A different way to treat WF newcomers?
Unfortunately, as Paul Myers' recent posts have pointed out, that doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent for idiots who are determined to game the system. Useless posts that exist only to boost post counts are still as prevalent as they always have been and there isn't really much let up in the forum's moron quotient.
How about this for a different take on legitimizing new Warrior Forum members - it would take a bit of extra programming, but shouldn't be too hard to do...
Every new member of the forum would join with no privileges at all - no WSOs, no PMs, and (crucially) no Sigs.
Each level of privilege would be earned - not by posts, but by thanks.
So, when a new member get five thanks they could then put up a sig. Ten thanks would activate PMs for them and 20 thanks would allow them to post WSOs (if they are also members of the War Room).
I acknowledge that gangs of spammers could simply thank each other, but that could be minimised by the system being programmed to only count thanks from existing members of either 6 months longevity, or members who already have 20+ tanks of their own.
The big benefit of this would be that newcomers would be encouraged to make valuable posts - and so become better WF members much faster. Spammers, of course, would rarely be bothered.
Is this workable?
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