Best option to host and sell ebooks without doing SEO?

7 replies
Hey guys, when wishing to sell ebooks outside of Amazon, what is the best way to do this? If building my own site I will need to do SEO so I am thinking of using like Gumroad, Payhip e..t.c platforms to host and sell the files or maybe ecommerce store on Shopify.

Then I can try youtube, social media and tik tok and link to the store hosting the ebooks, is this ok or is there a better way please?
#ebooks #host #option #sell #seo
  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    have u tried amaazon kindle direct publishing it seems a good one

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by mikehende View Post

    Hey guys, when wishing to sell ebooks outside of Amazon, what is the best way to do this? If building my own site I will need to do SEO so I am thinking of using like Gumroad, Payhip e..t.c platforms to host and sell the files or maybe ecommerce store on Shopify.

    Then I can try youtube, social media and tik tok and link to the store hosting the ebooks, is this ok or is there a better way please?
    The basic problem, either way, is driving TARGETED TRAFFIC to your offer. I like Gumroad for testing, it has a built in marketplace and it is as simple as it gets to make an offer.

    The idea is fine, have it hosted, and use those socials to drive traffic to your offer. Also, eBay is still viable place.

    Suggest you start with your potential buyer, who are they? Where do they go online? What groups might they belong to? And how are other people selling to them? Since you asked about outside Amazon, I assume that means Kindle too, as was suggested.

    Using your strategy, and keeping it dirt simple, a host like Gumroad, takes care of many other steps, such as setting up a way to take payment. So, it is all done for you, very convenient, albeit, somewhat costly (but not at all for most) or could be.

    Also, using a test site like Gumroad gives you some idea of whether or not you are promoting your work well enough. Having the ebook is one part, offering the ebook is another, but TRAFFIC (targeted) is what determines its success.

    How will you use the socials to find the right audience?

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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by mikehende View Post

    Hey guys, when wishing to sell ebooks outside of Amazon, what is the best way to do this? If building my own site I will need to do SEO so I am thinking of using like Gumroad, Payhip e..t.c platforms to host and sell the files or maybe ecommerce store on Shopify.

    Then I can try youtube, social media and tik tok and link to the store hosting the ebooks, is this ok or is there a better way please?

    You plan to sell an eBook but you aren't going to do any SEO.

    Are you saying that you don't want people to find your eBook through search?

    Will the eBook have a title?
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  • Profile picture of the author ClintonPage
    For me the best option is using platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, which handle hosting, selling, and marketing for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Grazina
    Using Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is really a sound idea.

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  • Profile picture of the author Lacey Lasso
    imo: selling eBooks through SEO is overrated, driving traffic through Instagram and Tiktok are the kings


    And like other have suggested, use Gumroad to test out the marketplace

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  • Profile picture of the author conquest99999
    This is a very good idea in my opinion. But selling on Kindle could have more book sales for you so that's what I would suggest.
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