Is Google Getting Dangerous? You SO have to Watch THIS!
The first video that I saw today after my morning tea was this:
Edit: Alternative Link: (If youtube is not streaming for you)
Though its a bit exaggerating it beautifully portrays the underlying message - Isn't google getting too nosy?
Yes they have all the right in the world to expand and grow Big - but aren't they compromising alot of user privacy and effectively hiding it behind the super cool 'GOOGLE' image?
Only yesterday I came to know that they now launched their URL shortener service - I was like Com'on - give us a brake google! There should be sth that you dnt do! for God's Sake!
I won't be surprised if Google has its own country in another 10 years ....
Should the anti-monopoly guys get after Google? or not? Well I'm confused on this - Your thoughts?
And do tell me if you liked the video - cause i loved it!
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