3-Way Link Automation Software

by TZ
3 replies
I'm starting a new project in early 2010 and I'm wondering if there are any 3-Way Link Automation Software packages on the market - the most powerful and COST is not an issue.
#3way #automation #link #software
  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Larose
    There is 3 way link software included in either commission blueprint or niche blueprint from Steve Clayton ( I forget which one)


    Jeff Larose
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    • Profile picture of the author KenJ
      Hey TZ

      look up Jonathan leger here - he has number of linking services that should do the job

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  • Profile picture of the author tresero
    The problem with the Leger sites is they are very strange in what they don't take. They consider a site with the word holiday verboten, it is the root for holy day, which makes it a religious site. Go figure. The last I checked holiday is non secular word in the English language.

    Maybe in the country your support guys work in they use some other word, but most of the English speaking world says, I am going on a holiday, or it is a holiday. Jonathon, I think your tech support guys are wacked. I may have no choice but to cancel my other sites. Which I know you probably don't care about.

    I won't comment on whether the site is good, but I will say, you may get sites not approved for some strange reasons. 1 article with holiday in the title and you are done.

    Use at your own risk.
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