Does anyone use TradeBit to sell digital Products?

46 replies
Just wondering if anyone uses TradeBit to sell digital products, stumbled across it several times.

#digital #products #sell #tradebit
  • Profile picture of the author KimPup
    Yes, I do, I think I've seen a few here that do also.
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    • Profile picture of the author willyboy104
      Originally Posted by KimPup View Post

      Yes, I do, I think I've seen a few here that do also.
      Thanks for the repy.

      Got a few questions if you dont mind.

      How much does it cost?
      Do you have much success?
      Are the products your own or PLR?
      How many products do you have up?
      Do you use any other similar sites?
      If you want to learn how to make money online, no bullshit click here.
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      • Profile picture of the author KimPup
        Do you have much success?-- Yes, especially when I promote, I usually just upload and let the SE's find me, but when I have time, I promote and definately sell more, of course!
        Are the products your own or PLR?--Some are , some aren't
        How many products do you have up?hhmmm, about 30
        Do you use any other similar sites? --No, havent found another site like this that I like!
        Here's there fees.....pretty good! Rates and conditions for publishers

        I'm not making a bundle. but it's nice to see a payment from Ralf each week!
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  • Profile picture of the author sheyoun
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  • Profile picture of the author Tracy Yates
    I've been an avid user/merchant on Tradebit for quite some time now Willy and here's what I've learned to get the most out of it....and also to answer your questions:

    First, let me answer your questions:

    1. How much does it cost?
    At this point, it is free to set up and use Tradebit as a selling tool, minus a one time $4.95 "verification fee" that has just been put in place by the owner(s). In the past, they charged a monthly fee, but, in recent years switched over to a "PayPal-esque" type of system where they charge you 25% of every sale you generate as payment for utilizing their service. So, if you were to sell a product for, say, $20, Tradebit would deduct 25% of that total.

    Also, you get paid once each week for all your combined sales. This is normally every Wednesday. At least here in the US. From your "total products sold" tally, Tradebit then takes out their 25% and sends the rest directly to your PayPal account on file with them.

    2. Do you have much success?
    Back when I first began, I had great success with selling via Tradebit.

    Of course now that more and more marketers jump on the TB bandwagon, it can be a bit more difficult to get as many sales as I did before.

    With that said, I would recommend that you use Tradebit as just one resource of income earning online.

    How many sales I generate depends on a lot of different variables.

    3. Are the products your own or PLR?
    I use a combination of both, and I also resell MRR and PUO products as well. But feel free to experiment and see what works best for you.

    4. How many products do you have up?
    Short answer.....hundreds

    5. Do you use any other similar sites?
    Personally I do not, but I have other methods of selling products, be it my own or other creators products I have aquired legal rights to resell.

    This would include recommending certain products to my mailing list(s), advertising them on my own sites, writing reviews about the products and posting to my blog(s), or sending a quick "tweet" about them. There are many ways to do this.

    Now, a few extra tips.....

    1. Try to differentiate yourself from other TB sellers.
    Meaning, try to offer products that others aren't selling. I know this can be difficult due to the magnitute of products currently being sold there, but you can always create your own unique products either from scratch or with PLR, then limit the rights to those products to reduce your competition.

    2. List unique products.
    This can be as simple as creating audio music loops or as complicated as a 500 page PDF "how to breed hamsters" guide. If you have a product and want to see how many other merchants currently on TB are reselling it, do a quick search through the main page.

    If you don't see anyone listing that particular product, then I'd say list away! However, if your product comes with any type of rights that provides the buyer with the chance to resell, then you'll see your sales eventually drop off quite a bit and others reselling at a much lower price. So, strike while the iron is hot!

    3. Price your products at what they are worth.
    If you feel your specialty products are worth $87, then price them that way. Always go up, never go down. This is a lesson I had to learn the hard way.

    Even though when TB started out, it was meant to be a "micro" payment type set up, meaning charging no more than around $5 per product, you will now see all sorts of prices listed for a large range of products. You will also see a whole slew of "micro" payment prices still as well.

    By all means, if you have certain products that you feel are worth around $5, post those up as well. There's nothing wrong with having a variety of products to fit several budgets of your buyers.

