Timeshare lead generation business - Any tips or suggestions ?
I know that similar questions has been previously asked on this forum however, I couldn't quite find the guidance/answer I was looking for and therefore wanted to go ahead and ask anyway.
Given that timeshares are very lucrative in the US, I am looking into getting into this niche and am very interested in it.
I currently have the ability to purchase timeshare leads from a good source, and eventually will be looking to generate my own via ads. I'm looking at ways how to best monetize it.
Typically people would sell the individual leads however, I do not believe this is the most lucrative way as I can't charge a lot for that.
Is there any other way?
I know that there are some people who have a phone resale room for this industry but I don't quite understand how that works and how to set it up. I just know that simply selling the leads isn't quite viable.
Could someone please share some guidance on this?
Thanking you all
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