How can clickbank vendor create links for affiliates that go to content instead of pitch page?

2 replies

I'm a longtime vendor on clickbank, I have a lot of content in my evergreen niche

I created an email swipe campaign for my affiliates, which inlcudes links pointing to content instead of going direct to the pitch page... I used Easy Clickmate to set it up back in the day

However, I noticed recently none of the links work anymore and Easy Clickmate has ceased to exist

How are vendors, nowadays, creating links for affiliates which point to content instead of the pitch page for the product?

Is it still done with 3rd party software or has clickbank made that functionality native to the platform.

I appreciate your advice

#affiliates #clickbank #content #create #links #page #pitch #vendor
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  • Profile picture of the author ATAC
    If you mean like affiliate material, I always get an email going to a google doc . .
    Of do you mean like special pages for special affiliates . If that what you do just like you were setting up a landing page you know on the end of the link it has different numbers for different pages . I hope that this helped . Not quite sure I understood fully.
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  • Profile picture of the author CB Elite
    Hi ATAC, thanks for taking the time to reply

    I'll clarify

    I have an email sequence for affiliates to swipe and send to their list. The links in the emails go to content on my blog. I used a 3rd party software called Easy Clickmate to make the links -- this is years ago

    The links used this formula:


    The result is the prospect would click a link going to a blog article, but they'd be cookied as if they'd clicked the standard clickbank affiliate link going to my pitchpage. Therefore if the prospect clicked around my blog, read a few articles and then later purchased, the affiliate was still credited for the sale.

    My question is, how are CB vendors achieving this nowadays?
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