A Gift - Hang It On Your Wall And Get Things Done!

17 replies
Hey Warriors,

Several days ago I was sitting in front of my favorite graphics program when I had a flash of inspiration for an idea - a one-page guide with tips and insights on how to get things done - something we all need help doing better, including me!

I'm finally finished with it (see screenshot below), and I'd like to give to you - no strings attached.


This forum has always been a great source of answers and inspiration to me - this is just my way of saying thanks.

I call the concept a ClarityMap, and you can download it here.

Print it, laminate it, and hang it on your wall. I'm biased, but I think it's a great tool for inspiring you to take action everyday!

Oh, and I'm happy to say you're free to give it away to anyone, anyway you want (as long as you give it away free, and you don't alter it in any way).

If you all like this enough, I've got ideas for ClarityMaps related to all sorts of marketing stuff.

I'd love to hear your feedback.

Thanks again, and enjoy.


#action machine #gift #gtd #hang #things #wall
  • Profile picture of the author Scott Murdaugh
    Nice Derek!

    I'm printing this bad boy out... Your Action Machine has done wonders for me.



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    • Profile picture of the author letsgetitstarted
      This looks cool. I know the obsessive compulsion to check emails and twitter updates over and over is a problem for quite a few people. Hopefully this will help me be more productive.

      Love the graphics by the way, is that your work or is it outsourced?
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  • Profile picture of the author mywebwork
    This is awesome Derek! Thanks so much for the share.

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  • Profile picture of the author Laura B
    Wow, beautiful job! Thank you very much!
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  • Profile picture of the author realstorm
    Great, thanks you so much.
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  • Profile picture of the author RainDrop
    Thanks for sharing! A good reminder to stay on track everyday.
    I like the quotes you included, too!
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  • Profile picture of the author goliathseo
    Wow! Awesome!!! I am setting this as my desktop wallpaper for both my desktop and laptop!! I REALLY need help in this area. Lets see what results it brings.

    Do you want to make successes or excuses? Success? Alright then... See what's in store for you....
    - The AC Assassin

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    • Profile picture of the author kumar
      Originally Posted by goliathseo View Post

      Wow! Awesome!!! I am setting this as my desktop wallpaper for both my desktop and laptop!! I REALLY need help in this area. Lets see what results it brings.

      Thanks for sharing this with us.
      How do I make it my desktop wallpaper?
      I can use the image in your OP but it only forms a
      small image on the desktop (i.e. it does not cover the whole screen).
      Any suggestions?

      Life is not a sprint, its a marathon. A bad start does not really matter too much

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  • Profile picture of the author scrofford
    Awesome job Derek! Thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Derek_Franklin
    Thanks so much for all the great feedback!

    I know we all hear and read things about how to take action, but I believe there's nothing like a visual aid - since our minds think in pictures.

    I've created several more of this kinds of guides/maps (especially related to copywriting concepts) but I'm still trying to figure out what to do with them.

    I'll keep you posted.

    BTW, letsgetitstarted, I personally created this with one of the best graphics programs on the market - Xara (Graphics Software by Xara).

    Thanks again!

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  • Profile picture of the author Derek_Franklin
    Hey Kumar,

    You're welcome!

    As for how to make it a desktop wallpaper, within Adobe Reader, right-click the image and choose the Select Tool from the menu.

    From the top-left of the image, click-drag to the bottom right of the image.

    When the image is completely selected, right-click on the image again and choose Copy.

    Open a program like Photoshop (or some other graphics editor), start a new document, then do a Paste onto that new document.

    Export the results a PNG, JPEG, or whatever works.

    Make that exported image your wallpaper.

    Hope this helps!

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  • Profile picture of the author Derek_Franklin
    Hey Dr. Mani,


    I have another one in the works right now - based on a thread I saw earlier this morning on this forum about reaching goals.

    I really like creating these.

    Anyone have a favorite marketing topic you'd like to see as a map?

    Video Marketing?
    Article Marketing?
    Landing Pages?

    Let me know.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mya
    I love it Derek, Thank you for giving and so close to Christmas
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  • Profile picture of the author rapidscc
    Cool! set it as my desktop wallpaper...though the bunch of icons blocked the entire thing

    Uhhh..the clutter...Will just have to clean up my desktop to see it...

    Thanks man,

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