Bum Marketing In 2023.

22 replies
Is bum marketing still usable in 2023?
#2023 #bum #make massive money #make mone fast #marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I don't think so - the article directories like EZA are gone...you can create content in minutes with A.I. - a little bit of time editing the result.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Helping Both Ends of the Leash
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    • Profile picture of the author Shana Walters
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I don't think so - the article directories like EZA are gone...you can create content in minutes with A.I. - a little bit of time editing the result.

      I was thinking about platforms like Vocal and Medium.
      Write until my fingers fall off. LOL!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author jamesmurdoch
      I have no money but I've been looking into affiliate marketing. So what would you need to spend your money on? Website domains, paid ads, and advanced editors and copywriters?

      The only thing about that stat about Medium writers is how much are they working? I wouldn't be surprised if half of them were working an hour or two a week, writing only a few articles a month.

      I would be doing 40 hours per week in order to achieve my first $10,000 from affiliate (bum) marketing by 2025. Do you think this is a reasonable goal? Unlike the people you described in your post, I am 21 years old. No prior education in marketing. A bit in copywriting. I'm fairly smart but I have no money.
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    • Profile picture of the author CyberSEO
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I don't think so - the article directories like EZA are gone...you can create content in minutes with A.I. - a little bit of time editing the result.

      Indeed. Actually, when using the GPT-4 model along with a proper set of prompts (a few good prompts per article are usually needed), there is even no need to edit anything manually. The model is capable of producing really good and I say useful content for readers.
      CyberSEO Pro - the ultimate AI autoblogging and RSS, XML, HTML, JSON and CSV import plugin for WordPress with support for OpenAI o1, Claude, Gemini, Llama 3, Midjourney, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion and more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by Shana Walters View Post

    Is bum marketing still usable in 2023?

    It's so late in the year, you may as well call it Bum Marketing in 2024.

    Although article marketing was an aspect of bum marketing, the main
    concept of it was to use free resources to generate income.

    Things like social media, Clickbank, and all the other things that were
    free to use back then, are still free today along with a myriad of other
    platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Medium, Patreon, Udemy, KDP, print
    on demand, and most of the A.I.s are free, unless you upgrade.

    Most of the online marketplaces are free, they may charge a nominal
    listing fee, and they take a percentage of your sales, but it's easy to
    get started selling if that is your preference.

    I pay for a few things like hosting, domains, and a couple of services,
    but the majority of what I use is complimentary.

    If someone with no money really wanted to start MMO, there's no
    reason not to be able to do so.

    If you are a newbie reading my post, I have been at this for 20+ years
    and every day is a new beginning.

    Sometimes it takes awhile, so stick with it and don't give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by Shana Walters View Post

    Is bum marketing still usable in 2023?
    Depends on how you define it.
    Since we now are all AI, I asked it what is bum marketing...and got four different answers. Two say it is affiliate marketing with articles, one credits Travis Sago with the term, and one has a very broad stroke definition...which I think Monetize sort of covered...the low cost ways to get your sales message out.

    Bum marketing for me means, first, I HAVE something to offer for sale, something to market.
    Secondly, it means low cost, street wise methods for getting ATTENTION, which is not only the first step in ALL marketing, it is also the last step. Lose their attention and they will find something else to look at.

    You have written many blog posts which have found their way to the top of the search engines, and even after looking over your social media, I don't know what you do, or I guess I am asking, what do you want to market?

    I know you write; poems, blog posts, and even advice...what is it you wish to MARKET? Maybe it is something else??

    I like to market INFORMATION, which has served me well over the years, and if there is a secret with infopreneuring, it is probably the same as with all marketing (bum included) match your message to the market.

    If you mean low/no costs ways of getting attention, it is becoming harder and harder, unless you carefully target and participate in a specific market/niche, where dog whistles and knee jerks can serve you well.

    Do you mean something else by bum marketing?

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Maybe I have a jaded view of it - but I've noticed recently several 'older' members asking about various methods that were popular (OR at least highly advertised) 8-10-12 years ago.

