Duplicate Content Explanation that even a 5th grader could understand

27 replies
Every time that I think I am clear on this some one gives a different explanation and I see the same questions asked over and over. Not only the duplicate content issue but the question of "Do I put the article on my site first?" question This video gives the best I have seen or heard and I wanted to share so that it might help some one else.

Video: Syndication and Duplicate Content Issues
#5th #content #duplicate #explanation #grader #understand
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1563063].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
    I'm not sure I agree with everything the primary in the video had to say, especially on his definition of "duplicate" content and how the SE view it. However the video is well worth the time of viewing it.

    Ken Leatherman

    The Old Geezer
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    • Profile picture of the author danabbamont
      He's pretty much dead on about how dupe content is dealt with. Rands video is more technical. (that's why I love Rands videos).
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    I would not waste my money on his book ..lol Half of what he said in that video is not true ... You can syndicate your exact article with no changes and google WILL SHOW the same thing in results ..

    Why do people spread the myth about google only shows 1 link ... ?? It has been proven over and over that this is false..

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    • Profile picture of the author danabbamont
      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      I would not waste my money on his book ..lol Half of what he said in that video is not true ... You can syndicate your exact article with no changes and google WILL SHOW the same thing in results ..

      Why do people spread the myth about google only shows 1 link ... ?? It has been proven over and over that this is false..


      They're not talking about links, they're talking about copies of the content ranking for the same terms. The links still count no matter what. What he's addressing is whether one of the places that your content is syndicated on is going to send the copy on your site into oblivion. If that doesn't happen, you're fine.

      That's got to be a good book. The publisher puts out probably the best development related books out there and the authors are some of the best SEO guys on the planet.
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      • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
        Originally Posted by danabbamont View Post

        They're not talking about links, they're talking about copies of the content ranking for the same terms. The links still count no matter what. What he's addressing is whether one of the places that your content is syndicated on is going to send the copy on your site into oblivion. If that doesn't happen, you're fine.

        That's got to be a good book. The publisher puts out probably the best development related books out there and the authors are some of the best SEO guys on the planet.
        I know what they are talking about and yes google does show the same exact article several times on a search result ... This has been proven.

        After listening to that video I would not waste my money on the book.. Course I would not have bought the book anyways. I much rather go out and test for myself ...

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        • Profile picture of the author danabbamont
          Is there an example where the top10 has duplicate content multiple times? I'd be curious to see how competitive these terms are and whatnot.
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        • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
          Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

          I know what they are talking about and yes google does show the same exact article several times on a search result ... This has been proven.
          You are absolutely right, and I have a Google internal document that discusses duplicate content. The discussion details how Google handles duplicate content on the same site. For example, a webmaster writes an article about dog grooming. He then changes the article title and makes a few minor editorial changes, but it's essentially the same article. He does this 10-20 times, or uses an article spinner, thinking instead of one article about dog grooming, he's now got 10-20 pages about it. He thinks this will boost his site's PR and search engine rankings because he has a lot more relevant content for a search about dog grooming...but that's not likely what will happen.

          Google will figure out what he has done 90+ percent of the time, so what Google does to counter this is divide the page rank among all the dupe pages within that domain.

          That, my friends, is what the duplicate content "penalty" really is, and it's not a penalty at all, but a division of page rank/relevance.

          Now, maybe Google also has some cross-domain dupe rules, but I've seen plenty of searches where the same article on two domains are both ranked on page one of Google that I doubt there's much to this. News, quotations, reviews, tutorials, and other kinds of content all show up multiple times in searches.

          Think about it.

          Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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          • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
            Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

            I've seen plenty of searches where the same article on two domains are both ranked on page one of Google that I doubt there's much to this. News, quotations, reviews, tutorials, and other kinds of content all show up multiple times in searches.

            Think about it.
            My point Dennis and exactly why I would not follow what this joker is talking about.. I really dislike people that try to act like experts when they are not and then they mislead the crowd and that crowd starts posting the same crap myths over and over again in other places misleading even mor people...

            Also exactly why I would not waste my money on buying anything from this so-called expert... If he gives bad/wrong advice in a video what do you think is in that book ???

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1563647].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
              Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

              My point Dennis and exactly why I would not follow what this joker is talking about.. I really dislike people that try to act like experts when they are not and then they mislead the crowd and that crowd starts posting the same crap myths over and over again in other places misleading even more people...

              Also exactly why I would not waste my money on buying anything from this so-called expert... If he gives bad/wrong advice in a video what do you think is in that book ???

              I understand your sentiments, James, which is one reason I backed up your post. I wouldn't buy his book for the same reason, but in the interest of fairness to the author since he isn't here to defend himself, being wrong about one thing doesn't mean everything in his book is bad advice - I'd be willing to look it over if he gave me a review copy.

              Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1563686].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
                Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

                I understand your sentiments, James, which is one reason I backed up your post. I wouldn't buy his book for the same reason, but in the interest of fairness to the author since he isn't here to defend himself, being wrong about one thing doesn't mean everything in his book is bad advice - I'd be willing to look it over if he gave me a review copy.
                Yeah let's go ask for review copies ....lol

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1563771].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      Why do people spread the myth about google only shows 1 link ... ?? It has been proven over and over that this is false..
      People are stupid.

