Question on Setting up an Amazon Site

31 replies
I am starting to create my Amazon websites without a course and basically on what i think will work. Unfortunately I have not made any sales from my techniques on about 4 websites.

For those of you that are successful with AMZ, what do you find is the best way to set up a site? I build the site, put a banner on the sidebar with te picture of what i am trying to sell and then in my content i have links that go to AMZ. I also have Adsense on the site, which i do get clicks here and there from.

Any suggestions on what works? or direction to the right person who teaches a great AMZ course?
#amazon #question #setting #site
  • Profile picture of the author traceye
    Firstly I'd recommend getting rid of the Adsense. It's too distracting and if you want to concentrate on Amazon then you ONLY want amazon links on your page.

    Most of my Amz sites are static html. It's just a header, simple text nav, main content and footer.

    Within the main content I have a big call to action button, usually a picture of the item and something like 'get the latest price at Amz' or something like that. The button is top right and above the fold and takes up about half the page.

    I then write content about the item. Usually I just rewrite what is on the Amz site into my own words. I tried just copying it but I get better results with original content.

    At the bottom of the pg I have another call to action. A big text link that says something like "get today's discounted price here".

    Each mini site has about 3 - 5 pages all focusing on the same or similar products.

    January probably isn't the best time to check though, most of my sales come in the middle of the year and towards the end of the year. Jan is my slowest month.

    I also like to test products on hubpages first before I build an actual site to make sure it converts well.

    Hope that helps
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  • Profile picture of the author raynman
    Make sure you live in a state that amazon will let you be an affiliate of. I got booted from it because I live in North Carolina.
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    • Profile picture of the author FredFarnes
      Hello Newbie,

      What is your traffic strategy? Is it working? Without traffic, all effort is wasted..

      So, you want to sell me another way to easily make "X" dollars in "X" days? ROFL too funny! IM success requires hard work and lots of time. Most newbies do not survive the steep learning curve. Anyone who says otherwise is probably selling you a fantasy.

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      • Profile picture of the author NewbieGal
        Originally Posted by FredFarnes View Post

        Hello Newbie,

        What is your traffic strategy? Is it working? Without traffic, all effort is wasted..

        I have been doing article writing and a few of the sites are on the first page of google. In fact one is at number 3 and still doesnt convert for me.
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        • Profile picture of the author FredFarnes
          Originally Posted by NewbieGal View Post

          I have been doing article writing and a few of the sites are on the first page of google. In fact one is at number 3 and still doesnt convert for me.
          How many google vistors do you get and how many clicks on your amazon links from that website?

          These numbers will help determine whether the problem lies with the keyword, the template and site content, or the product selection etc.

          So, you want to sell me another way to easily make "X" dollars in "X" days? ROFL too funny! IM success requires hard work and lots of time. Most newbies do not survive the steep learning curve. Anyone who says otherwise is probably selling you a fantasy.

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          • Profile picture of the author NewbieGal
            Originally Posted by FredFarnes View Post

            How many google vistors do you get and how many clicks on your amazon links from that website?

            These numbers will help determine whether the problem lies with the keyword, the template and site content, or the product selection etc.

            mmhmm ok, lets see. The site has had 98 visits, and 15 clicks since i launched it first week of Dec.
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            • Profile picture of the author FredFarnes
              Originally Posted by NewbieGal View Post

              mmhmm ok, lets see. The site has had 98 visits, and 15 clicks since i launched it first week of Dec.
              OK I'll give you some comparative numbers.

              We launched a brand new website at the end of November, built the website in the last 2 weeks of November. The website sells something that women wear, more in the winter, though some in the summer too.

              From Dec 7th (to match your timeline) to Dec 31, we had 2130 visits, of which 1824 came from google. The average pages per visit of those google visitors is 1.58

              That brand new website generated revenue of $400 Dec 7th to Dec 31st 2009. That revenue was in 22 orders. It was Xmas, so that helps too.

              All of those sales were physical products via Commission Junction (this is not one of our Amazon sites).

              The website has 11 pages, targeting 11 keywords. It ranks on page 1 or 2 in google for those keywords.

              I'm running out of time, so have not run the report on how many clicks were involved. But you can see from those results, that you need more traffic, need to scale it up a bit? With only 15 clicks, you may get an order or not, with so few clicks it depends on luck more than anything. You need more traffic, more clicks to have statistical significance.

