How do I stop my e-mails going into the junk folder?
I'm just writing an autoresponder sequence, and tried it out on members of my family. The problem is that all of my messages end up in the junk folder.
Any ideas how I can avoid this?
As an example, the first e-mail looks like this...
Subject: Simon, please confirm your e-mail address
Hello Simon,
Thanks for subscribing to my free e-mail mini-course on choosing your ideal diamond.
For your security, I need to make sure that the e-mail address that you used is actually yours.
Click here to confirm your e-mail address
Once you've clicked the link above, you should get the first part of my free e-mail course within a few minutes.
P.S. You have received this e-mail because you, or someone using this e-mail address requested information from A Diamond Ring For You. If this wasn't you, please ignore this e-mail. You will NOT be sent any further e-mails if you don't confirm your address.
You are receiving these e-mails as you signed up for my free e-mail mini-course at www.adiamondringforyou.co.uk
I hate spam as much as you do, and will NEVER share your e-mail address.
You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking here.
The words in blue are links in the real e-mail. The confirmation and unsubscribe links are to the domain of the company providing the AR service, and the other link is to the web site where they signed up for the e-mail course.
The next e-mail (which had much more content as it was the first part of the course) also ended up in the junk folder. That only had two links, one to the web site, and the same unsubscribe link at the bottom.
So, anyone any suggestions? TIA
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