Realistic Newbie Goals

by ZZ2008
11 replies
Hello All,

I would love some input from some more experienced IMers on what would be some realistic targets would be for a newbie. I am currently promoting clickbank products via a blog site and using SEO as my traffic strategy.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. More specifically what type of revenue targets should I am for? Help :-(
#goals #newbie #realistic
  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    Back to you....

    How much do you want to make in IM in 30 Days, 3 Months, 6 months, 1 year?

    If you browse around on the forum, you'll find people who have done amazing things in only 30 days of INTENSE, MASSIVE ACTION.

    You'll find plenty of threads where people have taken a technique and are making over $300/day in far less than a year.

    They may be promoting products, making adsense sites, or doing CPA, but there is one thing consistent in every successful thread. They chose a method, they learned as they worked, they adjusted their strategies, they were consistent and persistent, and finally they WORKED HARD UNTIL SUCCESS WAS THEIRS!

    So, back to my question, how much do you want to make?
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author nichecloner
    Hey There ZZ2008,

    There are no limits. Everything depends on your focus, drive, determination, and discipline. For example, you could simply create a blog using Blogger or Wordpress and start writing a few articles or reviews on some good product that you are an affiliate of.

    Then, you could put a link in your signature and start responding to posts in forums related to the niche affiliate product. That alone could start earning you $$ every day. And there are a hundred other ideas.

    Just stick with one thing and focus on that until money starts coming in. Dont keep looking for the next best IM tactic. There are millions out there.

    All the best,
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  • Profile picture of the author KatyaSenina
    I believe a 300 dollar per day is easy to make online if you really start taking action and make a lot of minisites. I came to the realization recently that I'm lacking ACTION, so for me to challenge myself I made a plan to make 2100 dollar in 7 days. That's 2100 dollar : 7 days = 300 dollar per day. I'm going to build 5/10 minisites (web 2.0 properties because they rank high in Google) and with no distraction I definitely believe this is possible. Setting clear deadlines and having a plan is the first step to success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lilach
    Hi there

    Setting realistic targets is a good idea and I applaud you for doing this.

    Are you talking in terms of sign ups, leads? commissions etc.? It would help if you clarified what your targets are.

    For example, how much is the product(s) you are promoting? How much commission do you then get?

    How many leads a day are you currently generating? You need to work out how many leads it takes for you to get one sale. This will then help you with your marketing. Where are you getting your leads from?

    Personally I think you need to do more than just rely on your blog and SEO (what SEO are you doing?).

    You also need to work out how much money you want to make (profit, after your expenses).

    Wishing you much luck.

    Want to get more traffic to your website? Download my FREE ebook and start watching your traffic multiply
    If you want excellent results, more business and better visibility check out my blog and steal my free killer tips
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Wood
    Yep - need focus and effort. The more hours you put in the more you will get. There's no such thing as get rich quick and easy (except the lottery ;0) )
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  • Profile picture of the author JonMills
    Originally Posted by ZZ2008 View Post

    Hello All,

    I would love some input from some more experienced IMers on what would be some realistic targets would be for a newbie. I am currently promoting clickbank products via a blog site and using SEO as my traffic strategy.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. More specifically what type of revenue targets should I am for? Help :-(
    There are a lot of factors that come into play as to whether you will make money or not. I've seen many say they cant make money promoting a merchant and then I have made good money with them

    Really work with the owner of the product or service and find out what is working for them and test from there
    Signature Persuasion at it's best! Organize your entire online business - Super affiliates give it the thumbs up!
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve Dailly
      As a newbie myself I think I can relate to this question. I set myself a goal of Reseaching the market, writing my own product, and getting the website up and running. I set myself a 6 week time frame to do this. It actually took me 7 weeks to do this. I felt 6 weeks was a realistic goal, and it only took me slightly longer to achieve.

      The key to it all is taken consistent action whenever you can. Keep your goals in mind, but just make sure you keep working towards them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lincoln Ryan
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    • Profile picture of the author N4PGW
      Originally Posted by Lincoln Ryan View Post

      I'm a believer in the Benjamin Franklin quote "An investment in knowledge pays the most interest". If you develop your skills, you'll never have a problem being able to make money a lot of different ways online.
      I hope Mr. Franklin was right. I have studied this market for about three years, but never got it organized. Now I am coming to the point of action. Saturday I am creating my checklist and setting goals of task accomplishment. Sunday I start working on the business.

      Make your plan, stick to it, do it, rinse and repeat. The money will follow.

      Oh, when you need help, ask the forum.

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  • Profile picture of the author ZZ2008
    Thank you all for your replies. Specifically I would like to find out what a realistic goal would be if I am working off a product that pays a commission of 15 to 20 dollars.

    I am not using any paid stategies. My traffic stategies include social bookmarking, article marketing, link wheels - all pointing to a kep word focused blog with an affiliate offer. With this stategy, what would be a realisitc daily revenue target and would do you think the revenue potential for one of these sites could be.

    Thanks again for all of yoru help so far - The warrioe forum is incredible
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    • Profile picture of the author aboutusnow
      Originally Posted by ZZ2008 View Post

      Thank you all for your replies. Specifically I would like to find out what a realistic goal would be if I am working off a product that pays a commission of 15 to 20 dollars.

      I am not using any paid stategies. My traffic stategies include social bookmarking, article marketing, link wheels - all pointing to a kep word focused blog with an affiliate offer. With this stategy, what would be a realisitc daily revenue target and would do you think the revenue potential for one of these sites could be.

      Thanks again for all of yoru help so far - The warrioe forum is incredible
      It is hard to say specifically because everyone's experience is different. But I have heard it explained to me this way when it comes to ClickBank (don't know if that is what you are using).

      A CB product should convert at least 1 out of 40 visitors to the sales page. Your pres-sell page should cause 3 out of 10 visitors to go to the CB site. So that means if you get 100 visitors, 30 should go to the CB site and perhaps 1 will buy.

      But I can tell you this - I am promoting a CB product that averages over $2 per visit to the CB sales page. The commissions are very high, and it converts about 1 out of 30-40 visitors.
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  • Profile picture of the author ppbiz
    I think maybe you should start with the end in mind- what is it that you are hoping to achieve. get a clear goal defined and then work out the best way to make that happen i.e.

    1. How much money do you want to make per month?
    2. How many sales will it take to reach your goal?
    3. How many visits to your site will it take to make that many sales?
    4. What do you need to generate that kind of traffic (how many articles do you need to submit, how many keywords do you need to rank for, how many videos if video marketing etc.)
    Once you have this worked out you have the basis for an action plan. Give precise deadlines for each task and schedule the work that you are required to do in order to meet each deadline.

    **very important. Most people overlook this but actually make appointments with yourself to complete the work. This will make sure it actually happens. Without doing this you don't have a 'to-do' list you have a 'wishlist' - how often do your wishes usually come true?

    I think it's great they you are planning for success. Good on you!

    I wish you the best,


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