    I could understand if members were saying "I made great money doing this ten years ago - will it still work well" - but what I'm seeing are those who did not try (or at least did not succeed) with a popular IM method years back and NOW want to try it. Not referring to the OP because I don't know what success they had back then. Is the draw of the 'old methods' because they worked well - or were easier/simpler to use? I don't know.

    It's not the same playing field. There was a specific bum marketing method that was laid out in a 1-2-3 fashion - but that 1-2-3 is outdated today. The core of that method was churning lots of articles featuring well researched keywords and an affiliate link in the article or (more likely) in the author bio ... and posting them lots of places. Back then I could write a good article and post it on EZA and it would be RANKED in google within 48 hrs or so. That will not happen today. There are free methods now as there always are but I would strongly urge new members or returning members to USE the newer methods... but that's just me.

    As for Vocal or Medium - I don't visit them but they encourage you to 'share your stories' - how far the stories go after that I don't know. Maybe it depends on the level of income that is your goal. On the medium site, I found this:

    only 9% of writers on Medium make more than $100 USD a month. That's 9% of an estimated 200,000-400,000 writers on the platform, amongst 34 million total members.
    There are writers who would be happy just having a place to put their musings and focused articles where they might have an audience. They are not driven by money. It would not appeal to me as I've always had the need to earn a living rather than a part time income. It's a different mindset.

    As for Vocal - I honestly don't understand why anyone would be paying for that stuff....but again that's just me.

    If the OP is really focused on an older method - why not set a time frame of 3-6 months - set weekly goals and SEE how well it works. If you make money you may have the beginning of a 'new product' you can sell to today's IM beginners.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Helping Both Ends of the Leash
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Maybe I have a jaded view of it - but I've noticed recently several 'older' members asking about various methods that were popular (OR at least highly advertised) 8-10-12 years ago.

      I concur.

      The other thing about experienced IMers, and this is not
      directed at the OP, is that people need to devise their own
      methods, based on their skills, interests, and experience,
      instead of worrying about what everybody else is doing.

      A successful person could draw you a picture of the exact
      steps they are doing to make money online or marketing
      or whatever, and most people will either not understand
      it or otherwise be unable to replicate that method.

      There are 90+ threads on this forum about Bum Marketing,
      a few books and videos on other sites, and the originator's
      website can be viewed in the archives.

      I would post a link to a really informative archived page,
      but it has various affiliate ads on it, so I won't.

      The platforms may have changed, but the fundamentals of
      the method are still valid if people would actually do them,
      in order for them to work.
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  • Profile picture of the author ExRat

    I remember when someone came up with that phrase and made a WSO about it! I'm a little surprised to see that the phrase is still in use.

    Roger Davis

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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by ExRat View Post


      I remember when someone came up with that phrase and made a WSO about it! I'm a little surprised to see that the phrase is still in use.
      Yeah, it was a great title for a Product/Concept. "The Rich Jerk" was clever too.
      : )
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    'm a little surprised to see that the phrase is still in use.

    Same here - but at least it's been several years since anyone said "but what about the 'rich jerk'"...thank goodness.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Helping Both Ends of the Leash
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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    I'm all about free platforms or low cost ad placement

    That phrase brings me back to 2008. Free traffic and resources in order to build a business are still legit. People nowadays spend more then before but only because services have changed and their are more services to offer
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  • Jus' to say, I sent Benedict Cumberbatch a photo of my ass in 2021 an' I ain't nevah heard back from the guy.

    I bent ovah an' used a pruffeshnl spotlight an' evrythin' ... but, yanno, ZILCHOW.

    Gotta figure the guy busy on set.

    An' that is cool.

    See, bcs I know othah gals bombard him daily with all kindsa provocative imagry, garments, an' single use insertables.

    Aw, yeah -- an' yet he continues to persuade us he is sum nouveau cowboy or Marvel mystic or detective charactah.

    Ain't nuthin' you can do by way of freely available smut to corrupt a troo artist, I guess.