              I hope this helps, must run now.

              So, you want to sell me another way to easily make "X" dollars in "X" days? ROFL too funny! IM success requires hard work and lots of time. Most newbies do not survive the steep learning curve. Anyone who says otherwise is probably selling you a fantasy.

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              • Profile picture of the author FredFarnes
                I forgot to mention, we did write one article and made a few backlinks, but we don't think that helped at all. The article doesn't rank in google, and doesn't bring any visitors at all. We're not interested in writing articles at this time, so we're obviously not doing that part right..

                So, you want to sell me another way to easily make "X" dollars in "X" days? ROFL too funny! IM success requires hard work and lots of time. Most newbies do not survive the steep learning curve. Anyone who says otherwise is probably selling you a fantasy.

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              • Profile picture of the author NewbieGal
                Originally Posted by FredFarnes View Post

                OK I'll give you some comparative numbers.

                We launched a brand new website at the end of November, built the website in the last 2 weeks of November. The website sells something that women wear, more in the winter, though some in the summer too.

                From Dec 7th (to match your timeline) to Dec 31, we had 2130 visits, of which 1824 came from google. The average pages per visit of those google visitors is 1.58

                That brand new website generated revenue of $400 Dec 7th to Dec 31st 2009. That revenue was in 22 orders. It was Xmas, so that helps too.

                All of those sales were physical products via Commission Junction (this is not one of our Amazon sites).

                The website has 11 pages, targeting 11 keywords. It ranks on page 1 or 2 in google for those keywords.

                I'm running out of time, so have not run the report on how many clicks were involved. But you can see from those results, that you need more traffic, need to scale it up a bit? With only 15 clicks, you may get an order or not, with so few clicks it depends on luck more than anything. You need more traffic, more clicks to have statistical significance.

                I hope this helps, must run now.
                wow, your stats are great! How would i get more traffic? I am number 3 on 1st page and there are 2600 searches per month and its not in a xmas niche.
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                • Profile picture of the author brchap
                  As stated by another poster, January is a horrible month for Amazon sites. Most people are recovering from all of the spending they did in December... they are tightening the purse strings.

                  As an example, I'm getting A LOT of visits to my Amazon affiliate pages, but my clicks are way down... and zero sales. That was not the case in December.

                  You should try some article writing to promote your site. If your site is about (for example) a particular digital camera, write an article titled "3 Essential Features to Look for When Shopping for a Digital Camera". Then, toward the end of your article, link to your Amazon affiliate "review" site by citing an example of a digital camera that has all three of these things. The article will not only give you a juicy backlink, but may actually send your traffic your way too.

                  Hope this helps.

                  I'm currently taking MASSIVE action...

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        • Profile picture of the author Aaarrrggghhh
          Originally Posted by NewbieGal View Post

          I have been doing article writing and a few of the sites are on the first page of google. In fact one is at number 3 and still doesnt convert for me.
          I have one of those to, it took 1 week to get it ranked on the first page of Google and now it probably takes up like 40% of Google and still won't convert - lol! That poor site has had so many face lifts, from strictly Adsense to now product based and it is just truly one that nothing can be done with except expire into an internet graveyard. It's so bad, I won't even offer it for sale!

          Goes to show you that some products will never convert no matter what you do...just move on and lesson truly learned
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          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1592114].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author NewbieGal
            Originally Posted by Aaarrrggghhh View Post

            I have one of those to, it took 1 week to get it ranked on the first page of Google and now it probably takes up like 40% of Google and still won't convert - lol! That poor site has had so many face lifts, from strictly Adsense to now product based and it is just truly one that nothing can be done with except expire into an internet graveyard. It's so bad, I won't even offer it for sale!

            Goes to show you that some products will never convert no matter what you do...just move on and lesson truly learned
            Glad i am not the only one experiencing this! I guess it may just be the product...who knows
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1593248].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Aaarrrggghhh
              Originally Posted by NewbieGal View Post

              Glad i am not the only one experiencing this! I guess it may just be the product...who knows
              Yep, it's just the is an item with a higher shipping weight and one that is readily available at your local store just depends.

