How well do you find solo ads work?

12 replies
Has anyone had any success using solo ads? If so, which supplier worked best for you?
#ads #find #solo #work
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcelloFumuso
    More specific information is needed here. What is your niche? ''Traffic for me'' - it is great for health, finance.
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    • Profile picture of the author ZoeMarketr
      Thanks. I am looking at more affiliate marketing offers. But what's positive is you saying 'traffic for me' is good for certain niches. That gives me some confidence that people are still using solo ads. If that's the case, then there must still be life in left in them!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    It depends on the quality of the vendors list and what industry is their list more interested in .I like to ask questions and get cross references about vendors first .
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  • Profile picture of the author ZoeMarketr
    Thanks. Sounds like you're having a positive experience with solo ads, once you've done your checks and asked all your questions first. This is very helpful, thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author catexotica
    Solo ads can be effective if targeted to the right audience, offering a highly focused way to reach potential customers. However, their success largely depends on the quality of the ad copy and the relevance of the email list.
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    • Profile picture of the author ZoeMarketr
      Makes a lot of sense. I think the ad copy bit is really key. If you're talking to the right people but your message is poor, then the quality of the list is immaterial. That said, the best ad copy in the world will be lost on the wrong audience! Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    there are good ones and bad ones, i would stick to those who have been building email lists for years, udimi is a god place to start just check reviews and comments

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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    • Profile picture of the author ZoeMarketr
      Thanks so much - this is great. I've been looking at a few but not seen Udimi, so will check them out. Thanks again
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      • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
        Originally Posted by ZoeMarketr View Post

        Thanks so much - this is great. I've been looking at a few but not seen Udimi, so will check them out. Thanks again
        IMO Udimi is the best one there is for BizOp/MMO/health niches. Excellent filters.

        Be mindful that sellers are obliged to fullfill their orders for how many solos you buy, but it is then YOUR job to work at making sales through building relationships with those who subscribe to you.

        Too many criticise Solos because they fail to make immediate sales from subscribers, which is not what you are paying sellers to do.

        I've successfully sold solos as a broker (clickmagik filter) and but not for a while now. I'll be selling again at some point
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  • I once ran solo ads but their conversion rate was quite low. Most of their leads are filled with freebie seekers. I will advise you to schedule more follow up emails than usual if you plan to get good conversion.

    EASY ACCESS, This 5 Days Challenge Made Me Approximately $29,657.89 In My First Month As A Newbie. SEE CHALLENGE

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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    Originally Posted by ZoeMarketr View Post

    Has anyone had any success using solo ads? If so, which supplier worked best for you?
    I use udimi what i do is this

    1. check reviews how many sales they get percentage wise
    2, check for repeat buyers
    3. and look for recent sales within last 30 days.

    there are good ones and bad ones to be honest

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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  • Profile picture of the author Talent ISL
    Nowadays, solo ads don't seem as effective as they once were. I tried running them in the past, but the conversion rates were disappointingly low. Many of the leads I got were from freebie seekers, which made it harder to generate meaningful results.
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  • Profile picture of the author mph125
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    • Profile picture of the author mph125
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  • I do not understand Why Warrior Forum delete my post which I wrote as an anti Solo ads, does the Warrior Forum sell Solo ads? Whatever I say I won't use solo ads compare the cost of a click, it is safe to use Google Ads instead!
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