I'm making an affiliate article site, could I get your opinions?

5 replies
Hey how's it going?

I'm creating a Affiliate site and I'm going to be writing approx. 30 articles to go live with my site. I'm going to be making my site with XSitePro 2 because I have tutorial vids that show me how to actually do it.

I don't know how to make a site using html/css so I dont' want to have to go through all the learning just yet. Right now I want to get some income, now here's my gameplan.

I'm going to write articles giving advice about my Niche, and I'm going to recommend a few products at the end of each article, or maybe just a few articles.

My site is probably going to look similar to this site:

World of Warcraft Strategy Guide

With the articles on the left side, and I did want to include an opt-in but I don't know how!???

Can I get some of your guy's help with this?
#affiliate #article #making #opinions #site
  • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
    You will have to sign up to an autoresponder service in order to do this. The most popular ones are aweber and getresponse.
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  • Profile picture of the author MadameBusiness
    Hey that sounds really good. Good for you!
    You can also try odesk. That's where you can advertise online work.
    Someone can help you with design and tips.
    Its also pretty cheap too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jreyes2265
    Thank you, everybody!

    Can you give me some advice on how an article layout should be? Because I'm not going to write articles for ezine just yet. I'm first having them on my site. So, how should I go into the recommendation at the end of each article?

    Right now all I have written is the actual article information, I havn't included my affiliate links yet. So how would I ease into the recommendation and have them click the link?
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    • Profile picture of the author WarriorMaster
      Originally Posted by Jreyes2265 View Post

      Thank you, everybody!

      Can you give me some advice on how an article layout should be? Because I'm not going to write articles for ezine just yet. I'm first having them on my site. So, how should I go into the recommendation at the end of each article?

      Right now all I have written is the actual article information, I haven't included my affiliate links yet. So how would I ease into the recommendation and have them click the link?

      regarding the articles you should really check ezine out since to get your article approved they need to be pretty good. So just look there and you will see the layout. I'm not saying that you should submit the articles there just take a look around.

      For the promotion of the products you should have 2 links in each article. One in the begging of your article and one at the end. You should use the keyword that you want to rank for as the anchor text in the links.

      if you need help with this and setting up your autoresponder just pm me.

      Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jreyes2265
    Thank you everybody!

    Another quick question.

    I was planning on using Fatcow to purchase both my domain and hosting. Would you recommend there service?
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