Looking for a Reverse Marketplace?

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Is there such a thing as something like a reverse ClickBank marketplace out there?

By that, I mean a place where you ask for products rather than search for them. That is to say, you've looked for certain products but either came up empty or didn't find any quality products you wanted to promote.

Naturally, some would just create their own product, but I'd bet there would still be a number of affiliates out there that would just assume promote someone else's product, as long as it was good, rather than to create their own.

So, is there such a place? I haven't found any and, judging by the threads that occasionally pop up around here with people looking for certain products, I'm guessing maybe there isn't such a place?

Mind you, I'm not looking to create one, though I could if there was demand. I'm really just looking to find one.

#marketplace #reverse

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