A free video lesson on how to sell with video (thanks to Kevin Riley)

13 replies
Hi Guys

I think it should be ok to post this as the promotion in the video is over. The point is, lots of us use video to sell something, but I know myself that when I'm on cam, I go a bit quiet, and I'm not direct enough or look enthusiastic enough, which no doubt sends people to sleep, and certainly doesn't inspire people to buy. So, in contrast, watch the Hamster King below as he shows how it should be done. Note how benefits are stated, calls to action etc, not just a rambling.

#free #kevin #lesson #riley #sell #video
  • Profile picture of the author MJ Sterling
    I really like Kevin's style, his methods are top class and he over delivers with his products.

    Anyway back to the video, he cuts straight to the point as you pointed out, strong calls to action, benefits up front, makes an offer you can't refuse and sets himself as a trusted advisor.

    Hell, a lot can be learned from just watching Kevin's free videos, in my book.
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Too right. In fact, you mentioned "Trusted Advisor", the one thing I forgot to mention is you notice how he comes across with authority, none of this "well, I'm not really the expert on this", which again I'm prone to doing.

    AJ: Yeah, I didn't even think about the 'holding the physical products' thing. Man, I wonder if he plans this stuff or if it just comes naturally...I hate him!!..in a good way ;-)

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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
      Originally Posted by phil.wheatley View Post

      Yeah, I didn't even think about the 'holding the physical products' thing. Man, I wonder if he plans this stuff or if it just comes naturally...I hate him!!..in a good way ;-)
      Funny thing is, you never actually see Step 4. It hadn't arrived at my place yet, so I'm holding the covers in such a way you can't see the number on the back ones.
      Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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  • Profile picture of the author kevinfar
    Hey Phil thanks for the video.

    Kevin, wow, great enthusiasm and passion in the video. I mean apart from the great deal, calls to action, etc etc the one thing that really stands out in my book is the great energy that is portrayed from the start to the finish of the video.

    Also, straight to the point and tell you exactly what to do.

    Great job and I hope you've had great success with this video Kevin.

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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Ah, good technique Kevin, is that who you also win at Poker all the time!!??

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    • Profile picture of the author Denise Million
      Phil...what a gift. Thank you for posting this video showing us Kevin's style. I learned a lot from it. Doing video seemed impossible for me before. It really helps to see how someone else who excels at something does it.
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      • Profile picture of the author willie dynamite
        My first attempts are filled with lots of UMMS and ERMS. Its good to see how it should be done. Thanks for the post
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Hey Willie

    Man, I suffer from Ummsss syndrome like crazy!! I'll try and get the whole energy thing going, and do what I feel is a good take...then when I watch the video back, it's "Hi I'm Phil, Ummmmm..." Any tips anybody?

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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas
    I think it's a fake. The real Kevin Riley is way more hairy than that! :p
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Hey Thomas

    Yeah, if you want to wind Kevin up, tell him he's starting to look a bit corporate he he Don't worry, I'm sure he's still hairy!!!

    Ivan, thanks for the tips and I'll look at that article now - Branding as you say is very important,

    It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
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  • Profile picture of the author MJ Sterling
    I have a question for for Kevin, if he wouldn't mind answering?

    When you record your videos do you use a script, bullet points or neither?

    It's very clear and straight to the point, something I've been trying to get across in my videos. Thanks for your help Kevin
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
      Originally Posted by MJ Sterling View Post

      I have a question for for Kevin, if he wouldn't mind answering?

      When you record your videos do you use a script, bullet points or neither?

      It's very clear and straight to the point, something I've been trying to get across in my videos. Thanks for your help Kevin
      MJ. That video was shot off the cuff. I sat down and made a quick outline first, then just shot it. I shoot my video lessons across the road in my studio, using a teleprompter to make sure every point is covered (lots of scripting on those), but this one was shot informal in my office. It does pay to know your product very well when you shoot off the cuff.
      Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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