My first project. Outsourcing and PR questions.
Call me a skeptic- but I don't have a lot of "hopes" for making money online by affiliate marketing. I hope you will all prove me wrong and I'll get rich just like the millions of e-books claim to do overnight.
I think I found a niche for my first project without much competition ... but I had a few questions.
1) Outsourcing the tedious "Social Bookmarking" thats supposedly essential to get free traffic. I visited SOCIAL MARKER COM ... and its so tedious. I heard rumors that you can pay $5 to get everything entered... is this true? And if so, where?
Is it worth it? Or am I just slow at it?
2) I want to make just one small wordpress blog... and only have a few pages to it. I read conflicting reports; on whether or not its possible to get such a thing to show up easily on page 1 of google.
Does it have to be content heavy to achieve good search results?
3) How important is PR?
I'll let you know my progress. I registered my domain, wrote up a few quick pages, and submitted my landing page to google and few websites. Any help or advice you could give me?
"Set it...Forget it" site building and SEO software.
any ? please hit me up anytime karomesis12@gmail.com