    4. Try out a specific "niche".
    If you are experienced in one particular area, and you have products of your own you can sell, then why not stick to that niche?

    Many TB merchants do this and are doing well for themselves as a result.

    I hope this gives you a bit more to ponder and doesn't turn you away from giving TB a test run. They've been very good to me over the past years, and always pay me exactly what I'm due right on time every single week.

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    • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
      I've been using them for a couple of years and considering the time and effort (not much) that I've put into it I haven't done bad. I've got about 20 resell rights products on there and make a sale just about every week, sometimes more. Certainly more than paid for my time and just one of my sources of income.
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      • Profile picture of the author willyboy104
        Originally Posted by PatriciaJ View Post

        I've been using them for a couple of years and considering the time and effort (not much) that I've put into it I haven't done bad. I've got about 20 resell rights products on there and make a sale just about every week, sometimes more. Certainly more than paid for my time and just one of my sources of income.
        Thats excellent.

        At what price are these products?
        Do you use sales page type pages or just list the content?
        Are they in one niche?
        If you want to learn how to make money online, no bullshit click here.
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        • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
          The prices of what I've got on there vary from $1 to $20 - the $1 products started out as giveaways!

          I usually copy the blurb from the sales pages - or part of it if it's long winded and tag my own bit of blurb on

          Niches vary, site flipping, Twitter info and themes, film and video making, squeeze pages, cook books, just about everything that I've got on there has sold at some point.

          The thing is that it doesn't cost you anything to add products and it's a good place to start for those with products but no website. I've also tried Payloadz with virtually the same products and had no sales.

          If you spend a bit more time than I have on there, perhaps make packages out of several linking products it could be worthwhile. Obviously you are also picking up leads for future sales
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    • Profile picture of the author Patricia1
      Tracy, thanks for your comprehensive and very useful post. I'd been thinking of
      trying TradeBit and you satisfied some of the questions i had.
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    • Profile picture of the author allahsnames
      A great favor. A kind, useful elaborate answer. Wish you best Regards Tracy.
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  • Profile picture of the author willyboy104
    Thanks Patricia. I was also wondering if TB ranks well in Google?
    If you want to learn how to make money online, no bullshit click here.
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  • Profile picture of the author JBorhez
    I started using TB just yesterday! Paid like 4 bucks for a set up fee and that was it.
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  • Profile picture of the author willyboy104
    Thanks everyone I will be starting with these soon

    is there a limit on how many products I can sell?
    If you want to learn how to make money online, no bullshit click here.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrpega
    very useful information in this thread..i think i'll try out tradebit with one of my products..
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  • Profile picture of the author Tracy Yates
    @willyboy - I don't believe there's a limit on how many products you can list for sale. At least not at this stage. Again, I have hundreds of them listed that vary in price and file size. As long as you have enough space on your account, you should be good to go.

    @Patricia1 - You're very welcome. Glad I could help As I said in my post, I've been an avid TB merchant for a long while now and absolutely nothing bad to say about them.

    @JBorhez - You were charged a set up fee? That must be a new change. I've been there for quite some time, and at first, you did have to pay a monthly fee, but since then, Ralf changed that to offering merchants free stores and charging a 25% fee for every sale made. Super intelligent in my opinion as I'm sure he's making much, much more nowadays

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    • Profile picture of the author Nail Yener
      I made my first TradeBit sale recently and also got payment since it was before the end of Dec. It was an MRR product. I know I can make more sales if I upload more products.

      Your success will be dependent on the uniqueness of the product, the competition in the niche, your sales copy, and how you promote the product. And it will be definitely worth the effort in the long run.

      I suggest once you have a number of files up there, expand your site portfolio. I mean do not rely only on Tradebit, it can go down any day for any reason. There are lots of other digital product marketplaces like Payloadz, Plimus, TidWit, Gazhoo, Pycomall, Regnow, and Zipidee and it will be better to have your products on all such sites. Although I don't have experience with the latter ones, I will follow that plan myself too.
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  • Profile picture of the author willyboy104
    Tracy. I was charged a fee for creating my account about $8 or something similar is this a new edition then?
    If you want to learn how to make money online, no bullshit click here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tracy Yates
    Sounds like it could be Will.

