article/ blog post republished but links swapped question

by David
1 replies
Can anything be done if someone is scraping your blog posts or republishing your articles and swapping the link?

I mean it *looks* like our link but the href points to another site.

It's happened at least twice for us in the past week.
Marine Travelling Port News Kelly Koch Corpus Christi Divorce Lawyer

our blog post link is Kelly Koch Family Law Attorney but the html is coded http;//

That's an .ru domain so... is there little recourse?

The first time a local to us Maryland General Contractor republished our article and the link was the same way. Im not gonna post his url here (this one I think I can get something done about)

That guy is right here in Maryland, what are the steps involved with getting his webhost to ditch him?
#article or #blog #links #post #question #republished #swapped

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