DLGuard? Been gone from internet marketing for 10 Years

4 replies
Hello everyone,

First off, I would like to say how please I am to fidn that the Warrior Forum is still online! (Looks to be thriving, too)

As the subject said, I have been gone for a decade, but now that I find myself home-bound (disabled, but I don't want to talk about that) I need to get back into making a living online.

In the past, I focused on selling digital goods and used DLGuard to deliver them, but it appears that this software has not been updated since I've left. Still needing PHP7.4 or earlier, and after visiting the website (which is still up, BTW) you click the buy button and get a php error.

So is there something new that people use to deliver digital goods to the customer?

Or has everything changed so much that this isn't even a viable method anymore?

I will be sure to read, read and read some more so I can see what everyone is up to, but I thought this might be a good place to start.

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this, and reply.
#dlguard #internet #marketing #years
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    You might want to try system .OI .

    Welcome back and let me know how you make out .
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  • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
    Hi John, great to have you back, I hope all goes extremely well for you.

    Listen, I have a little eBook I just wrote that I'll be selling to my list for $9.95 that I'd like to send you for free as a welcome back gift.

    It covers pretty much what you're asking and then some. All updated to today's internet and solutions.

    I'll message you on it in a minute.

    Free eBook =>
    The Secret To Success In Any Business
    Yes, Any Business!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11815955].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by John Derrick View Post

    Hello everyone,

    First off, I would like to say how please I am to fidn that the Warrior Forum is still online! (Looks to be thriving, too)

    As the subject said, I have been gone for a decade, but now that I find myself home-bound (disabled, but I don't want to talk about that) I need to get back into making a living online.

    In the past, I focused on selling digital goods and used DLGuard to deliver them, but it appears that this software has not been updated since I've left. Still needing PHP7.4 or earlier, and after visiting the website (which is still up, BTW) you click the buy button and get a php error.

    So is there something new that people use to deliver digital goods to the customer?

    Or has everything changed so much that this isn't even a viable method anymore?

    I will be sure to read, read and read some more so I can see what everyone is up to, but I thought this might be a good place to start.

    Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this, and reply.

    Ten years is a long time to be offline, but you can get
    back to business if you are willing to learn new things.

    Digital downloads will always be a thing, but you will
    need to do more than before because everything is
    much more saturated and competitive.

    There are numerous places where you could upload
    your products such as Payhip, Gumroad, Payloadz,
    and others. You can search online for those and find
    something that works for you.

    And then there's A.I., if you haven't tried it yet, I highly
    recommend that you use it for your business.

    ChatGPT and many of the other ones are free to use,
    premium versions have a monthly fee of around $20.

    I also recommend that you read about passive income,
    home business, work at home, affiliate marketing, and
    other business topics of interest. Amazon routinely has
    free Kindle ebooks or a really low price of 99¢.

    Good luck and please post any questions or if you just
    want to chat.

    We are here for you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11815958].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author shekhar
    Originally Posted by John Derrick View Post

    Hello everyone,

    First off, I would like to say how please I am to fidn that the Warrior Forum is still online! (Looks to be thriving, too)

    As the subject said, I have been gone for a decade, but now that I find myself home-bound (disabled, but I don't want to talk about that) I need to get back into making a living online.

    In the past, I focused on selling digital goods and used DLGuard to deliver them, but it appears that this software has not been updated since I've left. Still needing PHP7.4 or earlier, and after visiting the website (which is still up, BTW) you click the buy button and get a php error.

    So is there something new that people use to deliver digital goods to the customer?

    Or has everything changed so much that this isn't even a viable method anymore?

    I will be sure to read, read and read some more so I can see what everyone is up to, but I thought this might be a good place to start.

    Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this, and reply.
    DLGuard has gone since long. The primary reason in my opinion was the rise of cloud solution which do not need installing something in the server and doing constant updation. Some notable examples are Gumroad, Lemonsqueezy and Skool.

    If you host your website on Wordpress, then the plugin Easy Digital Download is still a good choice.

    A solution to all your backlinks needs : Linkinsert.com

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