    Like I said, I started my TB account waaaay back around 2005, so things have changed since then. I'll have to check that out myself.

    That's why I love this forum. Even when you are experienced in something, you can always learn new things about it

    **Edit**: I went through the set up/sign up process to see what this fee was all about and it looks like there's a $4.95 "verification fee" during set up. So, yes, there is a fee associated now with setting up a new TB account. Just a quick FYI for everyone interested.

    Still, $4.95 isn't much to pay, and as it states on the account start up page Here (that is not an affiliate link, but a direct link to the sign up page), it's a one-time only fee.

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  • Profile picture of the author therealdeal
    Thanks for all the usefull information Tracy
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  • Profile picture of the author willyboy104
    Great idea ademmeda this is something I will do in the not to distant future but first I will get used to the functions with TB and test products those that convert I will then add to the other marketplaces.
    If you want to learn how to make money online, no bullshit click here.
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    • Profile picture of the author ladyshadowrider
      Originally Posted by Tracy Yates View Post

      Sounds like it could be Will.

      Like I said, I started my TB account waaaay back around 2005, so things have changed since then. I'll have to check that out myself.

      That's why I love this forum. Even when you are experienced in something, you can always learn new things about it

      **Edit**: I went through the set up/sign up process to see what this fee was all about and it looks like there's a $4.95 "verification fee" during set up. So, yes, there is a fee associated now with setting up a new TB account. Just a quick FYI for everyone interested.

      Still, $4.95 isn't much to pay, and as it states on the account start up page Here (that is not an affiliate link, but a direct link to the sign up page), it's a one-time only fee.

      Yep, as of November 2009, there is a $4.95 USD seller registration fee as Tracy said, otherwise, it costs nothing to LIST products for sale.

      When you SELL something, TradeBit takes a 30% commission (also increased in Nov. '09 for new seller accounts). However, here's what TradeBit does in exchange for the commission...They host your sales pages and digital products store (on a unique subdomain), they host your files and deliver all downloads to customers, they process all the transactions and pay all PayPal transaction fees and they provide you with an affiliate program for your products, pay affiliates out of their 30% share (unless you offer a higher percentage to affiliates) and handle customer support.

      Don't know about you, but I think that's a pretty great deal!

      Originally Posted by willyboy104 View Post

      I was also wondering if TB ranks well in Google?
      While I haven't been selling on TradeBit as long as Tracy has, in my experience, yes, Google ranks TradeBit pages very well!

      TradeBit works like any other "authority" site such as Blogger, EzineArticles, Squidoo, Hubpages, etc., if you put a new page on an "authority" site it will rank higher, faster than a new page on a new domain.

      As others have said, if you put in a little bit of additional effort to promote your TradeBit products and get backlinks to your products pages on TB, you will get better results and make more sales.

      FYI - Don't be put off by all the cheapo sellers on TradeBit, because not everyone buys based on price!


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      • Profile picture of the author niffybranco
        Originally Posted by ladyshadowrider View Post

        Yep, as of November 2009, there is a $4.95 USD seller registration fee as Tracy said, otherwise, it costs nothing to LIST products for sale.

        When you SELL something, TradeBit takes a 30% commission (also increased in Nov. '09 for new seller accounts). However, here's what TradeBit does in exchange for the commission...They host your sales pages and digital products store (on a unique subdomain), they host your files and deliver all downloads to customers, they process all the transactions and pay all PayPal transaction fees and they provide you with an affiliate program for your products, pay affiliates out of their 30% share (unless you offer a higher percentage to affiliates) and handle customer support.

        Don't know about you, but I think that's a pretty great deal!

        While I haven't been selling on TradeBit as long as Tracy has, in my experience, yes, Google ranks TradeBit pages very well!

        TradeBit works like any other "authority" site such as Blogger, EzineArticles, Squidoo, Hubpages, etc., if you put a new page on an "authority" site it will rank higher, faster than a new page on a new domain.

        As others have said, if you put in a little bit of additional effort to promote your TradeBit products and get backlinks to your products pages on TB, you will get better results and make more sales.

