Underrated platforms and marketing channels for driving traffic

by 8 replies
What are some underrated social media platforms or marketing channels that you've found effective for driving traffic?
#main internet marketing discussion forum #channels #driving #marketing #platforms #traffic #underrated
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  • My first marketing method, was right here on the warrior forum 15+ years ago. I would answer questions regarding ebook covers, and promote my graphic design service using my signature. I would get to know members publicly, and build my reputation.

    The volume of traffic is low, but it is of very high quality. Worked well for a services business.
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    • I think I've see this kind of marketing but more direct, for example if in a forum there is a thread asking what is you experience with X product, then the marketing accounts would say that their product is the best they've seen and the quality is high and such

      It's a good at targeting the right audience for sure but it takes a lot of work
  • CraigsList can be fantastic for the right kind of product - especially if you have a good angle for buying it (such as low cost financing).
    • [ 2 ] Thanks

  • LinkedIn is great for traffic, but it depends on what you are driving traffic to.

    There are some other ones but LinkedIn works the best for my purposes.

    You should experiment with the major platforms to determine what works for you.
  • Well watching a guy on youtube that teach affiliate marketing i discover a traffic source called Substack and its a site where you can post your article in any niche
    I just post 2 articles now 2 days and i already receive some traffic and i think this its a good traffic source in my opinion
  • so i recently took a social media course from udemy and i never understood the connection between social media and traffic,

    realized that the secret to growing your social media is by posting lol

    so i would say with metas business suite (facebook & instagram), they actually make it easy to grow your audience, they literally give you all the tools to succeed, i never knew this before that course,

    Canva, chatgpt, & meta business suite

    slowly going through the rest of the course with all the other platforms
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  • Besides here, check out Reddit, Quora, and other industry-related forums. Google has shifted to ranking these much more highly.
  • reddit and quora i guess.

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