"Send visits to YouTube channel from Facebook group.

3 replies
Can you give me your opinion if it's a good idea to drive traffic from a Facebook group to a YouTube channel to benefit its growth?
#channel #facebook #group #send #visits #youtube
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  • Profile picture of the author shafaqatblogger
    It's a good strategy, But avoid too many links from facebook to Youtube
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11801997].message }}
  • i wounder, isnot easier to get traffic from youtube directly?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11803302].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
    Yes you can and it does help.

    I routinely send traffic to YouTube from social media, parasite SEO like Medium etc.

    if you have a video that is just starting to take off, create content that naturally leads them into the next content like this:

    You have a video on 10 dog training tips make your social posts or parasites about just one of those tips and then say for the other 9 Free tips go to this free YouTube video.

    This helps that video jump in the rankings and gets more subscribers to your channel.
    Free eBook =>
    The Secret To Success In Any Business
    Yes, Any Business!
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