What Top Free Organic Methods Can I Use To Drive Traffic & Generate Sales From Clickbank Products

18 replies
I failed at Affiliate Marketing several times, and here again to try again, so I am researching what Free Organic Methods can be used successfully to drive traffic and & generate sales from Clickbank digital products
#clickbank #clickbank advice #clickbank affiliate #drive #facebook organic #free #generate #methods #organic #organic traffic #products #sales #top #traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by onpointinfo View Post

    I failed at Affiliate Marketing several times, and here again to try again, so I am researching what Free Organic Methods can be used successfully to drive traffic and & generate sales from Clickbank digital products
    You've been asking about free traffic methods since you joined the forum in 2009. You're unlikely to get any different responses this time. There's no magic traffic method that will guarantee sales.

    What affiliate marketing models have you actually tried?

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    • Profile picture of the author onpointinfo
      Hey Frank ,,, email marketing, driving traffic from facebook groups, article marketing, attaction marketing via facebook all used free methods

      However, I am this time around using facebook paid ads to drive traffic but I want to also do free traffic building strategies to generate sales while I learn about what I am doing with FB ads, it is going to take a while to get things going, alot of studying but in the meanwhile I wish to also adopt at 1 or 2 free strategies to generate clickbank product sales
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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Originally Posted by onpointinfo View Post

        Hey Frank ,,, email marketing, driving traffic from facebook groups, article marketing, attaction marketing via facebook all used free methods

        However, I am this time around using facebook paid ads to drive traffic but I want to also do free traffic building strategies to generate sales while I learn about what I am doing with FB ads, it is going to take a while to get things going, alot of studying but in the meanwhile I wish to also adopt at 1 or 2 free strategies to generate clickbank product sales
        OK, but what are you doing with the traffic you get? Sending it straight to an offer? Traffic is just part of the picture. Establishing trust, authority and credibility also counts in affiliate marketing.

        You mention email marketing - have you been building a subscriber base in a particular niche and fostering a relationship with those subscribers?

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        • Profile picture of the author onpointinfo
          Frank I was trying to build a email list of biz opp seekers don't have anything couldnt figure things out in reality I needed a 1 on 1 coach to hand hold me which I did not have
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          • Profile picture of the author art72
            Originally Posted by onpointinfo View Post

            Frank I was trying to build a email list of biz opp seekers don't have anything couldnt figure things out in reality I needed a 1 on 1 coach to hand hold me which I did not have
            Therein lies your 1st mistake (and one I have made quite a few times myself)... if you are targeting 'business opportunity seekers' and have no real-world knowledge, experience, or value to offer other than putting 3rd party links in front of them... they are going to bounce faster than a deer being hunted in the woods!

            There is no rule stating you shouldn't promote biz opps, so long as you have enough knowledge to provide value, build trust, and a sense of credibility (*authority) to those who are seeking opportunity.

            Ultimately, your ability to identify the underlying problem(s) your prospect is experiencing (i.e., money problems) is usually NOT A MONEY PROBLEM at all... it's a mental issue or a limited mindset problem!

            Think about it this way... WHY do people incur money problems? debt? or seek new opportunities?

            They WANT more resources!

            Don't focus on your need of money... focus on serving others value by identifying with their underlying issues... which is 99% of the time a deeper seeded mental, physical, or spiritual (*energy) issue...not money itself!

            How can you SERVE others financial advice if you have yet to IDENTIFY the cause of your own financial burdens?

            Start with how you can provide or serve more people solutions... relief... or help them identify the real issue... people are not serving value, solutions, or relief to enough people!

            Everybody thinks they need more MONEY, this is only a 1/2 truth as most cannot IDENTIFY the underlying reason they exist within the 95% - 97% of people who WORK for 1-3 people... and, in turn their investments of time, energy, and efforts produce 1-3 paychecks!

            It's not a money problem first off, it's a limited mindset, a frequency, and a bad signal wired into the brain!

            I suffer from it too... but, at least I have identified the real problem... we need to serve more people value - in order to receive more value (*money) in the exchange!

            If you focus only on money... you're not seeing from the top-down, you're stuck in the mindset of seeing things from the bottoms-up perspective. Which makes for a difficult climb out of financial hell!

            You're not a banker or in the business of printing money... you're objective is aligning others with existing resources, knowledge, and tools to leverage everything available to you (and them) right now!

            Being or becoming a solutions provider increases your odds of making more money - and, is commeasurate to how many people you choose to serve in the future?

            Think ahead! Shift your focus away from money and focus on aligning others with existing knowledge, tools, and resources! (*i.e., solutions!!!)

            Problems exist... solutions exist... adjust your messaging to align others with those solutions... stop chasing money... hunt down problems and solutions and money will follow as you increase the value you deliver on any platform organic or paid ads!
            Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    You just have to choose something and try my friend. There is no secret to making money online. Many people think that there is some secret. Something that people aren't telling them when there isn't. You just have to put in the work.

