How Can I Make My Website Convert Better?

21 replies
Hey Everyone,

I need everyone's opinion on what I should do to increase sales for my site:

Inversion Therapy Relieves Back Pain In 70 Seconds - The Back Revolution System

It seems people just get overwhelmed on the front page and leave after a a few minutes.

Is the site too confusing? What draws your eye first? What would you suggest I remove/add to deliver the message: Relieve Your Back Pain In 70 Seconds?

Thanks everyone, I appreciate your time looking at this!

#convert #make #website
  • Profile picture of the author SeanSupplee
    The page looks cool I will give you that but the layout might be a little off. The first thing that comes to my mind is your opt in form is below the page fold. I would instead move the opt in form on the right up above the black box What Is Inversion Therapy? So you have your green opt in box and then under that the black What Is Inversion Therapy? this way its above the fold and if they want to see more of the bullets for what is inversion therapy they can by scrolling. I think this could improve your results a bit.

    Also I really do not understand why in the world you would put a security code on an opt in form? People have a hard enough time just placing in their name and email address why limit yourself even more with a random security code?
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    • Profile picture of the author rawservices
      Originally Posted by SeanSupplee View Post

      The page looks cool I will give you that but the layout might be a little off. The first thing that comes to my mind is your opt in form is below the page fold. I would instead move the opt in form on the right up above the black box What Is Inversion Therapy? So you have your green opt in box and then under that the black What Is Inversion Therapy? this way its above the fold and if they want to see more of the bullets for what is inversion therapy they can by scrolling. I think this could improve your results a bit.

      Also I really do not understand why in the world you would put a security code on an opt in form? People have a hard enough time just placing in their name and email address why limit yourself even more with a random security code?
      Thank you Sean I will move the opt-in box to the top more. I was trying to stay away from the squeeze page style site and deliver as much information as possible, but I see now that it wont work the way I had planned. As far as the security code goes, it's just for spam.. I know it's tough for people to enter in a few letters, but I figure if they are truly going to want to open up to my sales pitches in the future they will take the 15 seconds to type in a few letters and numbers to get a free gift from us. I'm not looking to sell bulk info, just sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author rawservices
    Originally Posted by Ken_Caudill View Post

    Looking only at your first page, I can't tell what you are selling. Is it a gizmo, an info product, a video? Secondly, there are too many diversions available for your visitor. She can grab your giveaway product, look at testimonials, or flitter about to various places on your site without running into your offer. Maybe you should try putting your info in a digest form all on one page with the menu options at the very bottom of the page for those who want to delve deeper.

    That way you would have a straghtforward offer on your first page and still garner the Google benefits of having a multi-page site.

    Thanks for the helpful input Ken I really appreciate it. I have tried to make it simple to understand what the site is intended for with the main billboard at the top rotating graphics with short headers that explain what the site is about along with pictures of the product. I am really trying to make it clearer for the customer what they are looking at but Im having a mental block from staring at the screen for 2 months of working on all of it lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aj Wilson
    Try looking at the way guthy renker and those "ab machine" websites that sell their magic widget machines and model their sites & success...

    If you're looking at a more "Side ways sales letter" style selling site, Scott Stamper does a fantastic job you can see here >> StoreStacker - Affiliate Web Site Builder very effective and could be a great style for your site.

    Overall, you can listen to all the advice you like,
    but at the end of the day, only your customers (or potential customers) are going to tell you what works & what doesnt...

    just gotta test till your blue in the face & beat the **** outta your control (your current sales page).

    All the best buddy, looks like a fantastic niche to be in.

    - aj
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    • Profile picture of the author rawservices
      @Aj Wilson: Thanks Aj, I like your last name, mine too :-)

      I am constantly monitoring traffic patterns and seeing what people are doing on the site. I will keep improving the site and making it simple simple simple.

      I am in direct contact with the product creator and we are looking for affiliates. Anyone who is interested please PM me.

      The goal is to create a high converting site (obviously) so that my affiliates can send traffic and rake in the dough. All suggestions will be followed up on and taken to heart.

      Thanks everyone for taking the time to post your feed back, really appreciated!

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      • Profile picture of the author ChristineP
        Wow - that's a bright site - like the other posters think, there is way too much going here.

        The checklists are distracting and it looks like the right hand column is out of sync with the main body - for example, the info about the free guide is in the middle of the page and then the opt-in for it is to the right but lower down.

        Also - I figure you are selling that machine like thing? - that should be right near the top of the page so that it's clear what you are offering.

