Membership Site Questions.. need Answers
I will be using Wordpress as my CMS and Paypal as payment (Still looking on a better deal for payment processor.. reccomendations?)
I would like to have a members only forum in addition to the members only area where the content will live. If I decide to keep Wishlist is there another way to make a members only forum?
I have narrowed down two membership site software options, Amember and Wishlist.
Now I hear wishlist is great and leaning towards it but the problems for me are lack of affiliate program. Can I just use Clickbank as payment processor and use their affiliate program? (Insert Advice)
As for the forum, I don't think Wishlist would protect the forum into a members only forum using the same log in info and that is where Amember shines.. But I also hear that is a plugin that costs extra to implement.
Thats it for now,
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