        FYI - Don't be put off by all the cheapo sellers on TradeBit, because not everyone buys based on price!


        I started selling public domain works on tradebit after i bought and read Tamara's WSO. After uploading about 70 different collections of sheet music, and some sound effects i make a couple of hundreds a month , and what i love about it is once i uploaded the products and backlinked them it was more like set and forget now i get an email every month telling me i've banked and all i spent was $4.95 and about 5 days compiling and uploading my products.
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  • Profile picture of the author LaptopLivings
    Originally Posted by willyboy104 View Post

    Just wondering if anyone uses TradeBit to sell digital products, stumbled across it several times.

    @ Willyboy, thanks for starting what turned into a very informative thread !

    @ Tracy, Thanks for your vast input !

    @ Kimpup, Thanks for REALLY getting the momentum rolling.

    @ladyshadowrider, thank you for the precise update and insight.

    If I've said it once, I said it 1000 times........GURLZ ROCK !
    "Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant"
    ~ P.T. Barnum
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  • Profile picture of the author adsaz
    Tb really good to to selling download products. i made some income from there. its the best place to start internet business and get first profit from online. just put the products and wait for buyer but better to promote to make more sales. Most products i make adjustment especially the ecover to make more attractive because i expert in design. i'm not sell my product below 1usd but still got selling very well. Maybe my products appearence so different than others. In my expearience the niche products selling very well than common products like make money ebooks etc. TB pay every wed weekly.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheBestBuy
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    • Profile picture of the author ladyshadowrider
      Originally Posted by TheBestBuy View Post

      Yes! Myself used TradeBit to sell Digital Products with No Success since 1 year!
      What do you mean by "No Success"?

      I've worked with many people to teach them how to sell on TradeBit and everyone who has followed my instructions and listed stuff on TradeBit has made sales.

      If you mean you haven't sold as much as you thought you would, I wonder what it is you're trying to sell and how you're promoting it?

      If you mean you haven't sold anything, then you either opened an account and didn't list anything or just listed 1 or 2 products for sale or you listed the same stuff a bunch of other people have listed and didn't do anything to add value or set your offer apart from the others or maybe you're listing products no one has any interest in buying.

      I started making sales on TradeBit the first week I listed products for sale there and so have many of the people I've taught how to use it.

      The ones who are not making money are the ones who opened a TradeBit account and didn't list anything for sale or only listed 1 or 2 items because they want to "wait and see if IT will work." Well, all I can say is
      "IT won't work unless you do!"

      TradeBit works just like any other markeplace.

      If you list stuff people want they will buy it. If you list stuff which has a lot of competitors you must do something to add value to your offer and make it stand out from the rest. If you list stuff no one wants, you won't make any sales.

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      • Profile picture of the author ladyshadowrider
        Originally Posted by crazyjames360 View Post

        The Biggest DISADVANTAGE Of TRADEBIT is that If you are selling a PLR Or MRR, Other marketers may have same product listed below your page with Lower Price
        Mind it this LOW PRICE is not just lower than your price but is the lowest price that a product can have on Tradebit i.e JUST $ 0.50
        Many TOP Quality PLR & MRR products are devalued by this
        You only Get Only $ 0.38 in your paypal at the end of sale and it is Nothing...
        This is very Bad For the Market... In the end on one makes profit
        Then STOP selling PLR/MRR products! Dare to be different!

        If you're not selling the same thing the cheapie sellers are and are not using the same keyword tags that the cheapie sellers use, those listings won't show up at the bottom of your product page.

        Originally Posted by crazyjames360 View Post

        More over If you try to create your product you can not manipulate minds of buyers with just TEXT DESCRIPTION offered by tradebit

        Tradebit may have good ranking but what the use of traffic if you are not able to ex-plane people what you are selling and what is its benefits
        Why are you trying to "manipulate minds of buyers"? Offer them something of value and you don't have to manipulate their mind!

        How else would you "ex-plane" something to people if not in WORDS?

        In addition to "just TEXT DESCRIPTION" TradeBit allows you to post videos and downloadable samples of your products on your product listing pages.

