The Most Flexible WP Theme I Have Seen

45 replies
This seems like a very flexible theme and its free:

Flexibility Theme for WordPress
#flexible #theme
  • Profile picture of the author Chuck Underwood
    Thank you Jeremy.

    Very cool find.

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  • Profile picture of the author peteranswers
    That looks very nice, thanks for sharing!
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayhew
      Very cool. I've been looking for a new theme. This looks great. Just downloaded. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

      IMO Partnership. A National Insurance Marketing Alliance.

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    • Profile picture of the author Tuzic

      thanks for this, great find.
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      • Profile picture of the author FlexibilityTheme
        Hey guys, my name is Ryan and I'm the creator of Flexibility Theme. I saw a bunch of you as new registrations yesterday so I figured I'd come over and see what all the hype was about.

        The theme is incredibly customizable and you can use your own graphics if you want (to answer a question above). I've included quite a few on the website, and if you use the custom WP Easy Uploader plugin that I included, then you can upload the new graphics right into the images directory.

        Try it out and let me know what you think! It's really a work in progress as I find out what options are needed and which are overkill.

        Thanks for visiting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    Very nice theme, thanks for posting it Jeremy. I really like the flexibility of the sidebars, never seen that before.
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  • Profile picture of the author Harold Hsu
    I'm a fan of wordpress themes and this is a great find. I can't wait to tinker with it...

    Thank you so much for the share!
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  • Profile picture of the author AgileHosting
    Wow, this is awesome. Thank you for the tip!! I hadn't seen this one before, and I really, really like it.

    **Donation made to developer - that is some sweet work.



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  • Profile picture of the author ibringjoy
    Thanks, Jeremy, for letting us know about this. I love it! It's exactly the kind of thing I have been wanting for a long time. I know I will make good use of this.

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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Bruno
    I don't particularly care for the rollover tabs on the header navigation. It just reminds me of the 90s.

    Frank Bruno
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  • Profile picture of the author rosan9
    I love a theme that is easy to customize. Thanks.
    Custom Blog Headers for your wordpress blog from the Blog Header Guy. Check out my Blog Headers Portfolio
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  • Profile picture of the author Asher
    Wow... that looks awesome and is a great idea too. Thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
    On first glance, this one's amazing. Downloaded, and on second glance, it's VERY amazing. Thanks for sharing your find

    Plot short fiction, long fiction, even outline non-fiction * Edit the question prompts to suit your genre * Easily export text and image files for use with your word processor or Scrivener.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRealDomainer
    downloaded it. Great idea and theme
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  • Profile picture of the author grumpyjacksa
    thanx a million !

    just got it
    Ex-ghostwriter now writing exclusive PLR ebooks - Limited PLR Club
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    • Profile picture of the author Susan Hope
      Well, wow! and Cor!!! great find...

      So I downloaded this about half hour ago and got it on my blog, have been going through everything, lots to figure out. Has anyone seen yet whether we can use an image of our own in the header?

      I have been on the download blog and seen the wonderful header graphics and whatknot he has there but I can't see anywhere it says we can use an image of our own.

      Anyone figured that out yet?

      One-to-One WordPress Coaching Service Available at Low Hourly Rate - Let the frustration end now! WordPress Installs, Theme Design, Site Tweaks & other WordPress services available
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        This is a really nice theme - like it much better than one I paid quite a bit for!
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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      • Profile picture of the author Stacie Bennett
        Originally Posted by SusanneUK View Post

        Well, wow! and Cor!!! great find...

        So I downloaded this about half hour ago and got it on my blog, have been going through everything, lots to figure out. Has anyone seen yet whether we can use an image of our own in the header?

        I have been on the download blog and seen the wonderful header graphics and whatknot he has there but I can't see anywhere it says we can use an image of our own.

        Anyone figured that out yet?


        Have not actually got into it yet, but found this on the page for it:

        Use custom background and header images including CSS repeat parameters
        Really hope that is true, lol. Will give it a going over. Great find!
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      • Profile picture of the author FlexibilityTheme
        Originally Posted by SusanneUK View Post

        Well, wow! and Cor!!! great find...

        So I downloaded this about half hour ago and got it on my blog, have been going through everything, lots to figure out. Has anyone seen yet whether we can use an image of our own in the header?

        I have been on the download blog and seen the wonderful header graphics and whatknot he has there but I can't see anywhere it says we can use an image of our own.

        Anyone figured that out yet?

        Sue, to use your own header image, the easiest way would be to download one of the sample images (for sizing), create your own header and save it as header-bg.png. Upload it to the theme images directory. If you use the included WP Easy Uploader plugin, there is an option to upload directly to your images directory. When you upload the graphic, it will overwrite the default image and be live immediately.

        If you use a 24 bit png with alpha transparency, any transparent areas will allow the header background color you specify to show through the header graphic.

        Hope that helps!
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        • Profile picture of the author Susan Hope
          Originally Posted by FlexibilityTheme View Post

          Sue, to use your own header image, the easiest way would be to download one of the sample images (for sizing), create your own header and save it as header-bg.png. Upload it to the theme images directory. If you use the included WP Easy Uploader plugin, there is an option to upload directly to your images directory. When you upload the graphic, it will overwrite the default image and be live immediately.

          If you use a 24 bit png with alpha transparency, any transparent areas will allow the header background color you specify to show through the header graphic.

