Kevin Riley and I Agree: Kill The Spaceman
I want a nice, simple, rapidly made form I can stick on my webpage.
I do not want to wait for aweber to create an even cooler, neater version of their form generator -- complete -- now with css and javascript.
If I wanted javascript, I'd put in my own javascript.
If I want css, I'll put in my own css.
Not to mention that it's buggy. I modified my form, and it still gave me the previous version when I asked for the raw html. (Yes, I saved the form.)
Not to mention the fact that when I slam the form into my Kompozer page -- Kompozer now not-so-delightfully assists me by taking all the css code and sticking it in the head section.
I don't need this.
Can we please have a choice of WHICH form generator we use?
Thank you!
Live JoyFully!
PS -- the spaceman is the "cute" little picture aweber sticks up while loading up all your cool gadgets for aweber form generator 3.0.
PPS -- it was bad enough when I used to ask for html and then it gave me a choice between javascript and "raw" html.
PPPS -- some people REALLY would like to create their OWN javascript, or choose not to have it.
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