    It's like the guy sayin' "In pursuit of my art, I will rise above every pursed flap and evocatively dangled nipple. Plus, I will forever say NO to all incidences of munchy Princess butt proffered in my direction."

    Total focus, yanno.

    That is how the finest movies evah get made.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    jamesmurdoch -

    First thing - hold your cursor over your name in the black toolbar above (on the right) - see the gold box that says 'view classic'? Click on that. You may need to log in again but that will put you in the correct forum 'mode' to interact with others here. Posting the same comments multiple times is not going to work for you.

    Second thing - There is no magic that rewards you with $$$ for working ## hrs. You seem to be a smart person so I'm sure you know that...but somehow those new to IM seem to believe the rules of making money change when you work online.

    Third - you are focusing on old, tired methodology (bum marketing) instead of looking at cutting edge internet marketing tactics. You are assuming what 'medium writers' might be doing when you have no knowledge of how much someone else works. (i.e., 'bum marketing' was a marketing term used to promote a specific method that is no longer viable due to competition and tools available.

    What do you KNOW? What have you done? Can you build a site or blog? Are you on social media? What do you plan to sell? How/where do you plan to advertise? WHY 'affiliate marketing'? What niche will you work/sell in? What sort of products do you want to sell? "I want to earn $$$" is not a plan - the plan is the step by step process you will pursue to reach the $$ goal.

    If you have 40 hrs a week available - get a part time job so you can invest in an online business. What you want to earn is irrelevant - HOW you will earn money online is the question. I don't doubt you are 'fairly smart' - use those smarts to create some $$ for the tools you will need to succeed online.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Helping Both Ends of the Leash
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      To jamesmurdoch and all other Warriors. Ten thousand a month is a good goal.

      I pulled this out of Kay's post:

      What do you plan to sell?

      The reason I did this, it is really, the ONLY question you need to answer and the problem with affiliate marketing is: You have to spend large amounts of time FINDING the thing(s) that will generate consistent income. Many affiliate products have short life cycles, and it is a constant finding and PROMOTING your offers. Constant promotion of new offers.

      So to get there, one needs to build a list of buyers they can continuously market too, and using all free and low/no cost methods is going to eat your lunch all day long.

      It is my belief that any Warrior can get to 1k a month of continuous income in one year to 15 months and from there, can scale it up with ad spends and expanded marketing. Now we have proof of this in the savidge4 post about eBay...where he helped his young son build up far more than 1k a week, and that was/is just one way to do it.

      What happens is...at about 7-9 months into the dedicated project, life happens; bills need paid, time is harder to find, results have not been as fast as expected.

      And for the last two+ decades we've seen many a Warrior toss in the towel and try something else. Many get close but it doesn't happen fast enough.

      There is a better way. Answer Kay's questions, about WHY affiliate marketing when you have no money? You will find thousands of others here who choose that BECAUSE they have no money and it is the no cost way to get into the game. But it is far from the only one.

      When you do an honest personal ASSESSMENT and see clearly what you might have to offer, it flips the script, so instead of trying to GET MONEY from people via affiliate marketing, you find what you have to OFFER that people will WANT to buy from you.

      It could be knowledge, skills, experience, wisdom, or something else.

      When you begin from a perspective of WHAT CAN I OFFER?

      As opposed to HOW DO I GET?

      The whole world of IM becomes clearer and one is more able to map out their work load and see with clear eyes an achievable goal.

      So, if you are half as smart as you think you are, then you will spend some time answering Kay's question to find the hidden nuggets of gold you may already be holding.


      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      jamesmurdoch -

      First thing - hold your cursor over your name in the black toolbar above (on the right) - see the gold box that says 'view classic'? Click on that. You may need to log in again but that will put you in the correct forum 'mode' to interact with others here. Posting the same comments multiple times is not going to work for you.

      Second thing - There is no magic that rewards you with $$$ for working ## hrs. You seem to be a smart person so I'm sure you know that...but somehow those new to IM seem to believe the rules of making money change when you work online.