              I am finding that by watching the bestseller items and monitoring them for a bit is helping a lot. Definitely something to keep in mind is shipping weight too on an item that they can easily get locally...but shipping weight should't be your sole basis for ruling out a product either. I hear furniture does really well too
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              • Profile picture of the author NewbieGal
                @giansim i will remove the adsense and see how that goes for me

                @Aaarrrggghhh i think this was the problem as well. I never even thought about choosing a product that wasnt available in stores. Its actually something that can pretty much be picked up anywhere.

                thanks guys!
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaarrrggghhh
    It really depends on the template you use and how well you can integrate both Adsense and other products. I find that my most profitable sites are my little ugly content sites that only have Adsense ads on them. My product sites are most successful when they are only promoting they are very very very focused on accomplishing one thing...either getting the visitor to click Adsense ads...or to click on products. I find that Heatmap theme for WordPress converts my adsense sites really well...the flex-theme converts that Amazon products really well. But your mileage will vary
    "What Can The Source Publishing Do For My Business?"
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
      Reviews with incontent links. No banners, no adsense, all call to action is to buy the item on sale through amazon at this link.

      I also like to add video reviews to keep people on page longer. You can then put a bolded link under the video so they get sent to Amazon.

      I like to use stars as well.

      The key is also to pick a good niche.

      I'm betting you made sites in at least 2 of the following:

      digital cameras
      lcd tvs
      laptop computers


      bad niches to start out in, that's for sure.
      Clickbank #1 Best Seller: The Deadbeat Super Affiliate.
      Click here to learn how to make money online in your bath robe and gym socks!
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      • Profile picture of the author NewbieGal
        Originally Posted by Daniel Brock View Post

        Reviews with incontent links. No banners, no adsense, all call to action is to buy the item on sale through amazon at this link.

        I also like to add video reviews to keep people on page longer. You can then put a bolded link under the video so they get sent to Amazon.

        I like to use stars as well.

        The key is also to pick a good niche.

        I'm betting you made sites in at least 2 of the following:

        digital cameras
        lcd tvs
        laptop computers


        bad niches to start out in, that's for sure.
        Actually none of the sites are in those niches at all. They are very specific keywords on smaller less expensive items. Toys, baby items,etc.

        What do you mean by you like to use stars?
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  • Profile picture of the author JBorhez
    I use WordPress with the Amaniche plugin. WP AmaNiche
    It's an awesome plugin that basically extracts all the product info you need from
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    • Profile picture of the author NewbieGal
      Originally Posted by JBorhez View Post

      I use WordPress with the Amaniche plugin. WP AmaNiche
      It's an awesome plugin that basically extracts all the product info you need from

      Yes i do have WPamaniche installed on a couple sites and it isnt doing much for me. Not sure if it is because i didnt purchase his template, but i like to have original content on the sites and i see that with his approach and theme it doesnt have orgl content on the site.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1578308].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JBorhez can check out an Amaniche video here Created by Camtasia Studio 6
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    • Profile picture of the author NewbieGal
      Thanks Guys! This is some great information i have here. I see that i need to remove adsense from my pages and see if that will convert better. I am using a basic wordpress theme. Nothing too fancy and one large post on the front page with a banner on the sidebar as well as a few links to AMZ and a widget in the content.

      Maybe a video and another call to action will work. I will try it on one of my sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author carlo_sim
    Start off by choosing a product by looking at the best sellers in amazon. Do keyword research regarding the product. Once you get your keywords (it is probably best to get as much keywords as possible to get the most traffic from each keyword), make articles out of it. Do your on page optimization Then build backlinks on your posts and your site. Then see if it converts. Scale it up!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1578671].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NewbieGal
      Originally Posted by giansim View Post

      Start off by choosing a product by looking at the best sellers in amazon. Do keyword research regarding the product. Once you get your keywords (it is probably best to get as much keywords as possible to get the most traffic from each keyword), make articles out of it. Do your on page optimization Then build backlinks on your posts and your site. Then see if it converts. Scale it up!

      exactly what ive been doing Just not converting.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1580064].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author FredFarnes
    Our site was not a Christmas niche site, but it happened to be shopping season. You were in the same season.

    To get more traffic, do as I said above. Add more pages, each of them targeting another key-phrase. 2600 "exact" searches per month is OK, (but 2600 broad searches would be bad), check that they are exact. And position 3 is good too. So find another 10 keywords, add 10 pages, each of them ranking for a keyphrase. That way you can add another potential 26,000 searches, if you rank well in google.

