The survival of quality content...
The Economist even published an article about it, I think it was called something like The End of Free Lunch.
Well during that time a friend of mine brought up a really interesting internet business idea to my attention, I really liked the idea and encouraged him to pursue it, but he didn't. So nearly a year later I found that someone is actually starting a company based on the idea, and I'm pretty excited to see if they succeed.
this is the idea: A tipping service that people can create an account on and then add say 5 bucks to it. then the user can "tip" websites they really like. These tips could be minimum. Think tipping 10 cents on an article you really like, not bad right? I would tip 10 cents here and there. 10 cent tip here and there probably owuld generate more money from me than adsense does.
This service could also be offered as a mandatory payment as opposed to a tip. So say the Economist has an article you really want to read, they could easily charge you 25 cents for it, instead of having you sign up for their monthly membership. I don't sign up for a monthly membership just because I want 1 article, but I would dispense a small fee in the cents somewhere.
Webmasters would only have to include some type of "tip jar" on their sites.
So, sounds like a cool idea? I thought so. I don't want this to sound like an ad. and I have nothing to do with this company, but there's a company that is pretty much trying to do what I just described. its called www.Kachingle.com . I hope to see them become successful, it could be useful to a lot of content creators.
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