Copywriting WSO Offers - some kind of feedback/trust system

6 replies
Hi there Warriors,

I feel compelled to write this message after being burnt so many top by copywriters on the warrior forum (bar of course the wonderful Judy Kettenhofen who I gratefully met after posting a msg about copywriter problems previously).

About a year ago I responded to a wso and purchased a number of sales letters from a copywriter via paypal (gosh, over a year later i'm still waiting and now wouldn't even remember what some of those sales letters were).

About three months ago I purchased two offers from the one copywriter - one received finally, the other nowhere to be seen....

About four months ago I purchased a wso copywriting offer - and am still waiting for the letter for that fact, Judy and I had a laugh saying we should post the comments I've received from the copywriter as a wso for copywriters who intend on not following through with letters for their clients....

After many weeks later I contacted this person via their support desk...

Let me dig this killer swipe file out now:

31 september 2009

"I am hoping to submit your completed package thursday night.
I have been working 14 hours per day if not more for the past few days and your project is next on my list. I am sincerely hoping to wrap your package tomorrow and enjoy the week-endoff after this week is over."

2 october 2009

"I am on it and am aiming to deliver your files in time for Monday morning."

7 october 2009

"I have started reviewing your project today (Tuesday) and should be able to wrap and submit the complete package either tomorrowor thursday at the latest. "

13 october 2009

"I have spent the last part of the week and week-end in bed after exhaustion turned into fever and forced me to bed. I am back on track and working on your project now. "

11 november 2009

" I've been away as well and was persuaded I had sent you the package before leaving. Let me unpack my things and retrieve it from my file storage tomorrow."

19 november 2009

"Sorry about the delay. I've been overwhelmed by my tasks last week working on a fundraiser and finding that package is more daunting that I had first imagined it would be. In the meanwhile I have found the minisite package which is attached to this ticket. I will try to get the rest of the files tomorrow."

no replies to my responses since.

now you've got to agree with me, that's just ridiculous

And what recourse do we have for people who have trusted these people by paying via paypal in advance of the work??

it's my understanding that you've only got a limited time to file a dispute with paypal about it...

these copywriting wsos are really beginning to leave a very sour taste in my mouth and I believe something needs to be done about it.

I'm not sure exactly what, but something should....

I look forward to your comments and thoughts....


#copywriting #feedback or trust #kind #offers #system #wso
  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor

    The solution is simple. Ask service providers if they
    are willing to manage the project through a service
    such as RentaCoder.

    Using RAC will mean that the funds are put in escrow
    and not released untill the job is completed to your

    The service provider knows they'll get paid as the
    funds must be paid into escrow before they start to

    If there is a dispute, the RAC facillitators have lots
    of experience in settling disputes.

    Yes, the RAC fees will reduce the cash received by
    the service provider by around 15% but for peace
    of mind and security it's well worth paying those
    extra costs over and above the project cost.

    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
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  • Profile picture of the author Bev Clement
    See if they will take a deposit and the rest paid on completion.

    I bought a WSO for copywriting, and had a good experience, but another warrior didn't. He bought because of my testimony, and he contacted me to find out more information. I was able to tell him exactly what happened, but it seemed the person took extra work and couldn't complete his.

    The problem is a buyer could get a really good experience today but someone buying tomorrow not the same experience, so it would be difficult to have a system in place.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bjarne Eldhuset
      I blew several hundred dollars on a copywriting wso about a year ago.

      The writer claimed to have all sorts of problems with health, family, computer trouble and so on.

      Funny thing he managed to update his twitter account umpteen times a day at the same time...
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Corners
    I haven's used a copywriter before but I'm glad to read this post. I like the escrow strategy to make sure the work is done before releasing money.

    The Easy Way to Create High Converting Sales Funnels...

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
    Judy is the absolute definition of a true Warrior...

    ..and a copywriting wizard (sorceress, whatever)

    I miss Judy's Friday Nights.


    Originally Posted by 60MinuteAffiliate View Post

    Hi there Warriors,

    (bar of course the wonderful Judy Kettenhofen who I gratefully met after posting a msg about copywriter problems previously).

    I look forward to your comments and thoughts....



    Not promoting right now

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