Struggling to make any money

32 replies
Dear All,
I seem to have problems with actually making money from IM and my goal for 2010 is to actually make a decent 2nd income online.

I seem to be reasonably successful in my job, I seem to understand new process easily and be able to run departments and develop them into readonibly successful business units.

However, for some reason I am unable to transfer this skill to IM. I have done the 30 day challenge and thoroughly enjoyed this, however, I think that my gross total for IM income is somewhere in the region of 7 to 8 quid. Divide this by 100s of hours of Niche research I have and I am getting paid peanuts.

Which is quite funny as I feel a bit like a monkey when it comes to IM.
I was wondering if some of who are actually making money can either give me some sound advice, or could point me in the right direction?
Your help is much appreciated.
#im advice #make #money #struggling
  • Profile picture of the author nichecloner
    OK, I can speak up here because I've been there and done dat! I came from the corporate world and was in a technical role. It took me quite a while to realize that you just can't think the same way on the internet as you do in the corporate world.

    You see, you are thinking with the mindset that things have to work a specific way, i.e. the corporate office. This affects your belief system because when you are looking at specific IM tactics and products, you REALLY do NOT believe that you can make a real living from them because you think the IM products and services have to fit your corporate mold. I know this, because I used to be this way.

    Throw off all of the corporate shackles and free yourself! You would be amazed at what people will buy online. Also, stop thinking about how you can make money and start thinking of how you can help others and what you can GIVE to others. Because when you give, you will receive. Its the law of reciprocity.

    Belief + Decision + Massive Action = Results!

    All The Best,
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    • Profile picture of the author bonejazz
      Originally Posted by nichecloner View Post

      OK, I can speak up here because I've been there and done dat! I came from the corporate world and was in a technical role. It took me quite a while to realize that you just can't think the same way on the internet as you do in the corporate world.

      You see, you are thinking with the mindset that things have to work a specific way, i.e. the corporate office. This affects your belief system because when you are looking at specific IM tactics and products, you REALLY do NOT believe that you can make a real living from them because you think the IM products and services have to fit your corporate mold. I know this, because I used to be this way.

      Throw off all of the corporate shackles and free yourself! You would be amazed at what people will buy online. Also, stop thinking about how you can make money and start thinking of how you can help others and what you can GIVE to others. Because when you give, you will receive. Its the law of reciprocity.

      Belief + Decision + Massive Action = Results!

      All The Best,
      Great advice Derek,

      IM does require a shifting of mindset. Transitioning from employee to entrepreneur is not an easy task. I love T Harv Eker's definition of an entrepreneur as one who solves problems for a profit. The moment one can step outside of themselves and into the mind of the customer, the easier it becomes to communicate effectively to your clients.

      Peace & Much Success,
      Andre Hayward
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  • Profile picture of the author Easy Cash
    What have you done so far?

    have you created any websites?

    Sorry - I am not familiar with the 30 Day challenge.

    Are you getting traffic?

    How are you monetising your sites?
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  • Profile picture of the author AndyBlackSEO
    I always read posts like this and think.. 'Jeez... could I even attempt to answer this in one post'. All I can say is you really need to start from the ground up. As soon as you realise there is no magic formula (which you probs already know) then you are heading towards your next step.

    Making money on the internet is about filling a need. In order to fill a need though you need to find a niche, a niche with an audience. Then you have to build something whether it is a product, a service or an affiliate page and make it enticing. Really make a potential buyer feel they need your product. Once you have nailed that you need to step it up by driving lots of traffic to it.

    Seriously, internet marketing although 'easy' has a lot of chapters to it. There is LOTS to learn, understand and master. You'll 'almost' certainly take a few wrong turns but it's all part of the learning process.

    My advice, read up on:

    Traffic generation (Article marketing, viral marketing, video marketing, social networking)
    Link Building / SEO
    Sales pages
    Affiliate marketing
    Increasing Conversions
    List building
    Product creations

    etc etc etc

    Start small and then work yourself up. The most important things to remember is patience, and accept that this 'internet marketing' thing will likely not bring in 'great' money straight away.

    Keep positive!

    [FREE SEO TOOL] Build 29 Effective, High Authority Backlinks that Will Increase Your Google Rankings in 2020... CLICK HERE ...
    ... Instant backlinks that can get you results within 24-72hrs.
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  • Profile picture of the author sebvandort
    Thank you very much for your advice, much appreciated. I think you are right in your assessment, I am looking at what step to take first etc.