        Originally Posted by crazyjames360 View Post

        I personally fell that the buyers of products are not Common people but are clever marketers who buy cheapest digital product and sell them on their websites
        If you sell PLR or MRR products, especially in the MMO (make money online) niche, you will ONLY attract "clever marketers who buy cheapest digital product and sell them on their websites."

        Believe it or not, the lady looking for information about wedding planning couldn't care less if your ebook includes resale rights and the guy looking for information about setting up a home theater system doesn't give a crap if it comes with PLR!

        I can assure you that the majority of people who buy on TradeBit ARE NOT INTERNET MARKTERS!

        If all the buyers were people looking for cheap digital products to resell on their websites why are there OVER 6 MILLION MP3 FILES (most by major recording artists) for sale on TradeBit?

        Originally Posted by crazyjames360 View Post

        The Main question are
        How many products must be sold in present situation ?
        How must time and effort you are willing to invest on tradebit ?
        How much profit you are expecting ?
        Maybe you should ask yourself some more empowering questions.

        How can I make the products I list on TradeBit better?
        How can I make the products I list on TradeBit stand out from the rest?
        How can I add value to my products so people will pay what they're worth?

        Originally Posted by crazyjames360 View Post

        I am not a pro marketer I am only a part time guy with tradebit and never worked seriously I have nearly 90 files for sales and I get sales fig. Max $10 a week

        Not all Files sell...
        I update with lattest PLR and MRR but after 2, 3 days you will find many marketers are selling same products so your chances go down slowly
        The is some times frustrating
        But if You get all new products and if only you are the sellers you many benefit a lot... so you need to do lot more research and ivest more and you will never sell your products for Just $0.38
        STOP trying to compete against stupid cheapie sellers!

        STOP listing the same crap for sale on TradeBit as everyone else!

        If you have 90 files for sale on TradeBit and you're only making $10 a week, STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING and do something different!

        Look, it doesn't have to be complicated or time consuming. If you have PLR to a product, you should have the right to change the title, the graphics, the sales letter and the content. Take a few hours and change it, make it unique!

        If you have MRR to a product, you probably don't have the right to change the product, but you can most likely change the sales letter and graphics (and there's no rule that says you have to use the actual product title in the title field on the listing form, hint, hint). You can probably also combine it with other related products to make a unique product package.


        Listen, you get your own unique subdomain store and your own unique product pages on TradeBit. Treat your TradeBit product pages and subdomain like you would any other web page or site you own.

        Get some backlinks to it! Tweet about it! Submit it to Social Bookmarking sites! Submit the RSS feed to feed aggregator sites! Ping your subdomain page and RSS feed at! Build a Squidoo Lens, Hubpage and Blogger blog to promote the products you have for sale on TradeBit!

        Use your own affiliate link to promote your products and you'll make an extra 10% on your own products when someone clicks thru your link and buys plus you'll earn at least 10% if they buy from another seller.

        Stop thinking about "why" you can't make money on TradeBit and begin focusing on the ways "how" you can make money on TradeBit!

        Originally Posted by crazyjames360 View Post

        Can you tell how much you are earning from tradebit with sales proof
        I can but that's personal and I don't even discuss my income with my family, so I'm certainly not going to discuss it with a complete stranger on an open forum.

        Besides, how much I make on TradeBit has nothing to do with how much YOU may or may not make. Do you know why?

        Because I run my business completely different than you do. I do things you've obviously never thought of doing.

        For example, I don't compete with anyone on price because I learned a long time ago that most people don't buy products based solely on price. If they did, everyone would only shop at Walmart and stay at EconoLodge when they travel.


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        • Profile picture of the author condra
          I have a question about Tradebit which I wonder if someone here might be able to answer.

          Is it possible/viable to use Tradebit as a sort of "quick and easy" webshop for digital downloads from a website?

          I have files on Tradebit, but I'm hoping to sell them from a dedicated website, where someone can click on a "pay now with paypal" button, and go direct to Paypal, without noticing the "Tradebit middleman"?

