It's Getting Complicated; Article Marketing

by waken
22 replies
I am not too sure how many other article directories and web 2.0 sites but it's becoming stricter and stricter. Even making link wheel using the same content don't seem acceptable anymore...

If duplicate content is not an issue to be worried about, then why are they ...??

Buzzle: Articles that are already published online will not be accepted. Please understand that it is important for us to ensure we do not publish any plagiarized articles.

Hubpages: (These can't be found anywhere on the agreement..HubPages Terms of Use)

The rules - read these carefully:
* If your Hub's content is unique to HubPages (doesn't appear anywhere else on the internet) then your Hub can have a MAXIMUM of 2 links to any one domain (tinyurl and other cloakers are considered wildcards).
* If your Hub's content appears anywhere else on the internet, then you may NOT add links to sites or offers you are promoting. This means that you can not have any promotional links on hubs that appear elsewhere on the internet.
* You can not give a short teaser and a link to "read more" or "continue". The Hub must have the full content you want to present.

SearchWarp: Articles submitted to SearchWarp must not link to 'thin-affiliate' sites, sales pages, pages created only to gather contact information, or sites with little unique content.

Must Not be Advertising nor Commercial in nature, or used for affiliate marketing

What's your take on this?
#article #complicated #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    Web 2.0 sites do this to stop affiliate marketers .

    The few directories that do this will find their own rules will hurt them in the long run since they are stopping syndication. Syndication is the reason article directories thrive .... or die .

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    • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
      1. There are plenty of places that will accept duplicate content (assuming it's your own)

      2. Hubpages is good. IMO it's worth it to rewrite your article especially for them.

      Just accept the rules as they change and work around them.
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      • Profile picture of the author ocon9316
        Originally Posted by Sara Young View Post

        1. There are plenty of places that will accept duplicate content (assuming it's your own)

        2. Hubpages is good. IMO it's worth it to rewrite your article especially for them.

        Just accept the rules as they change and work around them.
        I completely agree with this. Hubpages is an excellent and free solution for so many article marketers. I would rewrite everything for them and please them as much as I could because it works and it is definitely worth the extra half hour of work.
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    • Profile picture of the author lioncirth
      I would recommend doing a little extra work and rewriting the articles slightly then. Therefore you will have more quality link wheels and thus hopefully better results

      Skype: lioncirth <------ Coming Soon!

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      • Profile picture of the author bethrobinson
        Most likely each of these sites believe that they will be considered a stronger resource if they include better, unique content that's not just written to try to get someone to buy something.

        They might be considering duplicate content SEO issues but I expect they are more interested in reader experience, since happy readers keep returning and surfing and clicking on the ads that make THEM revenue.

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  • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
    Originally Posted by waken View Post

    I am not too sure how many other article directories and web 2.0 sites but it's becoming stricter and stricter. Even making link wheel using the same content don't seem acceptable anymore...

    If duplicate content is not an issue to be worried about, then why are they ...??

    Buzzle: Articles that are already published online will not be accepted. Please understand that it is important for us to ensure we do not publish any plagiarized articles.

    Hubpages: (These can't be found anywhere on the agreement..HubPages Terms of Use)

    The rules - read these carefully:
    * If your Hub's content is unique to HubPages (doesn't appear anywhere else on the internet) then your Hub can have a MAXIMUM of 2 links to any one domain (tinyurl and other cloakers are considered wildcards).
    * If your Hub's content appears anywhere else on the internet, then you may NOT add links to sites or offers you are promoting. This means that you can not have any promotional links on hubs that appear elsewhere on the internet.
    * You can not give a short teaser and a link to "read more" or "continue". The Hub must have the full content you want to present.

    SearchWarp: Articles submitted to SearchWarp must not link to 'thin-affiliate' sites, sales pages, pages created only to gather contact information, or sites with little unique content.

    Must Not be Advertising nor Commercial in nature, or used for affiliate marketing

    What's your take on this?
    I write for a very popular website called Info Barrel. They are proving to be a huge competitor for websites like HubPages, Squidoo, and eHow, in part because of their quality control process, incentivized user experiences, and multiple article formatting.

    InfoBarrel does not allow ANY duplicate content whatsoever, and, while some may debate whether this is a good thing or not, their recent growth has been absolutely outstanding.

    I also earn 30% more, per month, in revenue share, than HubPages offers its members.

    While it may not be such a good thing for affiliate marketers, sites like Info Barrel are intentionally making it so that content is only expressly unique to their own website. This is VERY critical, I believe, in facilitating longterm growth and viability. Those who don't like this policy can go elsewhere, however, this site already attracts visitors like a magnet, and I already earn several hundred ($$$) a month from it.....
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    • Profile picture of the author wolverine1971
      Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

      I write for a very popular website called Info Barrel. They are proving to be a huge competitor for websites like HubPages, Squidoo, and eHow, in part because of their quality control process, incentivized user experiences, and multiple article formatting.