    Easy Cash
    Thank you for your time as well. That answers to your questions below.

    What have you done so far?
    I have built several website, quite a few of them are down now as I wasn't making any money but investing quite a bit of time after work without any results.

    have you created any websites?
    AS I stated, I have created a few website and most are now down; I have a few ones left on blogger though.


    (apologies for the no link to the above sites but as I have less than 15 posts I cannot submit links in my replies)

    I also tried my hand at blogging but after about 100 posts I stopped doing this.

    Sorry - I am not familiar with the 30 Day challenge.
    I can higly recommend the 30DC, very enjoyable. (Can't past link again but if you type thirthy day challenge in google they're the first one)

    Are you getting traffic?
    Yes, when I was actively promoting my sites I was getting traffic but only 40 visitors as the highest number in one day. The money I made was only from adsense only and only pennies at that.

    How are you monetising your sites?
    My main way of monetising my sites was through selling CB products.
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    • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
      Originally Posted by sebvandort View Post

      I have built several website, quite a few of them are down now as I wasn't making any money but investing quite a bit of time after work without any results.
      I also tried my hand at blogging but after about 100 posts I stopped doing this.
      Yes, when I was actively promoting my sites I was getting traffic

      There seems to be a pattern emerging here...

      "I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed; and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep on trying." - Tom Hopkins
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  • Profile picture of the author sebvandort
    HI Andy,

    Thank you for your reply & your advice. I can understand your frustration with posts like this and must admit that I too am sometimes a little annoyed with post.
    However, in my defence I have tried to get the hang of this for quite a while on my own and I seem to me missing it a little.
    Once again, thank you for taking the time to answer my post and I will follow your advice.
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    • Profile picture of the author AndyBlackSEO
      Originally Posted by sebvandort View Post

      HI Andy,

      Thank you for your reply & your advice. I can understand your frustration with posts like this and must admit that I too am sometimes a little annoyed with post.
      However, in my defence I have tried to get the hang of this for quite a while on my own and I seem to me missing it a little.
      Once again, thank you for taking the time to answer my post and I will follow your advice.
      Hey, I wasn't frustrated and the best way to find out anything in life is to ask. All I was saying is that when I hear this question being asked I struggle to find a starting point as there is SO much to cover... and some people do better with certain aspects of internet marketing than others.

      Whatever you do, just remember to not stand still for too long and keep striving towards that goal, whatever that may be (ie - obtaining traffic, writing content, creating a product etc).

      Good luck.
      [FREE SEO TOOL] Build 29 Effective, High Authority Backlinks that Will Increase Your Google Rankings in 2020... CLICK HERE ...
      ... Instant backlinks that can get you results within 24-72hrs.
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  • Why did you take the websites down? Were they really that bad? You can bring a site back from the dead by building links to it and tweaking the on-site stuff.

    Best to think of IM as a stream flowing from a mountain glacier -- it starts as drips, turns into a burbling spring, flows into a creek, and if you're really good at it eventually becomes a river. It's not an overnight thing for most people.
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  • Profile picture of the author sunpoint
    Hi, Sebvandort
    I have been in your position, too. Many months ago, I started searching the whole Internet World , trying to find a real GENUINE Online Mentor to build up a successful Internet Business. I have personally been spending ridiculous time and thousands of dollars on the junk products, trying to learn how to develop a profitable website, but each course and guru leaves me even more frustrated then the last ...
    Finally, God leading me to find a Honest,Genuine, Successful Online Mentor. Through step by step basic, clear video courses, I understand completely how to create a web business and making money online IS something that is real and within your grasp. Even for a complete Newcomer like me --- I mean 100% green and new.

    "No pain, no gain." Every success needs discipline - focus - and taking action. Sure there are a few new skills you will have to learn - but He teaches EVERYTHING you will need - and provide you with EVERYTHING you will need... You get so much value out of it. It's a typical sample of The Law of Universe --- " Power of Giving"

    Hopefully, it helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dviau17
    Hey guys I myself have been spending the past 3-4 months learning and am ready for 2010 to be my year. I have alot of work to do and I noticed that the biggest thing is to ignore the Guru's, pick something and TAKE ACTION!
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  • Profile picture of the author nichecloner
    OK, there are systems that people use that can really help you to grow your online income. I have been making money online since 1999 however, I'm always looking for other opportunities. Especially the ones that are automated that I plug into.

