GA4 has been hit and miss

by Administrator
6 replies
Ever since Google sent out a notice that everyone should migrate to GA4 from Universal Analytics, it seems a lot of companies are putting off GA4 until the last minute.

Chime in.
#ga4 #hit #miss
  • Luckily, there are good alternatives. Matomo, Publytics, Plausible, for example. I tested all three and personally prefer the second, also for the lower pricing and similarity to GA3.
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  • Yeah, it's better to switch to another alternative
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    What is the downside to GA4?

    Why switch?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonny2spoons
    I find GA4 a bit of a nightmare and would love to go back to the old version!
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  • Profile picture of the author James McAllister
    I know this topic is old, but I cannot state enough how much I hate GA4. Not surprised everyone waited until the last minute to switch to it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Change always catches the sleepin' on the hop, I guess.

    Speshly when you cain't figure the frick out where it's comin' from bcs

    a) You nevah looked.

    2) You don't care.

    iii) You died once, an' nevah came back.

    It is beyond doubt that the planit morphs more outta our persnl control than at any time since actschwl gaahds slain actschwl people.

    Which is why it is incumbyooent upon all to bone up sweet on yr pertickulah areahs of intrest, less'n you be swept away by The Much More Intrested, or jus' yanno shit hitsailf.


    Whatevah scent bees gaht = HUNNY.

    Which is why they still ain't been SQUISHED OUT by hack-s-dowant.

    Princess! You CLUELESS DITZ!
    Don't You Realize You Kinda Dissin' The INEVITABLE?

    Yurp dissin'.

    Yurp realize.

    Yurp Princess.

    NOPESY inevitabyool.

    This is why the flesh & blood conventshwaahns of (say) 1517 are a mystery to all here who now walk the planit.

    & yet their most consoomate truths resonate as we chahmp 'pon our 'vailabyool SNACKS, FEASTS, an' PLUNDAHS.

    I would wish to be trooly positive, always, 'bout all kindsa stuff may/might/must happin next.

    Could be I DRESS MUSSELF, bcs I wandahed outta the showah lookin' for KILLAH ONLINE SHOE OFFAHS -- an' then strollsostooped out inta the wall bcs I such a ditz.

    How we line our eyes with color.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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