      InfoBarrel does not allow ANY duplicate content whatsoever, and, while some may debate whether this is a good thing or not, their recent growth has been absolutely outstanding.

      I also earn 30% more, per month, in revenue share, than HubPages offers its members.

      While it may not be such a good thing for affiliate marketers, sites like Info Barrel are intentionally making it so that content is only expressly unique to their own website. This is VERY critical, I believe, in facilitating longterm growth and viability. Those who don't like this policy can go elsewhere, however, this site already attracts visitors like a magnet, and I already earn several hundred ($$$) a month from it.....
      Thanks for the tip on Info Barrel - I will check them them out. Do they give you credit for referrals? If so PM me your referral link. I would like to sign up and try them out.
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      • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
        Originally Posted by wolverine1971 View Post

        Thanks for the tip on Info Barrel - I will check them them out. Do they give you credit for referrals? If so PM me your referral link. I would like to sign up and try them out.
        oh hey Wolverine...I just sent you a PM....

        U.S. Marines?

        ....U.S. Army here since I joined right after 9/ Afghanistan tour....and, just earned my commission as a 2nd LT a few months ago....

        Check this chart out I made....

        It wasn't initially suppose to favor Info Barrel so much....but, I've been writing for sites online for over 2 years now.....and, keep track of their different platform functionality and offerings.....

        Of course, many of these sites keep alot of things hidden from users....for example eHow operates under a "secret algorithm" regarding user compensation..... (As of yesterday, some of their most loyal members are rebelling as a result of some seriously shady practices that were unearthed.....but, that's a WHOLE different post
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        • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
          Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

          oh hey Wolverine...I just sent you a PM....

          U.S. Marines?

          ....U.S. Army here since I joined right after 9/ Afghanistan tour....and, just earned my commission as a 2nd LT a few months ago....

          Check this chart out I made....

          It wasn't initially suppose to favor Info Barrel so much....but, I've been writing for sites online for over 2 years now.....and, keep track of their different platform functionality and offerings.....

          Of course, many of these sites keep alot of things hidden from users....for example eHow operates under a "secret algorithm" regarding user compensation..... (As of yesterday, some of their most loyal members are rebelling as a result of some seriously shady practices that were unearthed.....but, that's a WHOLE different post
 may have to click the "Magnifying Glass" with the "+" sign in order to see the chart better (may be a little difficult to see if it's not magnified)....
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1616204].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author wolverine1971
            Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

   may have to click the "Magnifying Glass" with the "+" sign in order to see the chart better (may be a little difficult to see if it's not magnified)....
            Thanks - I just signed up for an account. I couldn't PM you back because I need 50 posts to send a PM. I'll have that sometime around the year 2011 so send me your email in a PM so I can reply as I would also like to help you out with a couple PR5/6 backlinks I will give a fellow solider.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Is re-writing really that hard?

      You wanna hear something funny?

      I have written stuff, and then forgot about it for months, and then went back and said "gee, did I write that?" LOL and then went to another site where I submitted similar information - and I must by Sybil or something.

      Why does my name say Jill Carpenter? Is someone messing with my account? :p

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author DogScout
    It is so worth writing 4-6 versions of each paragraph and then spinning the paragraphs for a couple hundred unique articles for reasons stated in other threads. This just re-enforces what was already (in my opinion) best practices. (Another reason to spin I have not seen given is, it is POSSIBLE for 10 of your articles, spun by paragraph to 70% uniqueness or better to all end up on page 1 of Google or other search engine! Unlikely as it may be, it is not impossible. That incidence would greatly increase SE clicks and eventual CTRs from one of them. )
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    My take on it is that these websites are protecting their own interests. They've been filled up with spam articles that do not inform or entertain, but are only product descriptions directed to an affiliate site that also does not inform or entertain.

    If you try making some fresh content and go a but further and try making it interesting and informative to read, you'll have a lot better luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    There is a difference in a web 2.0 site , your home directory and your link directories .

    You web 2.0 site needs to be unique for the fact that it is one of your closest buffers to your money site . Just doesn't make sense to have the same article on it as you would your money site . No one wants to read the same article twice to get to the money link.

    Picking a home directory is important for the fact it is also a buffer source .

    Home directories need to be bookmark friendly . You will be surprised at the article directories that everyone says are number 1 but are considered spam sources by the majority of the bookmarking sites that matter .

    Because my home directory is a buffer one step away from my money page , I also have an original article pointing to my money link on it .

    Link directories are just that. Send the exact same article to them as you already have on your blog .

    If everything is linked properly before long your blog is going to be the authority for the keyword anyway .

