How do i make money with my ig page which generates over 50M+ views each month

4 replies
I'm a creator on ig. I target dating and relationship audience. First i started the page with knowing nothing about making money on ig. But now i understand there's lot of money to be made but dont know exactly how. I dont know how to get brand deals on ig and if there's more ways to make some cash. My videos get around 30-50M+ views each month. If anyone knows how can i get more brand deals or how can i generate more revenue by this page please drop your suggestions. Thank you!
#50m #generates #make #money #month #page #views
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by sillymate View Post

    I'm a creator on ig. I target dating and relationship audience. First i started the page with knowing nothing about making money on ig. But now i understand there's lot of money to be made but dont know exactly how. I dont know how to get brand deals on ig and if there's more ways to make some cash. My videos get around 30-50M+ views each month. If anyone knows how can i get more brand deals or how can i generate more revenue by this page please drop your suggestions. Thank you!

    I don't know anything about getting brand deals but you
    could place some dating offers on there and get paid.

    Google "dating affiliate marketing" and that should get
    you going.
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Contact the brand you want the deal with, convince them you get that many views, agree on a price, sign a contract.

    Or become an affiliate (through their website, usually). Including things like Double Your Dating by David DiAngelo.

    Google your main keyword and the word affiliate ( dating for men affiliates, for instance) and you get tons of pages talking about the top websites about dating for men that work with affiliates.

    Originally Posted by sillymate View Post

    I'm a creator on ig. I target dating and relationship audience. First i started the page with knowing nothing about making money on ig. But now i understand there's lot of money to be made but dont know exactly how. I dont know how to get brand deals on ig and if there's more ways to make some cash. My videos get around 30-50M+ views each month. If anyone knows how can i get more brand deals or how can i generate more revenue by this page please drop your suggestions. Thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    I also think affiliate marketing would be the best solution in your case with such a big audience. clickbank , digistore etc certainly have a few interesting offers you could promote
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    I recommend you register a domain name that you like. I prefer a .COM and then forward that domain to an affiliate page that is related to your niche.
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