    I found such an opportunity recently and its in my sig if you're interested. Not my WSO, although its worth 10x the cost too. But seriously, I would love to help you. I've made tons of money online over the years and committed to giving above and beyond in 2010. Its my new years res... I'll even go as far as saying I'll devote 1 hour of my time at no charge to do so.

    PM me if you're interested.

    All the best,
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  • Profile picture of the author lioncirth
    I think one big problem is the fact that you have taken you sites down. Making money online can take time and dedication.

    You say you did spend awhile doing the research on niches, this research should have told you that the markets you are going to advertise in should make you money. Therefore I would recommend creating your blog(s) and sticking with them.

    It could take up to 3 months before you start seeing some real results from your back linking efforts. It can just take time.

    I would recommend doing the following;

    Buy Hosting (its about £5.74) (Id suggest hostclear or another company that offers you unlimited databases)

    Install your wordpress blog

    Create 5-10 articles for your blog and set them to auto post every couple of days

    Create 10 articles and submit these to ezine articles with a couple of back links to your blog.

    Do other backlinking methods such as blog commenting, forum posting etc

    Continue doing this every week, adding new posts, articles etc and after some time you should notice your traffic building up and sales coming.

    Ensure that you install analytics's and other plugins to keep track of your traffic and where its coming from.

    Skype: lioncirth <------ Coming Soon!

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  • Profile picture of the author sebvandort
    Dear All,

    I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for taking the time to reply to me and share your advice, it is very much appricated.
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  • Profile picture of the author iglow
    i think you are using wrong methods maybe. lots of people dont make money online due to bad targetting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Phil Murray
    I have struggled for a long time myself and have found niche blogging one thing that has worked. Earnings since Christmas have dropped but I am keeping at it. Consider some of the autoblogging courses available in the WSO board, most are pretty good to get you started.
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  • Profile picture of the author khtm
    I think a lot of people struggle because they jump from one tactic to the next, without giving each enough time, testing, and adjustment.

    I firmly believe it's possible to be successful in ANY area of IM, it just depends on how focused you are and how much effort you put into it.

    It sounds like you know enough about IM now to have a gut feeling for what area you want to concentrate on. So I'd recommend just going for it...don't look back...and don't waste time getting caught up in the latest hype that will take you off track.
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  • Profile picture of the author kay12345
    focus on one thing only, do not look for the new hype before you succeed

    we have all been in the same situation
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  • Profile picture of the author naijapower
    Do one thing at a time cos it is easy to get swamped with all sorts of ideas and then you shorlty become snowed under with little or no results
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  • Profile picture of the author mtnman_sierras
    Probably the biggest hurdle to get passed in IM is lack of focus. It's best to focus on one tactic, whether it be article marketing, ppc, social networking, etc; just find one tactic you're comfortable with and stick with it. Once you've mastered one tactic, then you can add on another marketing tactic and keep the forward momentum going.

    You could look at IM as if you were working towards a college degree. You simply can't take some course until you've successfully completed the prerequisites with a passing grade.
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  • Profile picture of the author juansaldivar
    What is your marketing plan seriously? mmm... I think you should work on marketing more than anything else, as an affiliate marketer, marketing is everything. Also, IM as I know it is a number's game, if you are not paying for traffic (Pay-per-click, banner advertising, PPV) don't expect to have a great surge of traffic at the moment if you are using free traffic methods like SEO, article marketing, video marketing... If for instance one article has 10 views per day, and you have a 10% conversion rate, means they go visit your site, you need 100 articles out there. Many people think you just make 1 or 2 articles and that's it. That's so away from the truth.

    You need consistent smart hard work. There is not magic bullet or magic pill in this business.

    If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.

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    • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
      I've found that it's easier to make money from Amazon than Clickbank and saw a post last night that offers some great information

      I enjoyed the thirty day challenge too having done it a couple of years ago. I took a peek at this years and that should have helped. Perhaps you could use the Amazon autoposter plug in for your collectables site. Set it up to add new products fairly regularly.

      You will also find a lot of good information on this forum, so much that I feel like I've got information overload sometimes.
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  • People say you need to focus one method, I think that isn't totally true.

    Whilst your not aiming to be a Jack of all trades, but rather an expert in something which is far better, I find using these at the start work well together:

    Social Media (A must for any marketer regardless)

    Facebook - (I have a great free webinar for this, message me if your interested. It does require an opt-in though, but you could always unsubscribe after)
    LinkedIN (More potential in this than people think - I don't suggest going after this one first until you find someone who is being successful with it)

    Content Marketing:

    Social Book Mark these

    Then set-up a simple routine for yourself as follows:

    Wake up:

    Eat Obviously

    Connect to facebook:

    Spend an hour joining new groups, adding new people, and growing your own group and fan page.

