PHP Script to Skip Required Two-Step Opt-In Page / Order Process

2 replies
I want to have a two step order process.

A process that wont allow people to order without collecting their first name and email first.

So Sales Page > Opt-In Form Page > Order Page

But Once they opt in, and bail out of ordering, I want them to be able to come back to the home page, click order, and SKIP the opt-in form page.

So I will need to set a cookie so their computer will remember them.

How can I do this? How can I describe this job to a programmer?

Are there any programmers out there that will do this for me quickly?

Are there any scripts available that are already doing this?

#optin #order #page #php #process #required #script #skip #twostep
  • Profile picture of the author KristiDaniels
    Sounds like you just did describe it.

    Just copy/paste your post on one of the programmer freelance sites and get it done.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
    I have a two step order process (and a video explaining it in signature).

    This is what I do:

    1) Collect opt-in on step 1 of form
    2) Pre-populate the name / email on the order form
    3) If they abandon the form, no problem ... when they come back they still fill out the form again but there is no added work because the 2nd part of the form is pre-populated with name/email.

    It works well.
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