    If you get 98 visits with one keyphrase, you could possibly get 980 with 10 of keyphrases. Plus the added content makes your site more appealing to google.

    If you choose keywords well, you should not have to write articles and make backlinks, which frees up more time for more websites.

    That's about all I want to disclose. I can answer another question you had above, in a PM.

    So, you want to sell me another way to easily make "X" dollars in "X" days? ROFL too funny! IM success requires hard work and lots of time. Most newbies do not survive the steep learning curve. Anyone who says otherwise is probably selling you a fantasy.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1581069].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NewbieGal
      Originally Posted by FredFarnes View Post

      Our site was not a Christmas niche site, but it happened to be shopping season. You were in the same season.

      To get more traffic, do as I said above. Add more pages, each of them targeting another key-phrase. 2600 "exact" searches per month is OK, (but 2600 broad searches would be bad), check that they are exact. And position 3 is good too. So find another 10 keywords, add 10 pages, each of them ranking for a keyphrase. That way you can add another potential 26,000 searches, if you rank well in google.

      If you get 98 visits with one keyphrase, you could possibly get 980 with 10 of keyphrases. Plus the added content makes your site more appealing to google.

      If you choose keywords well, you should not have to write articles and make backlinks, which frees up more time for more websites.

      That's about all I want to disclose. I can answer another question you had above, in a PM.
      Thanks! You were extremely helpful! I am actually looking into related keywords now to add more posts to the site.
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  • Profile picture of the author nebraska
    If you're using Wordpress, then I've had a lot of success using the rss widgets with my amazon associates id inserted. Basically you use an amazon rss feed with your associates id and the widget will display the best sellers in a given category...and you get the cookie set for your id. Here's a site that does a good job of explaining how to get the rss feed url Associates Blog: Create Associate RSS Feeds!

    I like to setup the widget in the sidebar. Insert 5 products and name it like: "Top Selling MP3 Players"

    I also do it for ebay partner network too...with a lot of click throughs. I've been doing well on this site...feeds are in the footer:

    Baby Safety Products and Information


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1581387].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author NewbieGal
      Originally Posted by nebraska View Post

      If you're using Wordpress, then I've had a lot of success using the rss widgets with my amazon associates id inserted. Basically you use an amazon rss feed with your associates id and the widget will display the best sellers in a given category...and you get the cookie set for your id. Here's a site that does a good job of explaining how to get the rss feed url Associates Blog: Create Associate RSS Feeds!

      I like to setup the widget in the sidebar. Insert 5 products and name it like: "Top Selling MP3 Players"

      I also do it for ebay partner network too...with a lot of click throughs. I've been doing well on this site...feeds are in the footer:

      Baby Safety Products and Information

      I will try that. I currently have been using the carousel widgets so i can give it a try for the RSS widget.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1581470].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author nebraska
        Originally Posted by NewbieGal View Post

        I will try that. I currently have been using the carousel widgets so i can give it a try for the RSS widget.
        I was referring to a Wordpress/Blogger widget...use it on blogger too.

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  • Profile picture of the author carlo_sim
    Do you promote a single product or something general? usually it is better to sell many things in one site. Highlight some of the products you are selling by creating a creative and reviewing it then linking it to the product site with your aff link in it. Also, you may want to consider that January is usually a lean season since everyone shopped off their asses last December..

    Feel free to shoot up a pm if you have any more questions...

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    • Profile picture of the author NewbieGal
      Originally Posted by giansim View Post

      Do you promote a single product or something general? usually it is better to sell many things in one site. Highlight some of the products you are selling by creating a creative and reviewing it then linking it to the product site with your aff link in it. Also, you may want to consider that January is usually a lean season since everyone shopped off their asses last December..

      Feel free to shoot up a pm if you have any more questions...

      I dont know if it is a single product. One for example could be "black computer desks" (just an example) and then i just have articles and a call to action as well as links throughout the article. Maybe its because i have adsense on the site as well.

      For those of you that do AMZ, do you suggest removing the adsense?
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  • Profile picture of the author carlo_sim
    Try to remove the adsense. I think giving them too many links to click drives the customer away from the call to action button.
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