DLGuard? Been gone from internet marketing for 10 Years
First off, I would like to say how please I am to fidn that the Warrior Forum is still online! (Looks to be thriving, too)
As the subject said, I have been gone for a decade, but now that I find myself home-bound (disabled, but I don't want to talk about that) I need to get back into making a living online.
In the past, I focused on selling digital goods and used DLGuard to deliver them, but it appears that this software has not been updated since I've left. Still needing PHP7.4 or earlier, and after visiting the website (which is still up, BTW) you click the buy button and get a php error.
So is there something new that people use to deliver digital goods to the customer?
Or has everything changed so much that this isn't even a viable method anymore?
I will be sure to read, read and read some more so I can see what everyone is up to, but I thought this might be a good place to start.
Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this, and reply.
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