Best ad network to advertise lingerie?

8 replies
Hi guys!

I've been building this lingerie e-commerce store.

Been exploring ad networks, but most of them have tight rules, and can't have women revealing too much skin.

Does anyone have any good ad networks or marketing strategies you could suggest?

Any kind of input would be deeply appreciated.

#advertise #lingerie #network
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    The best thing to do is to research your real competition - find companies that sell similar products and then look to see where THEY are advertising.

    This forum doesn't recommend specific ad sources as they vary depending on what you are selling.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Helping Both Ends of the Leash
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  • Lingerie epitomises the ADVERTIZIN' conundrum.

    It is Front Front Front Front Front.


    Promise Promise Promise Promise Promise.

    Howevah, soon asya bend ovah an' reveal yr hairy flaps, it is like


    Thing 'bout bra stuffs is how we redefinin' what it means to be comfitibyool.

    Where once we extended our nipples into Galaxies Beyonde c/o twinned missile launchahs strapped so tight we cain't even launch our own natchrl breathin' rhythms ...

    now we gaht SPORTS BRAS made from like GUM that can miraculously tame evin the slackest sofa-bound squidos might othahwise prompt mass concussion from outta a shoppin' mall simply bcs sum random "20% Discount" bannah servin' as perambulatory interrupt.

    (You been hit this way, you know how naht bleedin' to death instantly pales into insignificance against a lifetime nightmare of passive an' invasive concussion!)

    Janno, the frick we do with gals jus' wanna get on with their lives while also possessin' titties?

    It is like history-long WTF!

    You evah seen this ovah on Trunks 4 Hunks with all them pre-priapic, seemin' squirtin' guys who jus' wanna screw an unhelpfully unlevel shelf to a wall while simultaneously bein' immune to the appeal of perfectly price pointed shavin' products don't make 'em look like no tramp while they messin' with evrywan's heads on so many real basic levels?

    The frick is that elastic on yr undahweah, zackly?

    Swaddlin' clothes on steroids?

    What bettah epitome of isometric exahcise between Ego an' Yooniverse could evah there be?

    "The tightah they are, & the huggiah they get, the more I gotta FIGHT an' BUST OUT!"

    Tellya, mosta my panties are so ethereal I fergit sumtimes I wearin' 'em.

    Thing is, with all ad pix an' copy, what is the FEELIN' you wanna evoke?

    For all its consummate simplicity compared to dungarees or undahwatah rubbahwear, lingerie rewards an alarmingly diverse range of desires.

    That is my view ("any kind of input") on your current POSITIONING conundrum.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11792323].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author myfriendcute
      Princess Balestra what are you on man? Did you really just spend time writing that? .
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11792418].message }}
      • Originally Posted by myfriendcute View Post

        Princess Balestra what are you on man? Did you really just spend time writing that? .

        I endeavor to be universally pleasin, but my liquid wisdom don't always squoit too easy into evry availbyool receptacle.

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11792466].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by myfriendcute View Post

    Hi guys!

    I've been building this lingerie e-commerce store.

    Been exploring ad networks, but most of them have tight rules, and can't have women revealing too much skin.

    Does anyone have any good ad networks or marketing strategies you could suggest?

    Any kind of input would be deeply appreciated.


    Are you using stock images or taking product pictures yourself.

    If using stock images, don't use racy ones.

    If you are taking your own pictures, put the lingerie on a mannequin.

    Anytime you have an obstacle, develop a workaround.

    If your goal is ad network approval, do what is necessary to get approved.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11792422].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    don't always squoit too easy into evry availbyool receptacle.

    So true, so true.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Helping Both Ends of the Leash
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11792472].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      So true, so true.
      Ha ha ha!

      Thing is, what succor evrywan want anyways?

      Genrl moisture, kinda damp an' clingy, ubiquitous to the pointa bein' of valyoo to mebbe mold?

      Or a fountain of you-centric yummy, splashin' direct to yr pleasure areahs c/o a wondrously choreographed parabola array kinda replenishes, revitalizes, an' kicksya mojo inta overdrive?

      Whole point 'bout wearin' bras is how it ain't no kinda mandatory necessity.

      "Less'n I hide away these twinned squidos/cupcakes, ima be struck down from above by unsightly thundahbolts!"

      For sure, bras gaht all kindsa constraint/restraint narrative gowin' on -- but if'n you empowah the Personal Titty Chic Vibe (an' make 'em easy to wear), then you exalt glory steada suppress 50%a all mortal story.

      It ain't too long ago since the female form was an object to be strapped inta place.

      Whalebone corsets denyin' actshwl breathin' an' stiflin' growth potential like them gals from back in the day had their feet bound in bandage to make 'em look dinky while they fallin' ovah all ovah the place.

      Natchrlly, we gotta restrain all squidos from takin' out eyeballs when the ditzes gaht 'em turn round sharpish bcs they left their phone sumplace stoopid an' accidentally concuss sum innocent fkr in the mall.

      An' for the perky gals, it is supah helpful if'n most guys or gay wimmin you meet ain't beguiled by yr boobies to the pointa droolin' imbecility could endangah life.

      ("Plz Ms Taxi Drivah -- keep yr eyes on the road an' offa my dinkiest miraculature!)

      That is why a cool bra observes the intrinsic rules of fleshy areahs defined in all historic narratives as bein' provocatively tinglydangloid.

      Thing is tho, guys could mebbe go nekkid SANS AD NETWORK PROMOTED BOXAHS for a lifetime without gravity dowin' too much damage.

      Passive enlargement, kinda thing.

      For gals, howevah, anythin' "hangin' down to yr knees" (or evin yr frickin' navel) ain't ideal!

      Originally Posted by myfriendcute View Post

      Princess Balestra what are you on man? Did you really just spend time writing that? .
      Yeah, so, jus' a few more heart-2-heart ideahs you might wanna diss in yr pursoot of world dom ...

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author amna faiz
    try ad network taboola
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