      Third - you are focusing on old, tired methodology (bum marketing) instead of looking at cutting edge internet marketing tactics. You are assuming what 'medium writers' might be doing when you have no knowledge of how much someone else works. (i.e., 'bum marketing' was a marketing term used to promote a specific method that is no longer viable due to competition and tools available.

      What do you KNOW? What have you done? Can you build a site or blog? Are you on social media? What do you plan to sell? How/where do you plan to advertise? WHY 'affiliate marketing'? What niche will you work/sell in? What sort of products do you want to sell? "I want to earn $$$" is not a plan - the plan is the step by step process you will pursue to reach the $$ goal.

      If you have 40 hrs a week available - get a part time job so you can invest in an online business. What you want to earn is irrelevant - HOW you will earn money online is the question. I don't doubt you are 'fairly smart' - use those smarts to create some $$ for the tools you will need to succeed online.
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  • Profile picture of the author rayee
    Just go for TikTok marketing. I think that's the way
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  • Profile picture of the author JeffryS
    In my opinion, in 2023, it's best to avoid "bum marketing" tactics and focus on more ethical and value-driven approaches for better results.
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  • Profile picture of the author MYDCOM
    Bum marketing is basically using free methods for marketing.
    I would say bum marketing still works in 2023 and beyond.

    This can be done through social media, forums, guest blogging, blogging, youtube, and other free or low-cost channels.

    If you want fast results, do PPC or paid ads. Otherwise do bum marketing, which still works but takes longer and more work involved.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    AI has made bum marketing so much easier but the steps have changed though

    The classic definition of bum marketing is EZA but Google pretty much vaporized their traffic.
    Medium is still used for the 'parasite SEO' version of bum marketing but who knows how long Google will credit medium with a high domain authority. It's not like it isn't already filled with spammy content and thinly veiled backlink farming

    Other forms of bum marketing:

    Bum marketing back in the day just involved having a sig on a forum and replying away
    Or running a bot on MySpace type sites to leave guestbook comments
    Or posting comments with links or search instructions on Youtube vids
    Or posting autogenerated images on Pinterest with the same target hashtags
    etc etc

    Now, it's changed and there are more steps involved but you won't feel it cuz of AI

    Social media replies and profiles - check
    AI -generated faceless TT and YT vids (animation portion) - check
    AI cloned voiceovers for TT and YT vids (see above) - check
    Automating tracking and optimizing your profiles over several platforms - check
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  • Profile picture of the author Nathaniel Harris
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    • Profile picture of the author writeaway
      Originally Posted by Nathaniel Harris View Post

      I know sharing viral videos is a prime traffic source[/I]
      One method I've seen work quite well is taking themes that have gone viral on tiktok and creating your own version for Youtube shorts. Then compiling it (and changing dimensions) for 'regular' youtube.

      You basically PIGGYBACK on what works but get eyeballs from a platform that pays more (Shorts > Tiktok) and build up a channel
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      • Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

        You basically PIGGYBACK on what works but get eyeballs from a platform that pays more (Shorts > Tiktok) and build up a channel
        Main drawback with piggybackin' is a detrimental combo of zero noo catalytic stuffs plus alla the cretincraft of inbreedin'.

        Anyways, 2024 imminent, an' she fulla natchrl & propulsive verve prolly gonna diss most shit we sayin' rn.

        Fyootyoore intrinsically unpiggybackable in this way always.

        Naht my rules, but I love 'em same.

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Of course article marketing works.

    You can start a blog easily. A membership site like this one has lots of high ranking articles that are on the first page of a Google search.

    But, and here's the hard part....

    The headline has to be enticing for the targeted reader, and the article has to be interesting enough to get linked to and sent to others.

    And that's where it falls apart. It's so very rarely that writers (or marketers in general) learn how to write in a way that's engrossing, or learn to write about subjects important to the reader.

    The trash that gets posted on most blogs isn't worth reading, and certainly not worth sharing...and that's why it doesn't work.
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    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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