        Ok, hope that helps.

        Oh - one more thought - I've always found the super bright colors to come off a bit tacky, I for some reason trust sites that are a little more mainstream with there color patterns.


        Needs Updating...

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  • Profile picture of the author profit media
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    • Profile picture of the author rawservices
      Thanks Profit Media,

      I will do my best to simplify the website to its bare essentials, I understand fancy graphics wont convert to sales.

      Thanks again!

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  • Simplify. I hate to tell you this, but good website design isn't an art competition. It's about getting your visitor to take the action you want them to take. Try bullet pointing the benefits of your product and following that with an in-your-face call to action.

    (edit -- add)

    Put your call to action at the bottom of you interior pages, too.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Design your site to be more focus and not to have many products listed on the front page.

    For instance, use your home page to build list for your business. My building a list, you can have more prospect within your net as well as have the access to reach them whenever suits you.
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  • Profile picture of the author KristiDaniels
    It is really busy at the top. So busy that I wasn't really willing to spend much time looking at the rest.

    If you lose people with "above the fold" weird colors and images, then they will never see the rest of your sales mesage.

    Get everything under test with a decent multivarate testing package and...

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author rawservices
    Thank you to everyone who has posted so far, the overwhelming consesus is that the site is a little bit to busy :-)

    I understand it is not an art contest, but I know the value of an attractive website. I do agree with it being slightly colorful, but then again, in nature the most colorful species of plants and animals survive :-) (except a few I guess haha)

    I will try to simplify the message I am trying to convey and give my users a distinct call to action.

    My question to everyone is: If I am focusing on SALES not OPT-INS what is the best approach for this design?

    I feel as though having the opt-in box slightly below the fold separates the people who would never buy from the people who at least will consider buying. It is my sales background in real life that is giving me a hard time with this.

    I am assuming that people who at least take the time to read down a few senteces will be some what warm to the idea of relieving their back pain in 70 seconds, therefore they would like to receive the free information by giving their e-mail.

    Again, thank you everyone who responded and I appreciate any and all feed back!

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    • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
      Originally Posted by rawservices View Post

      My question to everyone is: If I am focusing on SALES not OPT-INS what is the best approach for this design?
      My opinion is that you put whatever primary action you want to visitor to take right up front. If it's the squeeze box, put it above the fold and attract attention to it. If it's a product, that goes up front.

      Overall, I like the design of your site. It builds visitor trust very well and is very attractive. It just doesn't lead me in the right direction, buying the product.

      I'd suggest putting a video of your product right up front. Now if you can just get Tony Little and Darla Haun to do a video for you...

      Also, take a look at this competitor's site:
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      • Profile picture of the author rawservices
        Great reply bgmacaw,

        Great feed back my friend, kudos! I will be taking your advice and adding a video to the top. I didn't want to add the video from the "Videos" section because of the age.

        This inversion machine has been around since the early 80's with hundreds of testimonials, I didn't want to use out-dated video... or should I? Would any video be better than no video??

        Thank you for your great post though, highly appreciated :-) :-)

        P.S. We are going to have lose the back pain feature our product hopefully.
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  • Profile picture of the author mysteryleaves
    Just had a quick look .Looks a well set out site
    nice fresh look , nice header
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  • Profile picture of the author benrpalmer
    Add an autoresponder :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
      Originally Posted by benrpalmer View Post

      Add an autoresponder :-)
      I feel a wso coming on. This guy has made around 30 posts in the last 2 days - and this thread is a year old.
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  • Profile picture of the author maze
    hi i see your website your first page is not very attractive i think u change this page make professional attractive page
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  • Profile picture of the author onefreekiwinz
    A Video...
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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    I agree with most people above.

    Simplify the page if possible as its all a bit 'in your face' and 'busy' blasting different products. Also, I have never seen so many people with stethascopes (Do they need those for back pain?) who look less like doctors. Pick one 'doctor' and stick with him or her.

    Also the first thing I see on that flash box at the top is about secure shipping. I havent seen any products yet and I am being told about shipping.

    No need for the security code. You wont get spam, especially as double opt-in requires a working e-mail address.

    I would be tempted to get rid of the fancy flash stuff at the top and, instead, buy the Ultimate Footer Ad script and have that appear at the bottom of the page reminding people to pick up a copy of your giveaway after 45 or 60 seconds.
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  • Profile picture of the author Herschel-W
    Your website should look clean and not be cluttered with too many banner ads,etc. so not to overwhelm the visitor.
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