Timeshare lead generation business - Any tips or suggestions ?

18 replies
Hi Guys,

I know that similar questions has been previously asked on this forum however, I couldn't quite find the guidance/answer I was looking for and therefore wanted to go ahead and ask anyway.

Given that timeshares are very lucrative in the US, I am looking into getting into this niche and am very interested in it.

I currently have the ability to purchase timeshare leads from a good source, and eventually will be looking to generate my own via ads. I'm looking at ways how to best monetize it.

Typically people would sell the individual leads however, I do not believe this is the most lucrative way as I can't charge a lot for that.

Is there any other way?

I know that there are some people who have a phone resale room for this industry but I don't quite understand how that works and how to set it up. I just know that simply selling the leads isn't quite viable.

Could someone please share some guidance on this?

Thanking you all

#business #generation #lead #suggestions #timeshare #tips
  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Not really sure what you are trying to do here. Certainly, closing a timeshare sale online is extremely unlikely. It would seem to me that the only way to create a business from leads is to have an agreement with the major timeshare companies that they pay you for each lead you forward to them. Far more money can be made by getting agreements in place with those companies for actually reserving a time/place for a timeshare tour.
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    • Profile picture of the author samozturk
      Thanks for your reply Dave,

      I'm not trying to close a timeshare deal online but rather, perhaps on the phone?
      I know a lot of companies / people will try to contact timeshare owners (via phone) and get them to sell, I think from there they try to resell it though I'm not sure of the specifics.

      The only problem with paying per lead is that they generally don't pay much. I see it as a wasted potential and I feel that something more could be done with these leads.

      Regarding the timeshare tour, these are seller leads and therefore they are not looking to buy another timeshare.
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      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        The only 'more' that can be done with this leads is you convert them. Are you better at converting than the buyers? Then, yes, you're wasting them by selling them.

        Actually, you are not. You have to spend the time to convert them.

        That time, you could use to get other things that make money done.

        From the other side's point of view.

        If I am willing to pay $500 for one sale, and I convert 1 in 100, I am willing to pay $5 per lead.

        If I am willing to pay $500 for one sale and I convert one in 5, I am willing to pay $100 per lead.

        So, either you sell leads for a few dollars or pennies per lead, or you do the converting and you get many times more. But you do a lot more work.

        The thing with leads, if you can generate 100, scale it up and you can make a ton more money than what you can do converting (you cannot be on the phone enough to compensate for a powerful lead generation system that works 24/7).

        Unless you love, really love, converting on the phone, you're better off, long run, selling leads. Forget fear of loss and just sell leads. My three cents.

        Originally Posted by samozturk View Post

        Thanks for your reply Dave,

        I'm not trying to close a timeshare deal online but rather, perhaps on the phone?
        I know a lot of companies / people will try to contact timeshare owners (via phone) and get them to sell, I think from there they try to resell it though I'm not sure of the specifics.

        The only problem with paying per lead is that they generally don't pay much. I see it as a wasted potential and I feel that something more could be done with these leads.

        Regarding the timeshare tour, these are seller leads and therefore they are not looking to buy another timeshare.
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        • Profile picture of the author samozturk
          (you cannot be on the phone enough to compensate for a powerful lead generation system that works 24/7).

          I fully agree which is why I wanted to explore the possibility of getting a team or others to do the converting for me.

          What if I had other people call my sellers? What would they then do afterwards?
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          • Profile picture of the author DABK
            A team requires effort / resources to run.

            Also, in order to convert, you'd have to have an agreement with the owner of a property to be sold as timeshares.

            You'd be convincing people to make an appointment to visit more likely. Or to buy, without seeing.

            Those are the only two options.

            Considering the large amounts of money involved, I doubt you can do option b.

            Which means, again, you have to be able to make an appointment that the owner honors.

            Then, you can have your people do the walk-through and, if they buy, be responsible for the entire conversion process.

            Or, have the owner's people do the walk-through and end of conversion-process conversion. Case in which, the owner will pay you a lot less. You made the appointment, it has value, but their people did the actual closing.

            Can you convince the owner of a time-share property to let one of your people work there? (If yes, who pays that person? This determines how much you get for your conversions). If I were the owner of such a property, and if you could convince me, I'd have you pay. The hard part, for me, would be trusting you and your employee.

            Everything is possible. But is everything that's possible worth your while?

            I continue to think that, in this case, at least, selling the leads is the more lucrative way to go.

            Originally Posted by samozturk View Post

            (you cannot be on the phone enough to compensate for a powerful lead generation system that works 24/7).

            I fully agree which is why I wanted to explore the possibility of getting a team or others to do the converting for me.

            What if I had other people call my sellers? What would they then do afterwards?
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      • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
        Originally Posted by samozturk View Post

        Thanks for your reply Dave,

        I'm not trying to close a timeshare deal online but rather, perhaps on the phone?
        I know a lot of companies / people will try to contact timeshare owners (via phone) and get them to sell, I think from there they try to resell it though I'm not sure of the specifics.

        The only problem with paying per lead is that they generally don't pay much. I see it as a wasted potential and I feel that something more could be done with these leads.

        Regarding the timeshare tour, these are seller leads and therefore they are not looking to buy another timeshare.
        You seem to have a lot of missing pieces ...

        OK, so the easy part is getting someone to sell you their timeshare - chances are, more than half the people who bought them regret doing so. You are literally going to need to have millions of dollars of liquid cash to pay for them or expect a really fast turnaround and sale of each purchase.

        Assuming you have that figured out, now what do you do with this unwanted property? Where are you going to get the leads for people who actually want to BUY a timeshare. Selling timeshares is extremely difficult and people who do that are extremely specialized in sales techniques of timeshares (yes, I know a number of people in the industry). I can't imagine trying to sell one without an actual in-person tour. How are you going to swing that?