      Someone probably set up a whole series of ads on different campaigns and accounts and bid levels, and expected to get their ad in every single space on the ad block for a given keyword, so the searcher had NO CHOICE except to click HIS AD.

      But it didn't happen! And he said "why not?!" and ran off to whinge in some forum or other. And someone said...

      "In a single AdWords block, Google only shows one link to a particular site."

      And moron boy dropped the bold text and wrote a giveaway report to build his list.
      "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1563202].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author bravo75
        CDarklock, Happy New Year Man! Without a doubt the funniest, nuttiest individual here. Moron Boy, LMFAO.

        Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

        People are stupid.

        Someone probably set up a whole series of ads on different campaigns and accounts and bid levels, and expected to get their ad in every single space on the ad block for a given keyword, so the searcher had NO CHOICE except to click HIS AD.

        But it didn't happen! And he said "why not?!" and ran off to whinge in some forum or other. And someone said...

        "In a single AdWords block, Google only shows one link to a particular site."

        And moron boy dropped the bold text and wrote a giveaway report to build his list.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1563221].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
        Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

        People are stupid.

        Someone probably set up a whole series of ads on different campaigns and accounts and bid levels, and expected to get their ad in every single space on the ad block for a given keyword, so the searcher had NO CHOICE except to click HIS AD.

        But it didn't happen! And he said "why not?!" and ran off to whinge in some forum or other. And someone said...

        "In a single AdWords block, Google only shows one link to a particular site."

        And moron boy dropped the bold text and wrote a giveaway report to build his list.
        LOL ... I have to agree with that ....

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1563325].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ShaneRQR
        If they make a movie adaptation of this, will it be called

        Duplicate Content - Origins


        Duplicate Content Begins ?

        Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

        People are stupid.

        Someone probably set up a whole series of ads on different campaigns and accounts and bid levels, and expected to get their ad in every single space on the ad block for a given keyword, so the searcher had NO CHOICE except to click HIS AD.

        But it didn't happen! And he said "why not?!" and ran off to whinge in some forum or other. And someone said...

        "In a single AdWords block, Google only shows one link to a particular site."

        And moron boy dropped the bold text and wrote a giveaway report to build his list.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1563795].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
          Originally Posted by ShaneRQR View Post

          If they make a movie adaptation of this, will it be called

          Duplicate Content - Origins


          Duplicate Content Begins ?
          Shane don't give some wannabe marketers ideas dude ...

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  • Profile picture of the author DogScout
    How dup content is handled today may be different then tomarrow. In my opinion, having unique content in places where it is likely to remain for years is worth the time to do. Especially as there are good and easy tools to use to do so.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1563121].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Originally Posted by DogScout View Post

      How dup content is handled today may be different then tomarrow. In my opinion, having unique content in places where it is likely to remain for years is worth the time to do. Especially as there are good and easy tools to use to do so.
      Seriously ...

      But yet people still worry about dup content and still create threads on it .. Go figure..

      But syndication is not dup content, frankly I do not care what anyone says..

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  • Profile picture of the author TheDebtEliminator
    The Video was good, but really someone selling his book.

    I agree with James

    Duplicate content ... unless it is on the same site is a myth

    Best Regards
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  • Profile picture of the author G Allan Roberts
    The Duplicate Content Rule Is a Myth.

    Just think about it... What is News? ...Right duplicate content.

    1. It's fine to copy the content from one web site to the next.

    2. It's NOT okay to duplicate the same thing on your own web site, over and over again.

    3. Don't copy someone else's content that is copyrighted, but any thing with an RSS feed is okay. (note: Just use a sample of the original and link back to the original. Unless you are using a site like ezine articles then copy the entire article with the bio on your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author garbage66
    Doesn't timing matter? If Google for example scans your site first, don't you "get the credit" for it?
    Everyone else gets dinged, no?

    Also, what happens if a very popular site such as CNN posts your article? Do you get dinged instead?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1563230].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Originally Posted by garbage66 View Post

      Doesn't timing matter? If Google for example scans your site first, don't you "get the credit" for it?
      Everyone else gets dinged, no?

      Also, what happens if a very popular site such as CNN posts your article? Do you get dinged instead?
      No this is another myth ... Google does not know who the author is, who posted it first and nor do they care ...

      The one that gets top listing is the one with the most backlinks.. It is that simple. You post it to your site first because it is your content and you build backlinks to it on your site first because you want to build your authority and not some other sites..

      CNN post your article, you can still outrank that same exact article on your own site with backlinks. It does not matter if CNN is an authority site or not.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rajan Cajan
    newbie talking, still did not get the answer website first or submission to directories first. Does it matter
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    • Profile picture of the author rockstar99
      Awesome Video...Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    Hey Happy new year everyone.

    Is this still a topic of discussion I don't know but with all the different things on all these different search engines with the same info and stories how it is an issue but I guess it is. people are just trying to capitalize on a fear I think.

    Anyways good to see the fellows out discussing it up anyhoo.

    Best of success to you all in this brand new year


    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    WD - Because the search engines won't tell us most of the rules we are playing by, the SEO field is full of gray areas that leave it wide open to theories and guesswork. Add in poorly set up tests that prove nothing, but a lack of results is interpreted as evidence for or against some concept, and it leads to a lot of disagreement among SEO practitioners.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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