Is still a safe bet?

12 replies
Some people on the WP sub reddit are talking about finding alternatives, after the current conflict between Automattic and WP Engine.

Are there even any alternatives to with so many plugins and choices?

#bet #safe #wordpressorg #wp alternatives
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I have found few Subreddits where some people were not all upset over something or other.

    Have you researched the issue - there are some clear explanations online.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author bionictortoise
      I looked but I could only find sites with monthly fees, and a no plugins. Those do not look like an alternative for to me.
      "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop" - Confucius
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    There is nothing I've ever seen that even comes close to WP.

    Everyone should know, especially theme and plugin developers, how the GPL licensing works. There is nothing that is happening now, including the forking of the premium ACF plugin, that is illegal or unethical according to the GPL. The GPL doesn't require companies to give away their bandwidth for free by providing updates to anyone.

    People are raging against Matt for hurting a company's profits by cutting off access to updates on his server, but that same company has been milking Matt's work for years without giving back, thereby hurting Matt's profits. Two wrongs don't make a right, but anyone taking an honest look at this can see that there truly are two sides to the story.

    This could all be avoided by scrapping the GPL and turning WP into a premium product. That won't happen, though, so these little spats will continue. I mean, even if they took it that way for future versions, the version that is out now will forever be covered by the GPL.

    My two cents.

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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    I know my feelings may be controversial...

    but, I think WP is overkill for over 90% of businesses.

    There are soooo many other alternatives that can offer almost just as much with a lot easier experience and without using all the plugins.

    I would imagine it is safe though.

    I did a whole sales letter for a company that was competing with wordpress way back when and showed how anyone could build virtually the same thing without all the plugins.

    I sometimes think Workpress is confusing effort with results.

    But, as I said, my feelings may not be your feelings.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      I sometimes think Workpress is confusing effort with results.
      Good point. I do that too often in a lot of areas of life.

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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by bionictortoise View Post

    Some people on the WP sub reddit are talking about finding alternatives, after the current conflict between Automattic and WP Engine.

    Are there even any alternatives to with so many plugins and choices?


    I don't see what the problem is because Automattic and WP Engine
    don't have anything to do with They are completely
    separate entities and whatever squabbles they are having won't
    affect WP at all.

    Do you even have any sites on WP?

    I agree that WP isn't necessary unless you require a specific plug-in,
    which most users do not. People would do well to go back to basics,
    it is cheaper and less of a headache.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11807690].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bionictortoise
      Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

      I don't see what the problem is because Automattic and WP Engine
      don't have anything to do with They are completely
      separate entities and whatever squabbles they are having won't
      affect WP at all.

      Do you even have any sites on WP?

      I agree that WP isn't necessary unless you require a specific plug-in,
      which most users do not. People would do well to go back to basics,
      it is cheaper and less of a headache.
      Hi thanks, I would prefer to stay with WP as that's what I am used to. I just wanted to ask, as I am planning to build a bigger site than my others.

      Yes I have 5 full WP sites. And one just started. I personally will need specific plugins for the one I am building. Example; a geo-locator so I can send affiliate traffic to their country's site.

      And I use Pretty links and various design plugins on my other sites, which I am happy with.

      Thank you to everyone else who replied.
      "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop" - Confucius
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      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by bionictortoise View Post

        Hi thanks, I would prefer to stay with WP as that's what I am used to. I just wanted to ask, as I am planning to build a bigger site than my others.

        Yes I have 5 full WP sites. And one just started. I personally will need specific plugins for the one I am building. Example; a geo-locator so I can send affiliate traffic to their country's site.

        And I use Pretty links and various design plugins on my other sites, which I am happy with.

        It sounds like you are doing great things.

        Just make sure that your hosting platform is secure and that way
        what is going on with Automattic and WP Engine won't affect you.

        You can also combine HTML pages with WP.

        Keep doing whatever works for you and don't stop.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    i think wp is still the best, and all the best plugins, i used all my sites hosting on wordpress, and u can search for many plugins some free, and some u need to pay for and they only charge a small fee

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  • Profile picture of the author supadan
    I don't think WP is going anywhere. Most of the internet still runs on wordpress, and most people don't care about the recent drama. I personally am not moving any of my sites away from wp.
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  • Profile picture of the author abhish3141
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa offers self hosted WordPress software and plugins. There is nothing to do this with dispute between WordPress and Wpengine. They are fighting for loyalty and trademark issues. However, If you looking for an alternative, you can try Ghost.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author abhish3141
    yes it still is
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