        You talk about training people to do all the phone work for you. How are you going to do that? Who is going to train them? If it is you, what do you know about buying timeshares from people? Far more important, what do you know about selling them? My guess is, little to nothing, so how are you going to train people to do it for you?

        Believe me, selling timeshares is extremely difficult and you are going to have to unload the ones you buy really fast. Unless you are extremely experienced in buying and selling timeshares, and are an amazing trainer who is lucky enough to find the very few people who will be good at it, leads is the ONLY way to go here.
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        • Profile picture of the author samozturk
          Thank you Dave,

          To be fair, I wasn't planning on buying the timeshares but rather somehow try to resell them to a group of buyers (which I do not currently have)

          I agree with your points and like Kay King suggested, I need to do more research.

          It seems like the best way forward for me is to learn and start generating leads of my own.

          Appreciate the feedback from everyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    getting a team or others to do the converting for me
    At this point you are 'buying leads' - but i don't know if you are planning to sell time shares or buy them or broker them or what.

    I think you need to learn more about how time shares in the US - or anywhere - are bought and sold. There are brokers and agents, etc which you have not mentioned. If you are buying leads and having other people do the calling and selling, etc....where is your profit?

    Have you gone to one of the time share properties to see how they are presenting and selling? What is it about this particular 'product' that interests you?

    There may be opportunity there - but i think you need to do more research before diving in too deep.
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  • Profile picture of the author wish raw
    that is nice information
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    i have being in business for a while, it is something i have never heard of, probaly best reserarching via online courses to see what skill sets u need and what kind of tools services and best system for this type of business

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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    • Profile picture of the author samozturk
      Yeah I agree, it's not commonly heard of and I have been trying to do more research on it (hence my original post)

      I also know there is similar type of posts on this forum.

      Nonetheless, I do have skill gaps and need to do more research on the best way forward for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author snallanon

    Years spent in the online marketing sphere have armed me with a well-rounded knowledge of various niches, and today, I'm zeroing in on a highly lucrative area: the timeshare lead generation business.

    Are you wondering, "Any tips or suggestions on how to best monetize my timeshare lead generation business?" You've landed on the right thread!

    Here are some insider strategies that can elevate your timeshare lead generation game and open up new monetization opportunities:

    Optimize Your Website for Conversion: A website isn't just a digital business card. It's your lead generation machine. Make sure it's optimized for lead conversion with a clear call-to-action, compelling copy, and an intuitive design.

    Leverage SEO: Implement robust SEO strategies to boost your website's visibility in search engine results. This increases organic traffic, bringing more leads your way.

    Develop a Strong Email Marketing Strategy: This allows you to maintain contact with leads, nurture relationships, and promote timeshare opportunities directly to interested parties.

    Monetize Your Mailing List: Beyond selling timeshare leads, you can monetize your email list by promoting relevant products or partnering with other businesses for affiliate marketing.

    Offer Consulting Services: With your expertise in the timeshare industry, consider offering consulting services to other businesses or individuals looking to enter this market.

    To your success!

    Your seasoned marketing friend,
    [William F. Woolverton
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763728].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      What does any of this have to do with the OP's question?

      Originally Posted by snallanon View Post


      Years spent in the online marketing sphere have armed me with a well-rounded knowledge of various niches, and today, I'm zeroing in on a highly lucrative area: the timeshare lead generation business.

      Are you wondering, "Any tips or suggestions on how to best monetize my timeshare lead generation business?" You've landed on the right thread!

      Here are some insider strategies that can elevate your timeshare lead generation game and open up new monetization opportunities:

      Optimize Your Website for Conversion: A website isn't just a digital business card. It's your lead generation machine. Make sure it's optimized for lead conversion with a clear call-to-action, compelling copy, and an intuitive design.

      Leverage SEO: Implement robust SEO strategies to boost your website's visibility in search engine results. This increases organic traffic, bringing more leads your way.

      Develop a Strong Email Marketing Strategy: This allows you to maintain contact with leads, nurture relationships, and promote timeshare opportunities directly to interested parties.

      Monetize Your Mailing List: Beyond selling timeshare leads, you can monetize your email list by promoting relevant products or partnering with other businesses for affiliate marketing.

      Offer Consulting Services: With your expertise in the timeshare industry, consider offering consulting services to other businesses or individuals looking to enter this market.

      To your success!

      Your seasoned marketing friend,
      [William F. Woolverton
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763840].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    With your expertise in the timeshare industry

    The OP has no experience in the industry.

    Posts are checked for using A.I. programs - use of AI in posting is not permitted per forum rules. Just a caution.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    What does any of this have to do with the OP's question?

    Someone just discovered A.I. and mods did not catch this one?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Welcome to social media....a person who does not understand humor will contact you shortly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    What more can you do?
    Qualify the lead.
    Best by phone call, application funnel as second choice.
    Educate them by a video series (2 minute videos, give them the whole playlist and they'll bingewatch it if they're really interested)...or ebook (no more than 100 pages) prior to the phone call or application.
    I'd package the whole thing up with a name and a concept as education to ensure they make the best buying decision for a timeshare.

    THEN you sell the lead to a timeshare sales company.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    People need to be careful when dealing with timeshares, depending on
    the state they are doing business in, they will probably need a real estate
    or broker's license, or be operating under someone who does.

    Please research all of this before you set up some elaborate timeshare
    lead generation system, as well as having a general idea of where you
    are going to send those leads when you get them.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Really, the only way possible to sell a timeshare sight unseen is to sell it to someone who already owns a timeshare at that particular resort. Believe it or not, there are plenty of people (probably who have tons of money that they don't know what to do with) who will be more than happy to buy another week or two at the same resort that they already have a timeshare with, if the price is right.
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