    Add no more than I'd say 30 people I do max in a day. So do 5 an hour or so... no biggy its easy to do.

    When you join groups you'll have others adding you anyway.

    Adding a personalized message helps explaining why you added them helps.

    That's Facebook done.

    Now time for an Article, personally I have my posts planned weeks or months in advance so I'm able to pump out 4 Articles a day.

    But look around, or think of a need that needs to be covered, find suitable keywords with some research and start typing your article.

    Publish it on your BLOG, then bookmark it using a system such as onlywire to distribute it to more than one place.

    Next you want to publish it on both Twitter and Facebook, and to your list and facebook group.

    Following that, publish to several article directories:



    I have software that automates it to 200+ Article directories and I also spin my articles (There is a debate whether or not you should spin your articles, there are more drawbacks to not doing it whilst if you do, providing its a manually spun article, you only lose time)

    These will take time to be accepted, but make sure that in the bio box you put link backs to your sites.

    The only directories your going to want to bookmark is either Ezine, Article Base, or GO Articles.

    Once you made an Article, create a video response for it with youtube, linking back to your website and maybe the article stating that there is a written version of your video.

    Again publish the video on Facebook and Twitter, and to your list.

    Maybe the article and video can go out to your list at the same time, so they have a choice of which they use.

    I use a video distribution service called Traffic geyser.

    Rinse and repeat every day.

    Once you master a routine like this, you can start adding more to the mix or if you see an increase in income, outsource the jobs and focus on some more.

    Then if your super productive like me, you already have your videos and articles pre-planned for a few weeks or months.

    At the start of the month, I go over what I want to cover, then I revisit older posts and find 5 different ways I can make another article out of it.

    Such as adding to what I covered, talking about it from the other point of view etc..

    Just from that you can create 25 new articles out of 5.

    Then I begin writing them, even 10 a day so I'm ahead.

    In wordpress I set my blog posts up to be posted at certain times.

    You can do this within Create a new post, on the right near publish you can set a time.

    Here's a look at what 4 Articles a day, 2 videos and then bookmarking them can do for you in a month.

    4 Articles/day x 30 = 120

    Submit 120 Articles to 200 Directories each = 24,000 backlinks

    2 Videos/day x 30 = 60

    My software distributes to 70 places so.

    Submit 70 videos to 70 places = 4900 backlinks

    Then my Social Book mark service generally goes out to 20 places.

    120 Articles x 20 Bookmarks = 2400 backlinks

    60 videos x 20 Bookmarks = 1200 backlinks

    Total = 32,500 backlinks in one month.

    I provided good value in my articles, and the submissions themselves provided over 50,000 unique views.

    See the power in that?

    I think thats a good start to get going.

    Hope it helps, Jay.
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  • Profile picture of the author CDawson
    Hey and welcome,

    Your first step in joining this forum was a good idea. You should consider joining the war room (best investment you'll ever make).

    Here is a strategy you can go buy:

    Find high search volume keywords with little competition,
    find affilate programs for these keywords,
    create a free blogger blog and fill it with keyword rich content,
    use free traffic methods to get traffic to the blog,
    sit back, work hard, and watch the money flow,
    Rinse, wash, repeat.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony Hetherington
    Absoluetly join the war room

    I found the newbie workbook so invaluable that I got the right to it (see below)
    You also must make a plan, take action, follow through and then go again and again and again
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  • Profile picture of the author James12C
    Hi - All good advice above - I would suggest you (if you have time after all this!) Gogle Chris Farrell and look at his site. There is so much approachable stuff for beginners and frustrated, about-to-be, IM winners - such as yourself.

    On no account whatever think of giving up!

    Best - and remember to let us know what happens - James

    Frustrated beginner? Check out my FREE 4-part, 6 bonus LIST BUILDING COURSE

    Follow me on Twitter AND my Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
    Personally I think it is easier to make money off line than online. There are now nearly 8 billion pages on line according to a thread here lately. (And it's somebody here that's responsible for that, isn't it!?) My earnings per hour are highest in a neat little off line situation I stumbled on, second highest on my job and way below minimum wage online.

    People get pretty good information right here in this forum and attack the situation intelligently. (Not all of course.) Competition is intense.

