Calculating CLV for GYM Buissnes

2 replies
I have this data for a GYM
Subscription ID Subscription Date Person ID Member Name Subscription Period Refund Amount (Without VAT)

[subscriber info removed by moderator]

Im confused how to caluclate a CLV. I tried it but gave me huge values..

at first I caculated ARPU X ((total duration in days)/distinct users number/30)
this gave me huge unlogical number

I go with a method of my mind but i think its wrong.. which is
calculating ARPS(average revenue per subscription) X (total subscriptions/distinct users number)
this will give me like average revenue for total subscription times user stay..

it gave more logical number but i dont think theis is the accurate way.. can you help me if the dataset above is all my data..

thank you
#buissnes #calculating #clv #gym
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    If the dataset you have isn't large enough or sufficiently detailed, there's no point in using it. Any conclusions you draw will be next to useless.

    I would have thought the key data about CLTV for gym memberships is that the vast majority of members sign up once and then seldom if ever use it.

    It's a bit like MMO courses, but without the false hope.


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    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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