How to make consistent income?

3 replies
Hey Warriors

Been marketing for a little under a year and have managed to make some decent income. However on click bank i will have a few days were i have sales of $100+ then i will have 1 sale then a few days with no sales followed by some $100+ days what would you say is the best strategy to build a consistent and stable $100 or more per day income?

Thank for the help
#consistent #income #make
  • Profile picture of the author dean_holland

    I know just what you mean, only around 10 weeks ago did I finally answer the question for myself....

    Continuity !

    You need to build a continuity income stream, whether you are at the stage to have your own recurring bill product or promote one as an affiliate.

    I was much like you, paydays here and there but no daily / weekyl consistant income.

    Now I have a $97 a month product and in only it's second month in December we did 5 figures in the bank. Every day we have payments being made to us and it's a great feeling.

    So there's my advice, promote continuity offers or create your own

    Good luck !

    Follow My Journey To Online Success >
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  • Profile picture of the author JumpinJackFlash
    My advice to you is pretty much the same as Dean.

    I know that if you keep on working and building your business you will get to a stage where you will have $100 coming everyday and occasionally a $200 day or $500 day.

    It is basically rinse and repeat. :-)
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