    I ran into a newspaper article about an 8 year old worth $900,000 net from business he started, posted about it here, and took the paper to work to show it to people there. One of the handymen in the building was reading it and another asked him "What businesses did he get into?"

    "Lawn mowing and pressure washing."

    "Those are good. These days everyone wants to be a computer expert. Get into something like that and you have a lot less competition."

    The guy had impressed me before with his intelligence but this topped it off a bit. And by the way there was no mention of the kid ever using a computer. His second interest seemed to be hockey and he did spend time at school.

    best wishes, lloyd
    ....( )/ ( )...

    Do something spectacular; be fulfilled. Then you can be your own hero. Prem Rawat

    The KimW WSO

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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
    After looking at your 'get boyfriend back' blogspot page, it's fairly obvious why you're not making any money.

    Here's the harsh truth (WARNING: don't read any further if you have a thin skin):

    This is a keyword spammed, crap, quickie, freebie blog whose obvious purpose is advertising without providing any valuable information to anyone stumbling upon that page.

    I'm guessing about everyone (if there is anyone) reaching this page quickly hits their back-button.

    You initially state you are good at your job, run departments, etc. Try this:

    Assume you don't want to leave your work hanging if you were to have a terrible accident tomorrow. Spend the next half hour writing a detailed report for your successor explaining what they need to know to do your job, the ins and outs of whatever, the secrets for dealing with whoever, etc.

    Then, compare that half-hour report to your free blog. Hopefully, there's a big difference. One is valuable, one is not.

    Make your online content valuable first. Don't worry about keyword stuffing. Decide on ONE goal for the blog: adsense clicks, affiliate links, or getting email signups. Dump whatever does not fit that one goal.

    You need to learn value.

    I just took a look at the collectibles site. Ugh. Copied articles from Ezine Articles that, unfortunately, are extremely poorly written.

    All you're doing is throwing-up junk and hoping someone clicks on an ad.

    Ask yourself, what would your co-workers think about these sites?

    You're not marketing anything. You're not providing value. You're not running a business. Fix these issues and see what happens.
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  • Profile picture of the author sebvandort

    Thank you for your time and you comments they are much appreciated and honesty is the best policy.
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  • Profile picture of the author trevor75
    Im sorry, never heard of the 30 Day Challenge. My advice to you is, and Im sure most of you guys would agree, is decide right now if you want to either promote someone else product - Affiliate Marketing. Or do you want to have your own website and promote your own product. The thing is, you could spend a life time trying to learn everything about this business, so you must pick whats called a niche and become the best at selling what ever product your pushing, regardless if its your or someon elses. Find a good mentor, someone who is willing to share their information for free. Learn what they have done and exactly how they did it. You see you need to get what I call a" hands on internet education." Literally learn by doing. Learn about blogs, article writing, building a website, affiliate marketing, Pay Per Click. See which one appeals to you them most. Whatever you like, you'll be good at, because you like it. Also, just find one thing right now, and stay focused, its soooo easy to get pulled in 50 diferent directions and try everything under the sun, believe me I've been there. Your off to a great start, these internet forums are a perfect place to get all kinds of free information regarding anything. So dont beat yourself up. Just ask and will try and help. ;-)

    FREE Report Reveals 5 Secrets To Earn Truckloads Of Affiliate Marketing Cash In Less Than A Week!

    How To Do The Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author Olivier Vasquez
    You talking about Ed Dale's 30 day Challenge?

    I would say, if you wanna make money, spend
    money- in the right avenues...

    Ask around about who the best Gurus are, and
    what they do► apply their systems and you will
    fast forward to success...

    Me personally: I like
    Frank Kern
    John Carlton
    Ryan Deiss
    Jeff Walker
    Jeff Johnson
    Mike Filsaime
    Jeff Dedrick
    John Reese
    Ed Dale
    Howie Schwartz
    Matt Bacak
    Russel Brunson
    And these are just some of my faves-

    Become succesful using their principles-
    Knowing is NEVER enough, Really Apply
    everything you know...

    A lot of people know stuff, but when it
    comes to implementation... They just do
    whatever the Hell they want... Apply
    Copy techniques
    Sales techniques
    Offer systems
    Search Optimization systems
    Monetization systems

    and different other things...
    If you think- that's too much, it's
    just the beginning...

    I'm obsessed with this stuff- so even when
    I don't succeed I get an adrenaline rush that
    keeps me going til the next time I get to try
    again until I succeed.

    YOu shouold try to sttend a seminar, and see
    what that does for you-

    Good Luck brother, Keep trying
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