          Sorry for hijacking, but I'm hoping it is deemed relevant to the thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author willyboy104
    Condra, I am not sure about that I know you can direct them to your tradebit advertisement page through affiliate links and the likes of however if you really want to know why not contact them directly they are usually quite helpful.
    If you want to learn how to make money online, no bullshit click here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Online Bliss
    I hate to be negative.
    But Tradebit is alot like ebay was when they allowed
    digital downloads. Our products are being sold for pennies,
    the value of our hard work is deminished.
    Some do not abide by the Resellers terms.
    I suppose this can happen anywhere but any digital product
    with resell rights will soon be available for 50 cents on Tradebit.
    You've got it Made
    with the Guy in the Shades!
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  • Profile picture of the author dsmpublishing
    Hi guys

    no i dont because i believe they are a ripp off because whenever i buy products through them i have not received my order.

    kind regards

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  • Profile picture of the author willyboy104
    I don't believe everything on tradebit will be available for $0.50 soon however I can understand what you mean, many of the PLR products that have been around for years are available for $0.50 but for new releases and larger PLR packages they will never sell for $0.50. People will try, but its sometimes psychological that people don't often purchase the cheapest available.

    I think tradebit will shift with the market and continue to grow.
    If you want to learn how to make money online, no bullshit click here.
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  • Profile picture of the author revo.pak
    i am using ejunkie....almost the same as tradit...
    i posted two ebook but no any sales so far...
    i will try some niches...hope it works
    anyway thank you for your sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author Reindeer
    Tradebit has gotten me some sales from long-forgotten product I set up.
    It seems like a good place to sell stuff, I just don't know what to sell
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    • Profile picture of the author condra
      Just to come back to this thread, months later...

      Since I posted here, I've been making modest, but steady sales on Tradebit, but I'm selling unique products of my own creation, backed up by a central website with good SEO.

      I'm not competing with others to sell my products, because I am the only seller! Also, I'm not relying on traffic from people browsing on the (huge) Tradebit website. Instead, I have a dedicated website for my unique products.

      Best of luck to all.
      Abstract brand name generator. FREE.
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      • Profile picture of the author jessica34
        I don't want to disappoint you,but I used to have some very bad experience with tradebit and some others websites like this one.
        I don't trust anymore to a websites where the minimum price for sale is less then $1.(unless you stole this product)
        But if you have many products for sale,go!join them!
        I just can recommend you one more marketplace

        There you can sell almost any kind of digital products and the payouts are always on time!It is a new marketplace,but I believe it will grow fast because of their honest politic!
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  • Profile picture of the author webma12
    Sell your product or service ONCE and continue to receive monthly revenue with you will receive several benefits and access to several products like it will allow you to sell the stuff secondly you will get 12USD each month and for each product isn't great and a good offer
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    I did and I get an email daily that I had a sale. Wow. I hope I have the same fate with clickbank though but I have to settle with my current situation with Tradebit for the mean time though.

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  • Profile picture of the author Carol_A
    Just signed up, paid the $4.95 and put up one thing. Gotta take care of some other business then will add more as time allows.

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  • A very good site that is similar to tradebit is ebuckz

    They are new so its a real ground floor opportunity to go in and set up an online store for free. You would make good money selling your digital downloads since there isnt a bunch of underpriced competition watering down the market like on tradebit these days.
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  • Profile picture of the author gcintermed
    Another new one to look at:

    I've been selling on Tradebit for over a year. As the site gets larger, the competition for non-unique products (MRR and PLR) drives prices down to near 0. If you have products like that, try listing them on some of the newer marketplaces. With Tradebit, it's best to be first to list, or have some things that are unique but related to what's already popular.
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  • Profile picture of the author 2011profit
    I haven't stumbled on it yet but I am hearing about those digital products that they are bragging about.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
    Yes i get all my PLRs there..

    There's some good quality products.


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  • Profile picture of the author sakthiganesh
    I tried tradebit for instant market place starting just for 4 USD. and i have some sales after listed them. But what the problem is tradebit became the authorized warez selling place. I have found some of my goods with personnel license got sell on the same portal with out of permission.And they are selling with the lower price. Its ruined my sales and brand.Then i turned back myself with .which asks for money only with the transaction Now i don't have no idea to turn back myself with tradebit. Thanks for everyone

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