          Hope that helps!

          Hi Ryan

          Thanks so much for this extra bit of service. I had to go out after last posting so was not able to come on here say I had figured it out, exactly as Ryan has outlined above. Thanks for the extra help though Ryan, I will certainly be donating to this one, it's great!

          Also thanks to everyone else who offered advise

          One-to-One WordPress Coaching Service Available at Low Hourly Rate - Let the frustration end now! WordPress Installs, Theme Design, Site Tweaks & other WordPress services available
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  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    Really nice and simple, yet feature-rich. Thanks for posting!
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  • Profile picture of the author Imran Naseem
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    • Profile picture of the author RyanLeisure
      Nice looking theme, I'll take that!
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      • Profile picture of the author clawHAMMER
        JAM! Very kewl, thx for pointing this out Jeremy. I'll slide this in my WP theme folder for future useage fer sure. Oh, I'm in Michigan here as well between Lansing and Jackson.

        Thx again for the tip!

        ~"We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails."
        ~"Never say never cause you never know!"
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        • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
          Looks good I will check this out!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dmitry
    Looks pretty cool - good find!
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  • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
    Still far too busy with other things here to have done anything beyond installing it, but at the top of the theme options page it says....

    If you need to upload images (headers, RSS icons, search boxes, backgrounds or header spans) to the Flexibility theme images directory for customizing the theme, I highly recommend installing the version of WP Easy Uploader that comes with the Flexibility theme. I have modified the plugin to include a path directly to the Flexibility images directory. This allows you to upload files directly to the images directory from within WordPress without the need for an FTP client.

    It looks like using an image of your own wouldn't be difficult.

    Plot short fiction, long fiction, even outline non-fiction * Edit the question prompts to suit your genre * Easily export text and image files for use with your word processor or Scrivener.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trent Brownrigg
    Wow that is a great theme! Thanks for finding it for us and a special thanks to the creator for giving such a nice them out for free!

    You can find internet marketing strategies, SEO consulting, and tons of business advice at BAM!

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  • Profile picture of the author DonnaLeona
    Thanks so much!!

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  • Profile picture of the author toonarme
    Just brilliant, I absolutely love this. Thanks Ryan, a contribution to the kids college fund will be forthcoming.
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    • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
      This looks good, Jeremy, thanks!

      <edit> Oh...and Ryan too!

      I just downloaded and will take it for a test drive later this week!

      Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    I really like the theme, but didn't have much luck with it.. It works okay, but takes quite a while for pages to load, almost like they re-loaded or re-freshed. Much slower than the theme I was using.

    Or maybe I didn't mess with it enough.

    Curious if others tried it yet.
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    • Profile picture of the author FlexibilityTheme
      Originally Posted by Ron Killian View Post

      I really like the theme, but didn't have much luck with it.. It works okay, but takes quite a while for pages to load, almost like they re-loaded or re-freshed. Much slower than the theme I was using.

      Or maybe I didn't mess with it enough.

      Curious if others tried it yet.

      One thing to keep in mind about this theme, is that every option that you can set is stored in the options table in the WP database. So yes, there may definitely be a performance hit depending on your hosting server. The stylesheet for the theme has many dynamic fields that are called when a page is loaded.

      The only way around this is to get your theme settings how you like them and then create a static stylesheet for your theme. But then you lose all function in the options page. So I guess the trade off for being able to customize the theme is a performance hit, but again it will depend on the speed of the server your blog is hosted on.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
        Originally Posted by FlexibilityTheme View Post


        One thing to keep in mind about this theme, is that every option that you can set is stored in the options table in the WP database. So yes, there may definitely be a performance hit depending on your hosting server. The stylesheet for the theme has many dynamic fields that are called when a page is loaded.

        The only way around this is to get your theme settings how you like them and then create a static stylesheet for your theme. But then you lose all function in the options page. So I guess the trade off for being able to customize the theme is a performance hit, but again it will depend on the speed of the server your blog is hosted on.
        Hey there, thanks for stopping by.

        I sure hope my post did not seem like a knock on your theme. Far from it, it is a awesome theme, and yes it has so many options, more that I've seen in other themes. Just took a while to fully load.

        Thanks for the suggestion, thats a great idea. I was looking forward to using it on a new blog I was doing. I'll try like you said..
        PLR Affiliate Program Has Launched! Easily Promote Over 5,000 PLR and MRR Products.

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        • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Gatica
          I am going to create some free headers for this theme and I will post a link tomorrow for them. I have been messing around with this them and it is really fun to play with.

          At least My scattered brain enjoys it!

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  • Profile picture of the author FlexibilityTheme
    @ Ron - I didn't think it was a knock, it's a fact actually. Anytime your pulling from a database it's going to take a bit more time that just loading static HTML. That was one concern I had as my options page grew. I actually threw out quite a few options and just stuck with the ones I felt would give users the most flexibility.

    @ Jeremy - I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I viewed your portfolio and you do some really nice work. Maybe some of your headers could end up as downloads on my site?

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  • Profile picture of the author jbgal

    Thanks for posting this. I love it so much I'll make a donation to the developer! I think he deserves it.

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  • Profile picture of the author najmiyusoff
    Freebies are always good to have. Thanks!

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  • Profile picture of the author Armandotoledo
    thanks... just downloaded..
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