    I know it might not sound glamorous but it's the truth. I thought there was something people weren't telling me as well until I began to understand that there isn't. You just have to find something to sell and find a way to find the right people for it.

    Find the right people for the right product and you'll make money, but you've got to put in the work. Find something and do it. This forum has tons of information that you can put together to make something work for you. From there you just have to scale and do it more and more everyday.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    I use leads leap warrior forum and email marketing, one method people overlook is you tube trying to rank for terms like affilate marketing, you should review product ie leads leap review few people do these videos and you always rank on first page

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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    • Profile picture of the author onpointinfo
      Originally Posted by Moodesburn1977 View Post

      I use leads leap warrior forum and email marketing, one method people overlook is you tube trying to rank for terms like affilate marketing, you should review product ie leads leap review few people do these videos and you always rank on first page
      Thank you ,,, are you saying to do a review of digital products on youtube and you say they rank high on youtube why
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  • Profile picture of the author vickybabe
    Why not try Paid ads mate? In all seriousness, i failed my butt off until i started running paid ads, first ever sale came from solo ads, then ended up in the launch game, then back to paid traffic. You can start small, figure out what works, and then scale up without having to change your business model. If you are struggling, why not at least give it a go?
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    I use Quora (and other Q+A platforms/sub-platforms), FB groups, and blog post comments to build a list

    I send useful info/free tools updates to the list.

    I make sure they are signing up to THE LIST not the freebie I'm offering.

    From time to time, I use FOMO to get list members to sign up for a $1 product

    The $1 product is a repurposed piece of content from my previous blog posts

    Once I have a $1 buyer list, I then send higher value content to the list along with SPECIAL OFFERS
    This is my money maker

    Remember: the MONEY IS IN THE LIST

    But what people WILL NOT TELL YOU (at least without you paying them first) is WHICH TYPE OF LIST will make you money

    The reality: The method above doesn't work for ALL niches - different buyers have different intents - these intents have different time cycles and also different buyer types VARY in terms of HOW MANY TIMES they would buy OFF YOUR LIST
    Virtual Assistants - Only $3 USD per hour

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  • Profile picture of the author depotgang
    There is no such thing as free traffic...you either buy it with cash or a bit of your sole every day while you chase.

    If you can become a social influencer you can do ok.

    Learn how to start your own Solo Ad Business without an autoresponder or build a list. It's Fast Fun and Profitable. https://soloadmasterclass.com/

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  • Alot of the free organic methods you've tried work. They not be working for you, but they're working for alot of other people. I would question your volume, the quality of info you're putting before people, and your patience. And of course... your offer. Don't underestimate the difficulty of making a sale - no matter how much your product price is.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    The problem with FREE marketing is that it may work for some but not work for others.

    There are people on social media who post everyday and get results from their efforts while others, who do the same thing and are getting 0 results.

    I guess it is about testing different things on your own and seeing what work best for you.

    You want to be like a scientist and test to see what sticks for YOU.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    the good old clickbank digital products....

    I'd advise you first to try one of these products yourself before you promote anything.
    Does it help you? Does it solve YOUR and THE problem? Do you like it overall??

    Yes? Great, then go out there and promote it with all your confidence. You will soon find out that traffic never was your problem..You will find a solution from all these possibilities..

    However if the answer is no, then keep on searching for something that is worth your and your potential customers time.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    You can also snipe Youtube video reviews of CB products that are SIMILAR to the ones you're promoting

    Create a YT channel with your review (you can use modified AI tools for this)

    Post a promotional video to your channel

    Using your channel handle, comment on the competitor videos you sniped (see above) with questions and analysis.

    The key is to get the viewer to RESPECT your analysis enough to click your handle name to see your channel

    Your channel video will do the heavy lifting of selling and convince the viewer

    The secret to this technique is a) comment quality and accuracy and b) VOLUME

    The good news is that it is PASSIVE - do the work once but profit from it many times over
    Virtual Assistants - Only $3 USD per hour

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  • Originally Posted by onpointinfo View Post

    I failed at Affiliate Marketing several times, and here again to try again, so I am researching what Free Organic Methods can be used successfully to drive traffic and & generate sales from Clickbank digital products
    Engage closely with your niche's most active communities on forums, Reddit, Quora and Facebook Groups. Provide value through comments.
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  • Profile picture of the author ByMaDaK
    Try Reddit. The perfect platform for traffic and customer conversion.
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  • Profile picture of the author FredJones
    Don't mean to sound hard, but keep trying, and something will click for you. I suppose you have some other parallel means to support your livelihood since you've been here since 2009 and still appear to be (a) alive and (b) failing. If you do, don't get tense - you have a survival mechanism as your base, and you are into online business as an additional effort to thrive. See how you can add value, which does not have to be necessarily via free traffic, but can be. Think of what the hottest traffic zones are for your niche, and try adding value there with some reference to your own portfolio. That might get you somewhere.
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  • Profile picture of the author wkp2014
    Thanks for the info
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