Few questions/obeservations from a IM newbie
I have been reading a lot on this and other forums for past few weeks and after going thought a lot of different ways of how to make money online I have few questions to which I can't seem to find the answer for.
There a really A LOT guides on how to make money online, where people tell you how they made 15k or more $ a month.
One of the guides I got for me is AffiloBlueprint, which seems to be great (I am yet not done with the whole guide), but the question I can't find the answer to, why do people like Mark Ling show to others how they make money online?
If you are making as he says 20k$ a month, why show it to others, even for a price of 197$ that he is selling for (taking AffiloBlueprint as an example since that's the one I have)?
Wouldn't the market get over saturated with it and he would create competition for himself by showing others ?
So I was discussing with a friend of mine about it, and thought about it from 2 different perspectives:
1. The way they teach you how to make money now worked in the past, and now it does not anymore, so it's time to show it to the public and make money that way.
2. The way they make money is by showing people a way which COULD make you money but they make money only by teaching you how to do the other method.
I could be, and I probably am wrong about this, but it seems to me that the really good way to make money is by selling a product on how to make money online.
I hope I am not too septic or negative, it is just very hard for a beginner to understand why and how things work. There are literally a million guides on how get make money online and most of them don't work.
There is too much information actually, because when I am done reading something and then go find information about it if it really works it usually doesn't and it is kind of discouraging.
Anyway, I love this forum, there is so much info here which is as I just said also a problem , you never get to start with something since you always find something "new" or something "better" .
Thank you for reading.
Roger Davis
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