiliate product.

    Added: One idea I had but never developed was a 'common sense pet site'. I know I've found solutions to pet problems that I've NEVER seen posted or suggested anywhere...and I'm sure many pet owners are the same. Yet every pet site I visit has the same 'solutions' to problems...which often involves more money than many pet owners want to spend....or involves more time than they have available. A FB group or a forum or a site that is 'out of the box' solutions for pet problems might gain traction. If nothing else, might be a good 'hook' for a forum or site section on pets.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author NicheNirvana
    I've owned several sites in the pet niche (both dogs and cats) and found they can be quite lucrative with an audience that likes to spend a lot.

    Affiliate marketing has always been a good option in this niche - there's obviously Amazon which whilst paying low commission rates manages to get people spending a lot of money. have a good affiliate program, pay 8% I believe, and convert well too.

    There's also tons of offers on the big networks like ShareASale, CJ, AWIN, Impact, LinkShare etc.

    And Clickbank often has some good, high paying (like 75% commission), digital products too - one of my old sites that I've since sold made most of it's money promoting one of these as an affiliate.
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  • Profile picture of the author tewelrogers
    Originally Posted by alwaysdreaming View Post

    Hi I have a large community in the pet niche in the spanish market and I am looking for ideas to monetize my audience

    Right now I don't have much time to start an ecommerce business..and affiliate programs in this niche pay very little....

    Do you know any platform where I can find people who do dropshipping to maybe be able to make an agreement with them? I would benefit from their experience in dropshipping and could possibly get a higher percentage than most affiliate programs offer and they would benefit from my audience...

    Is there any platform where I can connect with ecommerce owners to try to make a deal with them?
    I think you should work on sponsored posts and reviews. Offer sponsored posts or product reviews to pet-related businesses. You can promote their products or services to your audience in exchange for compensation. This approach allows you to leverage your community while working with relevant brands. Might be it will help you. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author delizzia
    - host ads for revenue
    - promote your business via paid ads to earn clients
    - do sponsored posts/partnerships
    - invest in good content to attract customers
    - look for higher ticket products in your niche (like talfigel said)

    I would focus on ad monetization first since its easy to setup and you get quick results if you have the right traffic. I always go for ad networks so I recommend you try popcash or popads for popunders since they are non-invasive and Mondiad for push/native/banners.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    I dont have the answer for you, in my online business i do blogging you tube and email marketing, the reason why i share this, when i didnt have a clue about email marketing, but i just bought an online course on this subject i learned abslloutley everything, i know there is you tube videos out there, but it is normally a expert in your field and you learn what u need to know, i hope this helps

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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