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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Duplicate content, in and of itself, is not an issue. You can have the same
      article in 100 different places online and there won't be any kind of Google
      penalty levied against you. That's one issue.

      As for sites that allow duplicate content or not, that's another and it's out
      of your control.

      You have 2 choices.

      1. Rewrite your article for that site so that it is unique.
      2. Don't use their service.

      Our take on it is irrelevant as everybody is going to have different opinions,
      none of which can be proven to be right or wrong beyond any reasonable
      doubt. All that matters is how you intend to deal with the issue. And as
      I said, you have 2 choices.

      Personally, if I decided that a resource was valuable enough to use, I'd
      make sure they got unique content. And the only way to test that is to
      track the results you get from using that source. Of course that means
      submitting at least one article to them, though one submission is certainly
      not sufficient testing. However, if the one article performs well, it would be
      relatively safe to assume that the resource was worth using.

      Ultimately, it's your decision how you're going to work around this. I do
      warn you against trying to circumvent their TOS. If you submit material
      that is not unique, you run a great risk of being banned from their service.
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  • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
    Why is this so difficult to comprehend? Content has always been, and always will be king. Quality will always trump quantity. With quality you will always get targeted and useful traffic, not the low quality "bounce in 3 seconds or less" traffic.

    Google is the almighty search engine bohemoth (sp?). You adapt to their changes or get left behind. They are always trying to tweak their algorithm to provide the most accurate and useful results as possible to maintain their ad revenue and increase it.

    Good article directories are always going to stay on top of these fluctuations in Google's algorithm to maintain their ranking. So you are going to see a lot of directories demand and get unique content.

    But this goes back to something people have been saying a lot on the WF... build content for your own site and stop building content for other people's sites. It takes longer to get ranked, but it can be much more worthwhile, depending on your niche. Obviously some obscure unprofitable niches wouldn't be worth investing time in building something like that.

    Spammy and Blackhat-esque tactics are only going to be effectice for so long. Sound business and marketing strategies will stand the test of time, whereas the aforementioned methods will be here today, gone this afternoon.

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    • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
      Originally Posted by jjpmarketing View Post

      Why is this so difficult to comprehend? Content has always been, and always will be king. Quality will always trump quantity. With quality you will always get targeted and useful traffic, not the low quality "bounce in 3 seconds or less" traffic.

      Google is the almighty search engine bohemoth (sp?). You adapt to their changes or get left behind. They are always trying to tweak their algorithm to provide the most accurate and useful results as possible to maintain their ad revenue and increase it.

      Good article directories are always going to stay on top of these fluctuations in Google's algorithm to maintain their ranking. So you are going to see a lot of directories demand and get unique content.

      But this goes back to something people have been saying a lot on the WF... build content for your own site and stop building content for other people's sites. It takes longer to get ranked, but it can be much more worthwhile, depending on your niche. Obviously some obscure unprofitable niches wouldn't be worth investing time in building something like that.

      Spammy and BlueFart-esque tactics are only going to be effectice for so long. Sound business and marketing strategies will stand the test of time, whereas the aforementioned methods will be here today, gone this afternoon.

      Personally, I've found it to be much more lucrative to write content for other sites, rather than my own. There is a reason why these websites are ranked so high....with pre-packaged favor and authority in Google. The one's that can ultimately control quality, will emerge and remain on top.

      This has only been my personal experience. I know others have had tremendous success with their own websites, but there are also many who reap little to no profit from it.
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  • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
    That is why I threw in the "depends on the niche" statement. Some niches are better suited for the Squidoo/Hubpage type of sites. But in the end it is best to do what works best for you and your own business model.
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  • Profile picture of the author N4PGW
    Originally Posted by waken View Post

    What's your take on this?
    I have been following a few threads and favor the idea of writing a longer unique article for your website and a shorter article spun to be different for each article directory.

    From what you quoted, I cannot directly link to my minisite that is selling a book about building and selling widgets, for example. But if I have a blog about home enterprises and write an article telling about how simple, yet beneficial it is to make and sell them, then I should be able to link to the article/site. At the site, I would have a link to my book sales page or clickbank, I suppose. (Does this sound right?)

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  • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
    Originally Posted by waken View Post

    I am not too sure how many other article directories and web 2.0 sites but it's becoming stricter and stricter. Even making link wheel using the same content don't seem acceptable anymore...

    If duplicate content is not an issue ...
    Just take the time to write original content. Provide valuable content and it will be worth it in the end.
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  • Profile picture of the author kkchoon
    I still vote for Ezinearticles for hosting and ranking my articles, many good article directories out there, goarticles is the least strict rules...

    Powerful Indexer That Makes Your Backlinks Count ==> Nuclear Link Indexer

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